[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

They tried to slow him down when he got his wall buff. The devs heard the outcry of his mains as soon as it hit ptr and removed them.

I’m still not sure why a mobility ability dependent on LoS of someone else and linear mobility should have the same cooldown as one which can be used independently and grants the user immortality during. :woman_shrugging:

I think some people also fail to realize that the cooldown for GA actually only starts after you finish flying, meaning in effect it’s usually around at least 2-2,5 seconds.

Because Mercy is fine and balanced… but in need of nerfz.


That’s kinda the thing that gets to me, usually people will say “X ability was changed and is now OP and should be nerfed”, but with Mercy people are now calling for nerfs for things that have worked since the game was released because they feel she’s strong but can’t really point to the reason why. Why should we tinker with things that obviously work and are balanced? I can understand wanting to change rez (as we’ve said since before the rework it’s difficult to balance as an ability), but her GA should be off limits as it’s been balanced for a very long time and has clear and distinct strengths and weaknesses.

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So… the rework was a “success”, right? xd

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It’s just people switching reason and result. Meta is built around DPS, not tanks or healers. If you have strong DPS, that can’t be replaced, you choose team composition, that works best with that DPS.

But understanding, that Hanzo’s rework wasn’t good, means accepting that devs are making mistakes…


I’m pretty sure they want Tracer to be their mascotte, even if they failed miserably even on that side as every single person i’ve ever met online or offline that plays overwatch hates her to guts, from the voice to the totally absent charisma or just for her personality… Hoping no one gets offended by it but unfortunately that was my experience with Tracer’s popularity

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A man can hope can’t he? :frowning:

Ne we can’t afford that, we need to prepare for war! burn the heretic! purge the unclean! kill the mutant!


Oh this thread, along with the 15 other Mercy megathreads AKA trash bins where feedback is lost in oblivion, aged so poorly.

I think it’s time for a Mercy rework! Here’s my idea!

Made 2 days ago and still not merged?
Are you a wizard?

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Rez doesn’t need to be removed at all and shouldn’t be removed at all because then you KILL Mercy as a character. Let’s remove Genji’s katana or Reinhardt’s shield or Tracer’s blinks or Torbjorn’s turret or Widow’s sniper rifle, let’s see what happens then.

Rez needs to return as her ult again somehow. That’s the only way it won’t be op anymore and that’s the only good way to act now. Valkirie is bad design as an ult and should be either turned into an E ability or reworked or removed entirely. The only thing that messed rez was turning it into an E ability, a terrible mistake that should never have happened.

Removing Mercy’s rez would be like removing
1- Torbjorn’s turret.
2- Reinhardt’s shield.
3- Tracer’s blinks.
4- Shimada’s dragons.
5- Widow’s sniper mode.
6- Mccree’s high noon.
7- Dva’s meca.
8- Zenyatta’s orbs.
9- Ana’s rifle
10- Pharah’s flight.
11- Sombra’s hacks.

Removing rez is a nonsense and a crime against Mercy as a character. Blizz stated that rez will always be part of her kit, so no more “remove rez” bs, please.

Well, you can have that opinion, but tbh I always found being engaging and thinking about how to use my resources way more fun than just hiding for each rez each 30 seconds or with my ult and pocketboosting Hanzo, you know? At least before I had to use my brain if I wanted good results.

However, that being said, she is bad design now. She is straight unbalanceable, contradicts herself and is good in every single meta no matters what they do with her. This rework was a failure from the beginning and it has only brought back to the game the two worst Mercy’s designs ever. She needs a rework back to a good design or at least a better one. Her rez won’t be removed, so the only way to change that is turning it into her ult again.

Then, if it is so powerful, why NO ONE ask you to use it, but EVERYONE calls you to rez the people?

Valk is not really powerful unless you are quite bad. It’s an ez mode, that simple:

You want to heal? Learn to priorizate, you never needed valk for solo healing your team.

You want to boost? Okay, that’s fine, but then remember that your team is one main healer down so better be sure that they have great advantage. Sadly, this means that valk was not necessary for the win.

You want to shoot? Easy point here. If your enemy can see you, you can see it (excepting Junkrat), so you don’t need to fly and of course, you don’t need 20 bullets for one single elimination, if you are so bad at aiming then yeah, you’ll need infinite ammo.

You want to be dynamic? Learn to GA properly and that’s all.

You want to rez? Okay, this point is just stupid.

You want to cheat death? At last we have a good use of valkirie. But that’s all, it’s a selfish use, not an ultimate at all, and very far from rez by a long shot.

Valkirie simply gives you an unengaging amp it up, and it’s straight bad design as got proved during game’s development.

That statement shows that you only played her by pockethealing/boosting or being extremely passive (hiding), never engaging. If you did that, you surely had noticed that Mercy had no time for that playstyle until valkirie came.

