[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Still a miracle how Hanzo managed to leave Genji in that state though… I mean Bow and Arrow…

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Hanzo mentions, that he used a blade too.

This opens up a possible problem in that a target rezzed at half health in a safe place let’s Mercy heal them back to full for what may as well be free Ult charge. This might encourage people to intentionally get themselves killed just to build one more ult faster.

I am in general very open to other opinions and such. I also read a lot of the stuff from you but i really have to disagree.

Lore wise, Mercy is a very good medic and nanotechnologist/Scientist. All doctors need to know how they can, at least try, to bring some one back to live shortly after they died. The Lore takes place in the futur and Mercy made clearly massive steps forward in that times medicine. It’s more than possible that she specialized herself on reviving others.

Gameplay wise, E res is the only thing which has no real place in OW. Ult res was always something which worked very well with the flow of her and the game as an entirety. E res causes ton’s of frustration for the enemy, many contradictions in her kit and feels very off as well.

I’m surely not with deaf ears. I was thinking about many things since the start of that nonsense “You have to hide with Mercy”. The only stuff i see thrown around most of the time against the players which don’t like Mercy now, is very baised and most of the time not even directed at the real problem players have with her.

You think your the first one which tells us that stuff you said? We debunked and argued about that same stuff many times now. You really said nothing new.
Also, the players in this thread read almost everything. So you’re at a completely wrong address with saying that we don’t read and that we have a closed mind.

Try to convince us and don’t just say something like that. We have so much informations after that much time, we wont just agree with you on that.


Sorry, but no. Half of Mercy’s set is all around resurrect. She has sprays, potgs, poses, real statues and her lore. Without rez there wouldn’t be Genji nor (I could bet) Soldier, and if I’m right and Moira used Mercy’s work for that, there wouldn’t be Reaper neither. Resurrect is too much important for Mercy and Blizz knows it. It won’t be removed because then Mercy wouldn’t be Mercy anymore. She feels not like Mercy now anymore for a lot of people and that’s a huge design issue. They have changed too much her core. Please, stop that nonsense idea. They won’t do that. Rez is Mercy. Valkirie is nothing and will never be a part of her identity. Mercy’s identity is single target healing, mobility (GA) and resurrect.

Once again, Resurrect has nothing to do with necromancy. It is about launching nanobots that heal even the most deadly injuries from her targets. It really saves their lives. That was officialy stated long ago. Also, her suit is filled with nanobots that heals Mercy’s body, keeping her healthy and young forever as long as she wears it, because her cells don’t die. Mercy is a master of nanotechnology and she uses it for everything in her kit. The only thing that doesn’t fit with that tbh it’s valkirie.

The only thing you could discuss about Resurrect, tbh, is if Blizz should change its name because somepeople can’t get a simple metaphore. That’s all, the rest fits perfectly with her character and her lore and set is almost all around it. It will never be removed.

In addition, just a simple question for you. During the Uprising event everybody can use some type of Resurrect, and Soldier already explain that you are using nanobots. Also, your fallen teammate only dies after a long long time, when you lose and you receive a message that X character has died. So, following your logic, it Resurrect is about bringing back a dead teammate to live, why your teammate die after so long not allowing you to rez him, but he already dies when his health bar reachs 0? I would like to see an explanation of this fact. The only one I can see is “Resurrect is not simply about bringing back people from the dead”.

That’s too easy. Blizz said they don’t want to remove rez. Mercy has half of her set around it. If they want to remove rez they will have to remove half of her current kit. That would be a catastrophe. They won’t do that.

Well, considering that I have spent maybe an hour reading all your posts and writing my responses and that you have ignored them all, I think I have the right to feel insulted now.


Your suppositions don’t have any weight compared to facts.
You can suppose whatever you want, will it be true ?
Sometimes it will, sometimes not.

From my own experience, the majority of the games there are no Mercy, or at best 1 Mercy in the entire game, so I suppose a lot of people don’t enjoy playing Mercy.
Who is right ? Who is wrong ? We can’t decide.

First, if an idea is suported by some people who are mostly always the same, is the idea necessarily false ? Actually no.
This is a very common bias.
Answering yes to this question is simply saying that these people aren’t worth listening, and we should ignore them.

Galileo though that the Earth might be spherical, and some people, although they weren’t many, believed him.
Fun fact: the Earth is spherical.

Secondly, I dare you to quote me Blizzard saying they wouldn’t revert back Mercy to her old resurrect, because I haven’t seen any post stating it.

Prove it, if you can.
(Hint: you can’t)

This is not completely wrong, but still wrong.
I agree that people who like the new Mercy aren’t posting.
But we shouldn’t stop here. Before making any conclusion, you must take in consideration every possibility, and you didn’t.

