[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Sure. We got the message loud and clear the last 7 Megathreads.

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This has been proved wrong time and time again.


15K woo!! Almost 20K : )))

Genji: “I need healing. I need healing. I need healing. (times 20)”
NEW Drone Healer: “I AM healing you, you twit. Stop pushing that button and actually do some damage.”
Genji: “I need healing.”
NEW Drone Healer: “OKAY, you asked for this!!” Pushes button, drone blows up taking out Genji and anyone (from either team) in a HUGE Explosion for 15 meters. “Anyone else want to spam ‘I need healing’?”


Adds this to hero concept

He he heee, couldn’t help it. Genji (mainly, though others pull it too) spamming “I need healing” constantly while they are at full health on the other side of the map gets old REALLY quick.

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Ahhh, we made it to 15,000, peeps. Let’s make it another 5,000 and get a new thread started! Resurrect needs to be Mercy’s ultimate and Valkyrie needs to go away or become her E. It has been discussed many times that Mercy 2.0 was a sheer failure and Mercy needs another rework ASAP before Mercy is left as an unremovable stain from the game that everybody hates.


Rework! Rework! Rework!


Can’t wait for iteration part IV

Lets start out where the changes begin.

Mercy 1.0

Mercy could rez 5 people with her ult. However she did not have anything protecting her from damage as she did so, causing her to die after she ulted most of the time.

Mercy mains complained that rez was too easily countered because you would fly to their souls and rez them but then die immedietly due to the lack of invulnerability.

She was given invulnerability while rezzing. This was known as mercy 1.5.

Later on, the forums exploded with “nerf mercy” threads. People said that mercys would hide in a corner and wait until her opportunity to rez. She wasn’t a must pick at this point, but she was definitely meta.

Then we got mercy 2.0. A complete rework. Rez on cool down but could only rez one person. Immediate rez, no slow. New ult, Valkyrie. Mercy could free fly, had an extra rez, would chain heal/damage boost and had unlimited amo.

A ton of backlash came from this change. People saying she was too good, people saying she wasnt good enough. People wanting the old mercy back, people loving the new mercy. People were even debating that hide n rez was as wide spead as people made it out to be.

This pushed mercy in to a must pick position. If your team didnt have a mercy you lost. Did get rid of the hide and rez, since she couldn’t rez over 2 people with her ult.

They changed mery again, there was now a slow on her rez and she could no longer gain another rez from ulting. Mercy is arguably still a must pick at this point.

This was mercy 2.5

People are still claiming this rework was a success. People are still wanting mercy 1.5 back. People are still wanting a complete mercy rework.

Fast forward to now, the forums are littered with posts claiming that the REAL problem with her is her base healing and mobility. People also want her damage boost nerfed.

Where will it end? There’s a clear pattern of whats going on with mercy. Why continue?


Original mercy was probably perfect. Same thing with Ana. Blizz got it right initially but they weren’t as sure of themselves as they are now so they gave into the forum’s demands.


Mercy is suppose to get another nerfed again lol…
I just feel like people want things their way or nerf and it’s sad


I agree. The forums have a way of creating tidal waves of posts. As soon as one “nerf mercy” thread comes in, here comes another fifty. I’m sure the devs got overwhelmed.


I think that all of the general disagreement around Mercy is simply because she ‘undoes’ things other players do in a way that they cannot mentally get around.

If a Zenyatta manages to trance in the right moment and save his team from dying to an enemy ultimate, he’s just a good Zen. When Mercy comes and rezzes them after they die, effectively doing the same thing, it’s ‘cheap’ and ‘unfair’. This was a sentiment and still is a sentiment that people have about the ability of resurrection, which at it’s core is the problem.

For some reason players think that once they’ve killed an enemy player that’s it, and there should be no chance of recovering from that. I disagree, but I think that there’s no way to ‘balance’ or ‘fix’ Mercy because ultimately we’ve got too many guys in the game who just can’t handle the fact that what they did was ‘undone’. They tableflip over it every time- and the fact that it’s a female character probably plays into it a little bit, too. That’s why you get so many Rein’s complaining about Brig and how she can counter his charge because she’s ‘just a small girl with a tiny shield’ - it’s got nothing to do with the gameplay or mechanics or abilities, they’re simply mentally upset that this smaller, female character is able to stop their larger manly-man in his tracks and that feels ‘unfair’ to them.


I’m pretty sure that invuln Mercy was Mercy 1.5. Rework Mercy was 2.0, and current Mercy is regarded as 3.0

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Its just the mob mentality and doesnt really mean anything. Half of these people are just jumping on the bandwagon because they see a bunch of other people doing it and the forums are really bad at this.

If you look through most of those threads (especially the “big” ones with 800 blah blah blah replies) its mostly the same 10 people just talking to each other and replying to each other. 800 posts doesnt mean 800, or 700, or 600, or even 300 or 200, I’m gonna go as far as even 100 different people talking. Its typically the same 10 dudes creating a massive echo chamber for each other.

You know how utterly ridiculous these forums and the player base is? The were two seperate threads, by two seperate people earlier today and literally one was RIGHT ON TOP of the other and the subject was something like “New Sombra is amazing” and the one below it was “Sombra is bad…let me tell you why” or something along those lines.

The inconsistency is too much sometimes but I guess that is what happens when you have people playing with such varying degree’s of skill and game sense.


Changed : ) thank you!

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Pharmercy got to go and if that involes killing Mercy i’m all for it she’s the main reason i’m takin a Quality break at least nerf he on console plus we don’t need mercy kill her off and buff Ana ez clap

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I also feel like influencers like streamers and pro players have a lot to do with it. I remember back when mercy 2.0 was still in PTR people were complaining that DPS mains were listening to seagull too much because he kept complaining about mercy on his streams.

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Umm logic and reasoning would like a word if a giant 7 ft rocket prepeled suit of armor is charging someone no matter who shouldn’t be able to stop that that’s like my skinny mini behind trying to stop a rocket prepeled moving Truck by slamming into it even in gameplay she shouldn’t just stop his charge doomfist can even stop his charge without falling over (tbh mccree shouldn’t be able to do it either )