Sorry, but this rework is a bunch of bad designs from the past stitched together. Both Q and E’s mechanic were removed before game’s release for good and they should never have returned to the game. This rework has made Mercy quite unbalanceable and there is no sense in losing more time with this crap of rework. This design needs to die for good again and be replaced by something better and healthier for the game, as it happened in the past, when valkirie was replaced by mass rez and then its restrictions (like current rez) got removed too.

Valkirie existed before. Rez with huge cast time and huge slow down existed before. No one has called this rework a revert, so:

Bring back valkirie + E rez again with huge slow down and huge cast time + accidentally changing GA =/= revert


Reverting defense matrix + Micro missiles added + Firing while flying =/= Dva revert

Then explain us why in hell

Bring back mass rez with plenty of changes + new E ability (not rez anymore) + keep the rest of Mercy’s current kit = revert ???

Sorry, but that makes no sense.

Yeah, it was great gameplay if you used your brain, fought for your own survival and your team’s, judged properly the entire situation both of your team and the enemy’s, and saved the day with that rez. If you only know about hiding and rezzing, that’s what she does now. That’s why people are complaining about that. There is no brain nor skill in that. Can you hide? Rez. That’s all.

That’s the reason why people are suggesting to give Mercy a new E ability if she gets her mass rez back. That way, you’d had a perfect excuse for giving more counterplay to that ultimate, because she would need some balance in that situation.

About your last statement, I’m sorry but now Mercy has tons more bugs than before. Just try to rez people who died in the same pixel, that’s crazy. Also, her flame rate is ridiculously low.

It’s funny how the main problem current rez has is that you NEED your teammate to die in a good spot for you because if not, you won’t be able of rezzing him. If you do so, you are sniper bait. However with mass rez, it didn’t matter so much. Of course, if your team was badly splitted, then you lose, but that was your decision, and if you chose to rez them, that was your failure, not like now that you can need a rez but you simply can’t because the character has died in open field.

Yes, putting so much value into how your teammates die is bad design, so current rez is bad design, thanks for noticing that. Mass rez wasn’t bad design, that’s why it replaced valkirie as Mercy’s ult long ago. Old bad designs should have been kept in their graves.

Balanced: pickrate near of 100% again with an unbalanceable rez that is way more powerful than valkirie. Sorry, but nope, she is not really balanced.
Strenghts: Yes, she is extremely easy to play thanks to valk, she can solo heal her team, she can undo stupid mistakes with her current rez each 30 seconds, she has mobility unless she immobilizes herself by using E,… yes, she has a lot of strenghts.
Weakness: She is good in every meta. She has no real weakness.

Nope, that never happened before the rework excepting the dive meta. In fact, she was even a trol pick for seasons 2 and 3.

Well, now she is a mobile support who immobilizes herself and shout “Heroes never die!” while everybody dies indistinctly because her ult save no one from anything. Also, she has two bad designs in her kit that were removed for good before game’s release and replaced by healthier things like original mass rez and later instant mass rez (which was trol pick during 2 seasons)…

Now she must hide and abandon her team for each single rez when before she could refuse to do that with mass rez.

She only needed QoL changes. Never a rework back to her two worst designs. This rework was a mistake from the beginning and it’s doomed since it was made.

Sorry, but no. Rez now is more annoying than ever before, this time not only for the enemy team, but for everyone. Why?
1- The enemy team has to deal with one more enemy, okay, this point is obvious.
2- Mercy must stop doing her job and sneak around searching a place to hide for that rez and she is glued during that rez, being unable of doing anything, so if someone spot her, her death is assured. Even in the case that she is not killed, she can be interrupted quite easily, loosing that ability going on cooldown.
3- Because Mercy is hiding somewhere and rezzing for two seconds, her team is for a while one main healer down. Also, primadonnas are real, and Mercy will be flamed if there are two dead teammates and she chooses one of them.

Finally, no, there are no possible improvements now. Resurrect is unbalanceable and either will be op or will not fit with Mercy as a mobile support. The only way it could work is back as her ult with some changes.

Congratulations, but now I’m going to say something maybe a bit disgusting. You don’t need valkirie for that. I’ll explain. Can Pharah see you? You can see her. Do you need more than 20 bullets for killing her? I doubt so.

Mercy could do that before, she just took more skill.

Tbh I find current rez a chore, exactly the same chore as the old Sym’s shields. That’s not fun at all. Also, Mercy deserved almost all the rezzes she pulled since she had rez in her kit (yes, as an ultimate too). The problem now is that you must hide, when before it wasn’t mandatory. In addition, now you break your own game, when before it was fluid and harmonic.

I’ll tell you a trick somepeople has done in their games. They used the Mercy’s “cute” spray. Usually people got shocked when they see that because as they say “That one is quite difficult to achieve”. Then they tell that they had it when Mercy had mass rez. As you can see, the conversation is not biased. Do you know the results? As that people has posted, what happens is a consensus. EVERYONE starts talking about how much they miss mass rez.