Pickrates only reveals how many people pick her, regardless if they like her or not.
Now we divide the pool of Mercy players in 2 parts: the ones who like her, and the ones who don’t.
People who like her aren’t posting on the forums, as we said before. At best, some are posting to say “I like Mercy because X”.
But what about people who dislike her ?
Some don’t post in the forums because they haven’t heard about the forums, or because they are posting in the forums of other languages, or because they already left the game, ect.
There are many reasons why people don’t post in the forums. We can’t simply conclude “they don’t post so they like her”.

I agree that the bunny-hop added some mobility to her kit, but overall, I won’t say she has more mobility.

Resurrect literally prevents her from moving freely. Every time you go for a rez, you become a statue. That’s not being mobile. That’s in contradiction with the rest of her kit, and that’s not fun at all.

Valkyrie grants free flight, that’s a fact, but in reality, the speed is slightly lower than Pharah’s. And you no longer can use the bunnyhop (or maybe I didn’t find how to do it) since spacebar makes you fly upwards.
Anyway, the best use of Valkyrie is to stay as safe as possible, because it makes Mercy very vulnerable to ultimates like tact visor, deadeye,…
The best way to use Valkyrie as its full potential is to hide behind the corner of a wall, while holding M1. This is not being mobile.
This is not fun.

How many times do we have to say it ?
Resurrect never encouraged Mercy to hide.

People who did, didn’t even understood the purpose of an ultimate.
By its very definition, ultimate means what comes last.
If you don’t understand, let me redirect you to one of my post on this subject:

"Hide and rez" VS playing properly

A good Mercy is supposed to be aware of ennemy positions, and to keep an eye on what is coming or happening.
Valkyrie maybe makes it easier, but that’s all. We don’t want an ultimate which is only an ez mode.

So Valkyrie is cool because battle Mercy is cool. That’s not false, but that’s not what Mercy is supposed to do as a main healer.
Killing snipers never has been Mercy’s job. It is also contradictory with her entire design to give her an ultimate which is good for going battle Mercy.


I love how much valid points you guys exposed that are gonna be 100% ignored by blizzard <3

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I think it’s a bit funny how everyone hates it to be graved and killed now. Think they need to rework Zarya and Hanzo because it’s no fun to play against them and it’s unfair that you can’t do anything against the combo even with Zen.


Hmm, I wonder when Zarya’s ult will be reworked because it’s “unfun” to play against. :>


“Y-yeah. All she had to do was press q… It’s uninterruptible! God, there’s no counterplay. She hid before using it. I used Dragonblade and got Nano Boosted by Ana. Reaper is out of range for his Death Blossom too and we can’t move! Damn. She undid all of our ultimate abilities. Hey Jeff, please take my streamer/pro-player opinion and change the most iconic character you’ve created for all the millions of people who bought your game.”


Deflect and Defense matrix work and a handful of ability to help survive a bit better.

You’d have to guess when she’s going to use it, almost like a certain other character. At least Mercy was easier to kill than a Zarya. Also, just like Mercy, you’d better have not used your ults. If you don’t have Zen/Lucio ult, you’re done.

EDIT: Three Mercy threads outside the feedback thread, we’re gonna hit 10k anytime now lol.


But you can’t stop the effect of it… of both D:
We need to put them on their E ability, that would probably work very well.

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But “fun” was the reason given for the need for the rework. If an enemy DPS’s “fun” can determine that Mercy needed to be reworked, then surely Mercy players’ “fun” can decide that she still needs work.

Unless you’re a hypocritical game developer. :thinking:


The developers deleted that Mercy thread that was posted a few minutes ago with all the well-thought out points.
I wonder why :thinking:

I wrote purposefully dumb statements. They’re satire on the statements made against Mercy 1.0.

Totally, Zarya would be way more useful then XD maybe turn her ultimate into a 6 man super barrier that will buff their damage and her own to 200%

Her new E ability will be like a 30 second Graviton surge spam that traps people for a number of seconds

They seem to delete quite a few threads if it mentions Mercy, silencing or the Megathread. Seems very suspicious and scummy, they probably don’t want to move more threads because the megathreads stacking up looks terrible on their part.


Two things about Mercy’s mobility really bother me:

First off, Guardian Angel has two targeting modes that behave so differently that they’re practically different abilities. If you get used to one of them, swapping to the other demands that you re-learn all your positioning and evasion tactics. Nonetheless, each mode brings unique strengths.

Can’t there be a hybrid mode for “GA prefers beam target on/off”? Once where if you’re looking at a teammate, you fly to them… but if you aren’t, you fly to your beam target by default.

Second: Mercy’s Angelic Decent, aka her passive glide. One would think that having a glide would allow Mercy to commute between platforms on her own, but instead we get results like this:

See how if the glide had gone just a meter or two farther, Mercy would have made it? That’s how Mercy’s glide interacts with nearly all platforms in Overwatch. Making Angelic Decent sink even just a little bit slower would do wonders for Mercy’s independence.

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They’re tired of merging threads now, lmao.