[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

You guys get it.

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I have played Mercy through all of her iterations. There is a comment somewhere up there that says no one has. Simply untrue.

As a Mercy main, she is 100% fine. I’m glad they nerfed her dual Rez ability when Valk was implemented. To bring in two players with full health instantly, is insanely powerful. Which is why I’m also glad they added the cast time. Was it a pain when they first did it? Sure. But it’s about strategy. Don’t just fly in to the Genji who was out of place to begin with, to rez them.

Mercy is in a good place right now. Could she be nerfed a bit more, to make other heroes viable? Sure. Or, they can buff Ana (like they are), and Lucio to make them equal picks depending on the situation. The fact that Sombra can hack Lucio and render him totally useless seems a bit… unnecessary.

Again, Mercy is 100% fine where she is. She doesn’t need her beam degraded/buffed in Valk. If someone is on the verge of death, it’s their job to get out of there. They should also be near the healer if they need them.

Mercy can already dash in and out very quickly with GA when someone needs to be healed while she’s in Valk. I personally love Valk, and find it extremely useful where the length is now. I have time to heal the team, maybe damage boost. Then if a Pharah or Widow is harassing my team, I can put pressure on them to give my team a chance to gather themselves.

TL;DR: I have played Mercy through all her iterations. The changes make you learn new strategies. She is perfect where she is. No buff/nerf needed. I find her extremely fun to play.

Strategies, yeah like begging your team to protect so you can do the only thing that sperates you from the other healers.
Ike floating just out of sight and healing the entire team with healing that can’t eve nsave people from the focus fire from the tanks.

Rez as an E was an awful idea and whoever proposed that ideashould be ashamed theat their idea was even remotely considered.

Or positioning yourself properly so you don’t have to beg for protection?

Her healing isn’t meant to save people instantly. What you’re asking for is basically rez, without them being dead.

If she had that, she would basically have Zens ultimate, alongside Orisa’s, with the click of a button. THAT is unbalanced.

Her healing right now is just enough to get health to the players it matters most to, and who stay grouped up. I don’t get all of these complaints. If you don’t like her, don’t play her. Don’t think she heals fast enough? Try being an Ana with her nade on cooldown, and let’s hear the complaints then. Or play Zen for his ultimate that WILL heal super fast.

If a teammate is getting focused, it’s their job to find cover. Not the healers to heal them through it. I think you don’t understand that the other players have jobs too. Mei getting focused? Ice wall.
Tracer? Recall. Ana? Sleep dart. Genji? Deflect. McCree? Flashbang. Orisa? Shield and Fortify.

Anyone else? Get behind a shield, or find cover. It is not the healers job to heal you through your idiocy.

Mercy is fine how she is. Chronic complainers are the ones that will ultimately make her even worse.

Let’s go through this point by point

  1. Your first point about clever positioning. So hiding, also you’re assuming that the person died where you want them to (aso again it’s a test of your teammates skill not yours)

If her healing can’t save people even in her ult then what the hell is her ult for? We’ve got an ultimate that is literally called Valkyrie and that’s bettter for pushing so what the heck is it for? Pocketing everyone with minor healing and being a less powerful but more reliable (whoever had fun with reliabl) supercharger? Yeah, that’s what I sacrifice the fun in my base kit for, no thanks
3. You make a point about having trasncenance and super charger, if you want to hear what I want I want nerfs to the beams that arne’t hte primary one and buffs to the primary one, make it more like a Quick Fix from TF2 which fits Mercy a helluva lot better then “I will watch over you” as in that’s literally ally ou do, and hope the enemy don’t have any semblance of focus fire.

  1. You talk about playing Ana with bio on cooldown or zen with the ult
    Nah I’ll just play Moira with the coalesance ult that heals people for 140 with half the charge rate as Valkyrie OH or brigitte who can make plays in other ways like shutting down ults and booping people or just being a powerful enforcer style character.
    Better then playing the games eternal sidekick who’s “Skill” comes from learning how to hide to rez people and floating out of sight so you can pocket everyone with the most underwhelming non passive ult in the game.

Mercy does not need nerfs. Instead of nerfing the good heros’ buff the bad heros first.

The problem with your “primary” beam suggestion:

As Mercy, all that means is rapidly switching between all teammates to heal them to full health insanely quick. I can do that in a heartbeat. Oh, that Widow who is away from the party and needs health? GA, heal for half a second, and she’s good too.

So for a fast Mercy, it would basically be like having a Zen ult.

Clever positioning isn’t just for your teammates. It takes great situational awareness of where your teammates are, and use what they are doing as cover.

And if you have a problem with pocketing, don’t do it. I never do. That’s a huge issue with Mercy mains that actually makes you less effective. Especially in your ult. If you’re pocketing while in your ult, you’re not using it right. End of story.

Moira’s ult can barely heal fast enough for me. I’m inexperienced with her though, but I’m much more effective at healing with Mercy.

