[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Just as there is no need to link stuff when you can just scroll up.

See? Tried to do that before you.

You did read the one tricks, two tricks and flex part right? If you didnā€™t you just shot yourself in the foot.

We are still talking about the Support players in OWL right? Because If you want I will list all the players again.

So we are in agreement? OWL just have inflated Pick Rates because they are teaming better than the rest of the community and therefore the stats are not an accurate reflection of the wider community.

He has Zenyatta on his profile listed as a Sub-Main, also he can transfer his skill set from Ana to Zenyatta.

Zen will have a better synergy than Ana but at the same time Ana and Mercy worksā€¦ if anything the damage taken debuff works best when there is a Moira on the Team.

Also donā€™t kid yourselfā€¦ Mercy can synergise with any Support heroā€¦ she a main healer, the sub healer just supports her duties as a Support and provide additional buff and features that Mercy lacks.

Right and soā€¦ should all of us on Silver, Gold, Plat and Diamond that make a far larger community base than Master and GM put together, mimic them play for play?

If someone locked in as a Mercy and Tanks and DPS slots are taken, should I play Zenyatta because Zen is viable over all else because OWL dictates we should play Zen Mercy combo.

Donā€™t get too stuck up on OWL, they do not represent the wider community and their playstyle doesnā€™t reflect normal our normal average play style.

You obviously have never played Mercy or havenā€™t played her enoughā€¦ seriously have you ever been in a game where your team ignores you and trickles in or over extend beyond the reach of your support.

Have you seen unhelpful team mates dying in a position that puts you in a literal HEY LOOK AT ME I AM REVIVING! PLEASE SHOOT ME DEAD positionā€¦

The Skill the Mercy is important, because a good Mercy can solo heal without worry. What is concerning is the whether the team allows her to heal.

Example, diving in without your Support, taking damage that far exceeds what Mercy and her sub support and recover.

So anything else you want to point out or are you just going to keep sucking up to the proā€™s?

Can we stay in the facts. You can achieve team kill conditions without killing turrets, teleports, etcā€¦ etcā€¦ Why is it so hard to just admit that 6+1=7? I never said that she shouldnā€™t have rez or she was op I started down this path (and have regretted it since people seem to struggle with number values) because someone said that it is never 7v6 it can only be 6v6ā€¦ And nothing should be given for free. But as far as impact, I dont buy the whole rez is how she makes impact. Simply because she is the most reliable healer in the game. Healing is her impact, but by all means lets continue to ignore that. Her healing consistency is what keeps her meta if people are honest. Rez has been fixed in my eyes you get plenty of time to stop it and it has a 30 sec cd which is fair.

If she loses value in Healing, then there will be no healers that can pump out the required healing for the team to recover from the damage they take.

You may as well remove Mercy from the gameā€¦ He base kit (healing and Damage boosting) is what provides her feed for her ultimate.

If you nerf her healing, there will come a point where pistol shooting will charge her ult quicker and in that case you may as well spend a minute shooting, gain Ult and then heal and boost through valkyrie.

Or run something else that isnā€™t Mercy.

What makes Mercy important is the fact she can provide consistent strong healing. Res was just a add on to her kit that gave her an ultimateā€¦ turning Res into a skill was a mistake in itselfā€¦ It made her arguably stronger because SHE DOESNā€™T NEED TO EARN IT anymore.


It is troll comments like this that makes me want to report people for trolling but you know @Tom Powers and @Jeff Kaplan and Blizzard Staff are so ā€˜Readingā€™ this thread and moderating it.


You literally took everything I said and changed it around to make it seem like Iā€™m wrong, but whatever.

Mercy is the most played healer in Overwatch at every level of play there is no arguing that. Mercy is my most played hero now because she is a must-pick healer, prior to 2.0 Ana was my main, but then they trashbinned her while making Mercy busted. Do you know how annoying it is to hear people to switch off Ana because Mercy is better?

I eventually gave in, I was so Anti-Mercy before I started playing her. The ironic part is I actually enjoy her playstyle, itā€™s just too strong. The way the support meta stands I canā€™t say Ana, Lucio and Moira are bad, they are just inherently worse than the combo of Mercy and Zenyatta. In this meta high healing doesnā€™t matter when headshots are everywhere. Ressurection ignores the inherent problem of a player instantly dying, no other healer can do that.

Also thanks for calling me a bad Mercy player that has no idea what they are talking about.

Actually noā€¦ It isnā€™t adding an additional playerā€¦

The more accurate term would be resetting the playing field.

