[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

What makes it even more hilarious is people whining about RIP Tire, and now Grav+Dragon. Gee, almost as if Resurrect was there to counter getting completely wiped. :thinking:


Last year it was shown a development video of OW. Mercy had a Valkyrie (simple chained beam) as Ultimate and Res with CD and Slowdown as ability.

Here the link :

My Opinion: they should make Valkyrie affect Resurrection in something way, and all will go fine.

If Earthshatter is so broken, how did it get through internal testing when Overwatch was first being developed, the beta and over a year of the game before being fixed?

Just want to point out that just because it takes them forever to fix something doesn’t mean it isn’t broken. I’m still waiting for Earthshatter to be fixed and we’re on year 2 now…

Wasn’t the original Bastion the most OP thing in the game at first? The devs sure didn’t see that coming. Or hook 1.0. Or Tracer. Or McClick. Or Widow 1.0.

It wasn’t op and it was changed not because it seemed op. Official statement on the change is that it’s not fun to play against and the way people used it is they abandoned their team and let them die which doesn’t really seem to fit mercy as a hero.

The real reason probably is that she wasn’t meta despite being most played hero.

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What about Roadhog’s hook then? Same thing right?

Almost like it was never OP in the first place :wink:

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If your team got wiped by two ultimates, how is it fair that one ultimate could undo it?

It wasn’t removed because it was OP, it was removed because it encouraged counter intuitive gameplay by hiding and encouraging teammates to die together, as well as being inherently flawed game design to provide so much revive power in a game where each team has a small number of members.

I think something could be done to make Mercy’s ult more interesting than Valkyrie, but reverting to mass rez is not a good way to go about it.

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Is that why the original PlayOverwatch demo of Mercy specifically showed her hiding before coming out and Rezzing?

It was only essentially “OP” when Blizzard decided to go full derp and grant her full damage and CC immunity after she has cast the skill, therefore giving absolutely no risk to Mercy using it, and therefore no real counter-play to the skill, an example in counterplay being the simple fact that you could kill her after she had cast it if she was in your LoS all while her ressed teammates would be temporarily unable to help her because of the ressed state.

It wasn’t changed because OP, it was changed because it forced a really bad gameplay on 2CP maps where whoever attacked first, lost every time.

Throughout my entire time playing in the beta, Mercy was my least-favorite character(absolutely maddening) to play against because of her ult. I certainly complained.


I’ve been a flex player since the beta, and I always felt like I’d enjoy Mercy more if she had a different ultimate and more power in her base kit. I liked the healing/damage boost beam and flying around to help all my teammates, but Rez felt like the only part of her kit that made her powerful.

If ultimates didn’t exist, then Lucio, Zenyatta and Ana would have been characters that can do what Mercy does, but better. Mercy would have been little more than ineffectual flanker fodder without Resurrect, and even with Rez she was the lowest-winrate hero in the game for a long time.

Mercy’s Ultimate wasn’t changed until a year+ post-launch. I played nonstop through the majority of the beta.

Overwatch launch was May 24, 2016 and the Valkyrie patch was Sep 19, 2017.

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It wasn’t OP, it was a lot of factors. One being people doing a dumb strat to abuse the SR system to they would climb rating. Essentially they’d wait for their team to die, come out and 5 man rez, every single time just to get as much fire as possible.

Even if people weren’t abusing, which they always were, it was also very frustrating when it worked, you’d wipe a full squad with your ults and have everything get reversed, at no possible way to do anything about it.

And even then she wasn’t OP, it was just annoying and not really fun for anyone. You would essentially get gaurenteed to wipe on some points because it was 5v6, and the enemy felt like they got a good fight in but then here comes a full 5 man rez.

Now that they’ve changed the SR system, old rez might actually be doable without the constant un-fun, but it’s still an anti-fun kind of concept to have a rez you can’t do anything about.

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Want to get your rez off when playing with current Mercy? It turns out you still hide to rez…


Oldest video I could find was:

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l-ytDZWVFI

In it she has resurrect, (at 55 secs in she has a weird spiral ultimate symbol, but that doesn’t look like either of them)

Well, how did Brigitte get through the internal testing without getting adjusted? Strange guidelines, perhaps? I guess more likely is that Blizzard had before Overwatch no FPS experience whatsoever, because this is there first FPS shooter.

Having said that, of course resurrecting a whole team as ultimate was way too powerful, and annoying for the other team as well, when the hide Mercy emerged after five people were dead and resurrected them all.

This kind of playstyle was unfun for the enemy, as well as the Mercy. Most Mercy players hated it after some time greatly, because of all the internal grief it brought them.

You assume their internal testing catches anything. It doesn’t. But they trust that and not the PTR they still have kicking around and ignoring

^^^^ pretty much this were Jeff thoughts the night before he decided to rework mercy.