[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

i changed the values up a bit

I get what you’re saying, but you can still pocket for lots of Rez. Plus any good Mercy would abuse it by spamming Rez. It’s a pretty good idea, but too abuseable for Rez
Just pocket a tank and Rez anyone who got picked instantly. If you’re pocketing say D.va or Orisa or Zarya, you can do bs Rez by having them babysit you

Eh numbers can change at any moment, Their just an idea numbers are just for context

you could have it have some kind of healing falloff that only 50% of the healing makes it to the meter or something

Well, I’m kinda saying the idea, not the numbers, are too good for Rez. It would need CD but that kinda defeats the purpose of having a meter. It would definitely be great on another hero ability. Example(bad but you get the idea)
Sym can place temp 50 hp shields depending on resorse meter. Stuff like that

eh, If we added some kind of faloff to it i think it would work, but its just an alternate idea of the ability-rez

At some point we should really address the other supports who are underpowered and struggling.

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But first we gotta get rid of the one that is overshadowing them so we can see data more clearly

Ana and moira could compete with mercy with some minor buffs tbh.

mercy really isn’t op

none of the healers are we just lack healer variety and we have aton of underpowered healers who make the balanced healers look far better then they actually are.

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I think the reason that was broken was because valkyrie lasted 20 seconds, if it had been 8-10 seconds i dont think many would complain

Lol you got him there. If you have no proof to show a Mercy hiding for 3 minutes straight at a OW Tournament then it’s not a valid argument to pose.

I can give you an example of me actively using Resurrect during a fight.

So now what? Is the person going to pose that I staged that?

Edit: I just realized I didn’t even Resurrect someone O.o and we still won the fight! LMFAO


And sent to the trash megavoid


Oh wow, another revert Mercy thread, surprising right?
Anyways, the current Mercy is unbalanced, having a single resurrect on a 30 second cooldown is more powerful than one mass resurrect. People want a counter to grav+dragon…well there we go, along with making it so Mercy can’t damage boost dragonstrike, so trans can outheal it. The other supports also need some love because even if these changes went through, they would still be the only ones able to counter the combo.

Mercy wasn’t broken before the rework, with some changes to mitigate hide and rez, she could stop dominating the support roster with zen.


Well I would like to show my support for this. You have about 10-60 minutes of this thread being up so use this time wisely.


Before it gets thrown into the mega-mess that’s the mercy megathread?


Buff the still most over picked support huh?



lmao stop

We are never reverting back to that toxic mess


Mercy main here.

It’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever. Blizzard have made that abundantly and explicitly clear. Put reverting Mercy entirely from your mind.


Which support? Zen or Mercy, because the only buff for Zen here is the indirect one with making it so Mercy can’t damage boost hanzos ult

Sure, revert Mercy to Season 0, with no wallhax on rez, and GA bounce added.

Which means 50 heals per second, down from 60.

And 3 seconds till regen starts.


I don’t like 30 second rez either, but I like it infinitely more than mass rez, which was a dark stain on the history of Overwatch that will hopefully soon be forgotten.