The main concern we should be focusing on, is why do players ignore Mercy?

There are 3 common scenarioā€™s that can help teams win the game.

  1. Eliminate Mercy to ensure you win the DPS/HPS Game, if the team recovers faster than you can deal damage, eliminate the healer. (Yet we never do thatā€¦ We acknowledge this strategyā€¦ but no one seeā€™s it throughā€¦)
  2. Eliminate people faster than Mercy can heal and res, this is down to the DPS and Tanks to make sure they are constantly killing stuff and out doing Mercyā€™s HPS. (This doesnā€™t happen either because some teams are too focused on the concept of looking cool, pumping up their ult to dish it out for that sweet PoTG clipā€¦ or doing a letā€™s screw about then get all serious in the last 60 seconds)
  3. If Killing Mercy doesā€™t work then focus on killing the team, if that doesnā€™t workā€¦ then you MUST kill Mercyā€¦ She literally keeping the team alive and clearly your team is outmatched for either poor choices of heroes or wrong roles filled by players who shouldnā€™t be playing their roles.

The thing isā€¦ people ignore Mercy, killing her during Res is hugeā€¦ even if she succeeds, as long as she is dead, she cannot heal and arguablyā€¦ Healing and GA is far more dangerous than Res because she can solo sustain the team.

If you get that sweet kill and win a advantage by making it 5v6, as long as Mercy is alive she can reset the field and undo that mistake. The mistake is down on the players who ignore Mercy or do not foresee her resurrection.

It is literally like the old mind games we play during ult exchangesā€¦


Okā€¦ I give up when mercy rezā€™s you need 6 kills to get a team killā€¦ guess 7=6 nowā€¦

No you really didnā€™t elaborate on what you saidā€¦ it was a statement with nothing to back up the statement therefore it cannot be called an argument against my points.

I use to play Ana as well, but the thing isā€¦ opposite to what they did with Mercy, they bumped up her Skill floor to the point where you have to be Ryujehong level to even be significant as her.

Unless you can sleep dart with high precision and shut down ult after ult can keep up the healing on highly evasive Genjiā€™s and Tracersā€¦ you ainā€™t going to be much useā€¦ which I find to be quite sad.

  1. It means Ana as a Primary Healer, is shifted to a Sub Healer
  2. It means that Mercy and Moira would be a better option and a must have in a Dive Comp
  3. Teams do not accommodate for the fact they have a Ana will still insist on Diving despite the strategy not working for what ever reason.

Mercy has arguablyā€¦ been a Must Picked heroā€¦ because she is a living Definition of what a Healer should beā€¦ the problem with her in the past was viabilityā€¦ Mercy was a strong Healer but she didnā€™t provide anything additionalā€¦

She cannot Speed Boost to assist with Dive or solo stall by herself (Lucio)
She cannot improve DPS whilst also Healing at the same Time (Zen Healing and Discord Orb)
She cannot Attack and Support at the same time (Moira who can Orb and and beam/spray at the same time)
She cannot burst heal, disrupt and debuff people nor protect herself that easily (Like Ana who can just sleep dart, nade and burst heal)

Mercy is generic but with Skill she can be awesome especially when said player knows how to GA and manage team healing to the point where they can solo heal because it reflects the skill of the play who plays Mercy and it becomes quite fun.

Mercy has two playstyle, passive (Staying safe and doing what you can without overly endangering yourself) or aggressive (Using GA to go from player from player providing Support to your utmost best whilst risking yourself). Currently Passive is more favoured over Aggressive.

But over allā€¦ these current changes just closes the gap between her Skill Floor and Skill Ceilingā€¦ to the point where she is flat, like there is no room for improvements or improved performance during ultimate usage.

As for Ana, Lucio and Moiraā€¦ they are just victims to meta changes and changing of the time. Blizzard actually cares a lot about pick rates and who is currently in trend and part of the meta and in their Pro Scenes.

Mercy despite being a strong reliable healer, was never actually in any of their Major leagues. She was F-Tierā€¦

Ana is best suited to Death Ball and Tank Metaā€™s where she can just pump dart after dart into the Tankā€™s backs.

Lucio is best used for pushing in quickly as a Dive and then stalling and disrupting the game with boops and support in attacking.

Moira is countered by the fact she canā€™t do anything against Brigitteā€¦ Moira is anti dive that can assist in killsā€¦ she however does very poorly against Tanky teams and teams that donā€™t really push inā€¦ like Moira is a very fast pace hero in my opinion that works best in aggressive Teams.

