While yes Mercy is currently too powerful and old Mercy was more balanced, it doesn’t mean that mass res didn’t have a host of its own issues. And out of all the mega threads I have yet to see any suggested changes that make old Mercy not go back to hide and res, or make her trash tier, and fix the fact of how unfun it was too play as her or against her.
Mercy is going to need something else, I don’t know if it’s a whole new rework or they get rid of res or what. I don’t think they will get rid of res because it’s so iconic but it might be their only option at this point.
nope, mercy is the only healer that can heal through barriers now, she is the best mobility healer and the only true pocket healer as zen’s healing is way too low. Them adding some sort of beam disconnect feature when someone you healing goes through the shield is probably what’s gonna happen, and then all healers will have the same problem. which is amazing in my opinion.
Was never a problem back in Season 3 when Ana had a 80% pick rate and when Mercy was a throw pick but was still somewhat strong.
Side note:
However, every day we see the same replies and threads being posted. Nothing is going to change as it seems the devs are not listening to either side and they just make their own decisions. At the end of the day we might just be wasting our time.
They never said they are looking at Mercy. The devs stated that she was balanced, and when asked about any nerfs for Mercy they just laughed it off saying that they had none.
How about instead of a revert, its a revert rework? If it takes you 5 or more nerfs to make 1 hero balance after 1 rework and its still a problem, theres something fundamentally wrong with the original rework.
Either Rez gets turned into a meter like how Torb giving armor works or you switch the ult with the E ability. Rez is back to an ultimate, with LoS and 0.8s casting time. Allies behind walls cant be rezzed and it allows a small window for players to prevent and counter it via CC, like how it works for Lucio. Valk is on a 15s cd which allows you to fly for 3-5s. Allows Mercys to manuever around and position themselves better especially to play around with using their ultimate.
Also side note, Mercy wasnt that much of a problem before her rework btw, only problem was the hide and rez and SR exploit, one which could have taken simple measures to fix and another that is already fixed.
To be fair, they did say there wasnt going to be a deathmatch, Symmetra was going to stay on support, retconned D.vas lore, changed their mind on making d.va from a bully tank to a defensive tank then back to a bully tank thats more DPS and they just removed the falloff from Mei which at beta they thought she would be a better Mccree.
Guess what happened to all those things. Opinions change overtime when certain criterias are met. Im not saying that Jeff is wrong and a revert is coming, but opinions change over the course of time. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Also, the dust has settled. Shes still not fine and still needs work to be done on her. Which also btw, if it takes you 5 nerfs to make 1 hero balanced for 1 rework, something is obviously wrong with the rework in the first place.
they said they were trying to implement the deatmatch into the game mode but have not found the way to do it YET.
They said they would LIKE TO TRY keep symmetra in the support slot. Nothing was ever set in stone… Except the mass rez revert. in fact they never reverted anything except ana’s grenade.