[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Jesus christ. This is absolutely ridiculous - Titanium made absolutely valid points, and they put so much time and effort so Mercy could be fun again.

However, the funny thing is that mods have hardly touched other Mercy threads… I wonder if Titanium’s thread got flagged, or if the mods are just bad at their jobs…


I remember someone earlier told Titanium that if they kept posting these threads that they’d get removed or they would get banned for spam

It would make sense b/c they got rid of all the other parts to their thread, but the first one which was locked and merged into here.

A moderator or some random poster? And why would it be spam? It’s not like Titanium makes a Mercy thread every day in General.

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Well that’s probably the case, but why are literally all other Mercy threads being ignored?

(Maybe because they include nerf in the title.)

a random poster said it, it was someone with a hanzo profile pic, or a mccree I think?

Nerf Mercy back into her fun state before the rework — would that work? Nerf Mercy into a rework that makes her fun to play again?

feelsbadman rip that thread

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Maybe it got flagged then? I mean, I hope it’s anything but something that got deleted by a mod because that’s just scummy.

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No I mean like, people want Mercy nerfed a lot, so those threads have been appearing a lot - including one of my own - but have managed to remain standalone threads.

But as for her state - the general consensus is either: she’s picked a lot because other healers suck, or she’s picked a lot for her rez, and the fact that her kit is bad.

So basically, they’re admitting that:

Viability: Mercy is fine in terms of balance, but most other healers suck (what I think) so of course her pickrate will skyrocket. Nerfs won’t change this.

Balance: Basically saying her mobility (aided by bunnyhop) and rez, along with high healing, suck. Which is amusing because she was balanced for 5 months with no kit changes, so it’s literally admitting rework design sucks.

If she got 8 consecutive nerfs and she’s back in a strong state, why would it change now…?

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Wouldn’t be surprised, if they did it to Brawl, wouldn’t be surprised if they did it again.


I’m saying that if “nerf Mercy” needs to be in the title, that’s the only way posts wanting Mercy to be reworked will ever stay alive.

Well Titanium is still around it seems. Anybody knows if you can still “like” a post after getting banned?

Yes, you can. You just can’t post. Or make a thread.

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Oh… I mean, good point - I made a thread where I touched on the idea of just rehauling her again; lots of pro-Mercy, lots of anti-Mercy. It’s still up, and you can still view and respond.

This is so weird. Almost feels like a dictatorship.

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do we make a thread about this?

I tend to avoid most Mercy topics on the forums, due to the insane amount of backlash. It’s funny, they whine about ‘the same 5 Mercy mains’ wanting her back - but I often see the same people complaining about Mercy as much as they can.

However, you can try. Might not go over the crowd well.


has anyone linked titaniums thread anywhere?

cause if so it’ll help