[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I don’t think that they’ll do anything with mercy until OWL ends , which based their schedule will probably be around this september or october maybe ? its only up to stage 4 week 5 on june 17th, so that way she doesn’t interfere with it . Can’t let her have an impact of course.


Could be, but they invested so much money on the OWL project there will be surely a second run of the event… so i don’t know for sure if they are gonna wait for it


What happened to the thousands of posts from the last megathread? Shouldn’t it be properly merged? :confused: Hiding it (unintentionally or not) is probably a bad idea.

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I’m not quite sure the forum supports the merging of 2 20k-slots threads, so i guess it is more technical than tactical

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It may be but if that’s the case it would probably be a good idea to keep the old one stickied

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They’ve stickied this one and put a link to the old in it, so i guess it should be good… probably?


A lot of people are wondering, “Well if they aren’t listening to this thread why are they keeping it open?”

To allow people to read posts by scrolling, then letting the stutter count the hundreds of posts skipped as read.

That’s right - this thread is being used to farm trust levels. Fun, isn’t it?


Just revert mercy and nerf/tweak mass rez and give her an E ability, all this would be over


Mercy is a mess right now

  • You put in low input you get low output

  • You put in modearte input you get moderate output.

  • Mercy can’t do anything more than moderate.

  • Her ult is useless in a fight where the enemy even uses one ult. But it’s okay if the Enemy doesn’t have any.

  • She doesn’t have the power to swing back fights in her favour, the absolute most she can do is maybe Rez someone but at most it will even the odds.

In spite of all that, she’s balanced.

  • Sure, Rez feels like absolute :poop: but it’s still possible.
  • Sure, You are no longer impactful in the fight whatsoever but you’re still contributing
  • Sure, You may have one of the worst support ults in game, but at least it’s not as useless as Tank Form.

They’re never going to change her back as long as she’s still somewhat viable


100% true



If you want to see the extent of mercy’s impact, simply die first and count how fast the rest of the team will follow. Should be about 10 secs.


If any of your healers die your team will die regardless, Mercy’s not special.


And why should she be? She is THE main healer. What other impact do you want?

That’s like saying “sure, Genji deals good damage, but I don’t feel he has enough impact”.

Edit: you know, nevermind. This is just going to be another mercy circle-jerk. Carry on…


Very true, and to top it off they give us a Mercy megathread (megavoid) which they say they are listening to our feedback but this forum thankfully has proven that they aren’t really reading it (see forum profiles, the read post counters). I’d personally be satisfied for a while if they just got rid of the Mercy megathread and let Mercy discussion occur freely on the forum like for any other hero. I don’t care if she stays like this for some more months, as long as any Mercy discussion stops being put into a dumpster thread. It’s completely disrespectful to treat your Mercy fanbase like this to be honest, not to mention the megathread is a mess too.


The one part about this that I hate is that Blizzard are the ones who broke her so badly in the first place. The rework didn’t need to be such a high priority because at the same time, dive was starting to show up so Tracer + Genji + D.va were seeing a lot more play. All of those characters could easily hunt down a hiding Mercy and take them out on their own without much of an issue but Blizzard still rushed to change her anyway…


“Balanced” is subjective. Mercy is also boring as sin, too easy to play, and the skills in strategy and improvisation needed to play her are no longer there. For a rework that made Mercy ‘fun and engaging’, they sure succeeded with Mercy’s single-use-single-target Rez that slows her to a crawl, and she pretty much HAS to hide to pull it off safely. ._. What a genius rework.


But Genji does have the potential for high impact plays. Mercy is just kinda there the whole time til she dies. She just drags out team fights at this point.


When was the last time you heard somebody complain about Mercy’s rez saying it was unfair to the enemy?

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Tell me that a multi-kill with blade is not impactful
Now, tell me that 60hp/s makes a difference when every source of damage except Winston and Moira outdamages it.

Now do it again without laughing


It does frustrate me. I never played Mercy before all the rework nonsense. Reading the patchnotes, and what Valk was proposed to be got me excited.

Then…the new patchnotes came.

And came.

And came.

And it just proved that Blizz couldn’t deliver their proposal and just did the bare minimum. (Wasn’t like it was the first time they did it in their games…it’s why I don’t play WoW anymore)