Didnā€™t really mean any offence, just hard to work out what you are thinking without the comments to follow up your statements.

But honestlyā€¦ no matter how godly Mercy isā€¦ she canā€™t beat a bad teamā€¦ literally I have lost games due to really dumb moves by team mates and tricklingā€¦ there is no amount of healing that can cure stupidity. You can have all the skills and makings of a good Mercy but a poor team will just hinder your performance and team performance.


If it was kill counts, then your statement make sense, you need to make more kills to get a team wipe.

But any good DPS on a Team should be able to rack up kills quickly.

It isnā€™t a matter of it being 7 people, it just means Mercy resets the playing field by correcting, wiping away the advantage and efforts of another player and the opposing team has to redo their efforts whilst ensuring that Mercy dies but we all know they are totally going to ignore Mercy.

Literally her old Mass res had to be earned and gained through healingā€¦ now a daysā€¦ she just has to support and drag out the fight for 30 seconds and pop a res if it is safeā€¦ so she has to die no matter whatā€¦

Before it was save up ults, donā€™t waste it all, bait out the res then hit them hard and cripple them. Now a days it is a Mercy cannot be allowed to live no matter what.


I literally agreed with everything you said there. I understand the gripes of being on a team that just canā€™t win. Itā€™s hard to not get frustrated in that situation. Mercy really is an amazing hero though.

Iā€™m sorry if I came off offensive too. I just want her to be changed in a way where she doesnā€™t feel oppressive against the rest of the supports.

Personally I want Ressurect to get moved back to her Ultimate, but remain solo target. If that happens she needs a new ā€œeā€ cause prior to 2.0, her problem was she had no mid-game value outside of damage boost and healing. 30 seconds is too low of a cooldown for Ressurect, but how much higher of a cooldown can they add before it is basically an Ultimate?

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Trying to make people look like fools wonā€™t give you any more credit here.
Rather, you will look like an fool.


Letā€™s give her res on a meter like robes armor, would be earned, but also takes a little strategy. You could save up a few, or just keep using the ones you earn as soon as you earn them.

Granted it would be a lot harder to earn then torbs ArmoršŸ‘Œ

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Yeah :confused: the problem is that the other support WERE technically strong at some point in their life.

Like Lucio was a good main substitute for Mercy until they nerfed his Heal Rate in favour of Speed Boost, which pushed him into Dive Assist.

Ana was a good substitute for Tank Meta support, but they nerfed her on basis she was too OP as the Proā€™s stated.

Moira was suppose to be a viable alternative but her Healing too limited (itā€™s stronger) but it runs out to quick and a nuisance to recharge. Overall she just good for aggressive Assist and occasional high HPS support

Zen and Brigitte were sub healers so they never really felt like Main supportsā€¦ Lucio is understandably a sub healerā€¦ I mean the only way he is going to be viable again is if he gets a major heal boostā€¦ but doing that will eat away at his speed boost viability, which means he is a definite sub type support.

Moira can do with a healing QoL change to promote more healingā€¦ but then it can quite easily break her.

Ana is too specialisedā€¦ literally the reason I dropped her was she didnā€™t have a place in Dive and it takes too much skill to make good use of her if you didnā€™t put in the practice to be good with her.

It was like miss 80% of my shots and increase the chances of losing.


It survived for almost a month soā€¦ Iā€™m proud of my accomplishments.

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Wouldnā€™t that be a complicated system to add? :thinking:

Yup, each support hero has had their chance to shine. Lucio and Ana both were pretty much must picks at one point of time. Lucio actually was uncontested for most played at the pro level for the longest time.

I still donā€™t find that healthy necessarily either. As much as I love Ana, she was op. The 100% healing bonus off of Biotic Grenade was ridiculous especially when considering D.Va had 400 armor and 200 health with 4 seconds of Defensive Matrix at the time.

Mercy is much more balanced now than she was prior to her nerfs, but she still feels slightly overtuned. Iā€™m not sure necessarily what is the best course of action, but doing nothing seems wrong.

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It would be, but if anyone can do it, itā€™s Bliā€”

Never mind I take that back, lolšŸ˜‚

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Lol. I am curious to see how much different things would be had this been implemented, though.

Oh well :sob:

Game design has unfixable flaw here: Mercy is only dedicated healer, that is devoted to healing. She can either be near useless, or overpowered, but not balanced - for simple reason: every other healer are not dedicated, but healer+DPS/Tank.

Make any other healer better than Mercy, and they become nightmare of balance: great healer, that can also deal/tank damage.