Yes, we all know that forums are a minority, and people playing Ow are a minority and all what you want can be turned into a minority too if you want. However, one thing is undeniable. There are way more complains about Mercy since she was reworked than ever before. Otherwise, explain us why there are like 9 Mercy megathreads since then, when before there wasn’t a single one.

Well, I don’t know why are you complaining about an ult countering an ult when for example you have Genji that could have reflected your high noon against you with the click of a button without any other counter than “just don’t shoot him”. Yes, there are things that hurt in this game. Is that something new? If that was enough of a reason for reworking a character, we would end with all the characters reworked with no ults nor burst abilities at all. We would have all the characters being the same, unable of counter any others and more or less generic. That would be awful, and that’s what has happened with Mercy. She is now a generic main support. Good in all situations but unable of countering anyone, she just can undo stupid mistakes with her single rez.

Nope. Subjectively yes. Objectively, it even lowers Mercy’s skill ceiling to her floor and a good Mercy will almost never have a need of using valkirie because she can do exactly the same things just by mastering her basics. Sorry, but valkirie is an ez mode or an escape button, that’s all. It got removed and replaced by mass rez for good even before game’s release. Mass rez was better and healthier for the game, and this rework should never have happened.

You had to fight for your own survivality while keeping your team alive, constantly judging the situation, taking into consideration the entire picture of the battlefield with both teams and their resources, trying to see the best moment to use your rez, and you had to earn it, so you needed to economise that resource. Also, depending of your decision, you got rewarded or punished.

You just stop doing your job, search a place to hide, press E and that’s all. If someone spots you, you die. If not, you rez that guy. You don’t have to use your brain, nor fight for nothing. You, as a mobile support immobilize yourself for a single rez and stop doing your job for two seconds, letting your team at its fate.

Interesting. Moderator’s activity.

I’m fine with that excepting, mainly, the GA’s change. Adding one more second to its cooldown would lower a lot Mercy’s survivality, and that would make her a trol pick again because she would be too easy to kill.

That statement was made when, months ago?

Mercy never needed valkirie for solo healing her team. Before the rework she could and comps with only Mercy healing where not too uncommon. It only took more skill than now that you can press a button, hide behind a wall or out of range and wait for 15 seconds.

Just an example. I once had to heal two guys I had just rezzed: Rein and Bastion. They were being hit by the enemy Rein and some of the enemies. Okay, I had not valk, but did only one of them died on my watch? No, I just kept them at 50% health while they smashed the entire enemy team. That was my first potg with Mercy and we won that game because I used my skills for not letting anyone to die. Now is so free as pressing one button and taking zero risks.

Well, there is no need of that because if you are good enough you can just learn to prioritize targets. Valkirie is good only if you are quite bad at this matter. That’s why she is now so easy to play and has no skill ceiling almost. Valkirie is an ez mode pro simulator for dummies.

Debatable. Mercy had the highest consistent healing in the game before the rework. By adding her an ez mode for dummies, she is free to master now and very easy to play. All this, next to her unskilled and given E rez makes her good for all situations without any drawback, something that is bad design.

TLDR (at last): More merged threads, some of them not even about Mercy, Sym’s rework seems to be another great fudge,… I don’t know who is in charge of the latest reworks (since Mercy’s one), but give him a cookie please… Omg…


Actually… Pharmercy was always a thing ;p


I’m with you there Somvra.

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Yet another reason why rez on E is bad design… Mercy players are only able to use their E a handful of times per match, because of it’s suffocating usage restrictions. That’s not an E ablity, that’s a wonky ult.

Quick challenge for everyone: if you used Valk every time it came up, how many times would you have used it VS how many times did you use rez that same match?

Mercy always needed mobility to survive, and Pharah provides safest option for her. But with Valkyrie, you can fly away on your own, and hovering next to Pharah at skybox still allows you to heal your team.

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Most of everything you said is just an opinion, nice job.

We all have opinions, a lot of people hate current mercy, a lot of people think she is fine, a lot of people are just tired of hearing about her.

I think there is always room for improvement, giving her res like torbs armor for example would be cool, but she is fine at the moment. Yes she didn’t need a rework, but it happened and blizzards isn’t going back.

At the moment, I’m glad she is viable, but not a must pick. Now we need poor Ana to get some upgrades.

If you really don’t like current Mercy, that’s fine, good for you. I am not a huge fan of the new sym, but I know other people are, doesn’t mean they are wrong.

Well, judging by the GM rank, she is must pick, just few per cent besides Rein. The same goes with all ranks.

I’d say that most of these people who always yelled “Mercy is fine”, are now yelling “Nerf Mercy now!”. Usually that wouldn’t be much a thing, but now YT people are yelling the same thing, the pros are saying the same thing.

We are going now down to the bottom.


Maybe your right, only time will tell.

we will see how things play out.