If you don’t like Mercy, just don’t play her. Simple as that. Leave the slot open for people who do enjoy playing her, and can play her well.

“It’d be a mini transcenandance” and? Why not makei t a mini trannce, trance is a good benchmakr for how a support ult can feel powerful after all and making it so valk dosen’t take away key parts of your skillset for entire fights at a time is a very ideal thing.

Though I feel like your’e just messing with me if you think Moira’s ult dosen’t heal fast enough but Mercy’s does
Newsflash, Moira heals targets over double the amount as Merc. Any monkey can tell it heals faster whe nyou use it to pull the tanks out of firei or make your DPS almost entirely indestructable (in the sense that they almost can’t be hit by one shots due to the animation non sense of coalesance and you’re healing them for more then the DPS potential of both Dive tanks combined.

And what did I even say about pocketing, I said that’s all you do to your entire team, it’s just pocketing. Because it automates your healing giving it to everyone as long as they’re in the vicinity of each other, so you don’t have to prioritize healing unless you have one person who’s supposed to be out of position from the team like widow or torb, big whoop.

Oh don’t worry I don’t touch her, I played 2 rounds of this non sense when it first came out and then I said “screw this I"m not the sidekick” and haven’t touched what used to be my favourite hero since launch.

This is why you aren’t in charge of balancing heroes

Wrong and wrong, in that order.

You can still play the objective while also staying out of her effective range.

Tracer also doesn’t have that high of a skill cap to begin with. Ability management, positioning, and spatial awareness are general akills anyone needs to play their heroes right, Tracer in that regard isn’t anything special aside from her low health. She doesn’t need to aim somce her playstyle requires getting withon punchong distance, where her bullets can’t miss.

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Certainly wouldn’t be seeing any rushed reworks followed by six monthes of cancer and then a dev team throwing up their arms yelling “screw it” and giving up on the hero being fun and balanced at the same time under my watch though

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I like how a lot of the initial responders clearly didn’t read past the title.

What can I say
Clickbait is Clickbait regardless of wht part of the internet you’re on.

I think you’re the only person that has ever said that. I hope this is b8 because it’s pretty strong b8

Then how does one explain the reason behind the Mercy rework?

According to the requirements behind what makes a hero “balanced” and “fine as is” I am still left in the dark as to how a hero who had a below average win rate, was mechanically “balanced” in theory was still given a rework due to “not being fun to play against”?

I’ve been scratching my head on this issue in particular with the new argument against Mercy’s current state as “She’s fine. She doesn’t need to be changed.” Yet… She kind of was “fine” in 1.0 without invulnerability.

So… has the narrative on “balance” changed then with our heroes? Are we to only apply what is “unfun” based on our own agendas and using “statistics” only where it is convenient? I won’t go here and say that reworks aren’t necessary when a new hero is in truly in need of one, but I will say that the rework given to Mercy, that made her a must pick and must win hero for 5 months, was completely unnecessary, and doesn’t make a lot of sense when put up against the “hero is fine, fun is subjective, look at the stats” argument when in hind sight, Mercy 1.0 did just that.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


she wasnt fun to most people after you wipe a team and she presses one button and all your hard work was lost. they are removing that frustration to play against, scattah, hogs hook one shot, d.va rocket+charge one shot, doomfist rocket punch, theres probably more can’t think any now…anyway, Mercy needed to be changed


Except… Now she is unfun and frustrating to play by most people. So we’re back to square one in the “unfun” department. The only difference this time is that she’s no longer unfun to play against, she’s unfun to play with. But let’s remember on the argument that is being thrown around now: fun is subjective. And stats don’t lie.

We can’t have our cake and eat it too, and twist hypocrisy where it suits us. The rework has been a failure. She was mechanically balanced and statistically fine in 1.0, and was changed based on subjectivity, not stats.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Yep, she did need to be changed. I played a ton of Mercy when she had 5 man rez and it was always “Mercy, go hide!” in voice chat. For a team to do all their work to wipe one only to have a Mercy swoop in and undo ALL of that, was b.s.

Her change with the 3 inta-rez’s wasn’t good either. I think she is fine exactly where she is and I still find her to be quite fun. As I said in another thread: Mercy is my go-to healer. I think she is the most fun out of all of them. So yes, fun is subjective.


nobody knows what the heck balanced is in this game, that’s just a buzzword people throw out there. balanced doesn’t exist in this game, that’s just as subjective as fun.


That’s subjective. I never experienced that in my games playing with her. Once again, bringing us back to the first point. She was mechanically and statistically balanced. She was changed due to people whining that she wasn’t fun to play against - Not because of her win /pick rates that people are using now to argue that current mercy “is fine”.

She was always fine in 1.0 by that logic and didn’t need to be changed in my opinion since the numbers (that people now use to argue how fine Mercy is) were just the same or worse than current Mercy. The “fun is subjective” argument wasn’t applied when she was seen as “unfun with her mass rez” but suddenly, the same “fun is subjective” is being applied now. Why?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.