[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

If Mercy is a good option for Fill Healing then my point holds.

If people still pick her because they like her but don’t like how she was changed then they should participate in OP’s suggestion and see if it changes anything if there are so many of them.

Yeah I don’t play her in comp now, I’ve stopped. I’m trying to get others to do the same but the problem is that she’s one of two viable main healers at the moment so it’s pretty difficult.

For the record I think everything about her is fine EXCEPT her ultie, it’s so redundant and untactful. They need to give her something more, original, less redundant that other heroes can do just as well or even better.

Yup, trust me I’m in the same boat about Mercy. I don’t care about her standard kit or her resurrect being clunky. The ultimate is the biggest issue for me. I wouldn’t even mind if some power shift was needed from her standard kit to her ultimate (depending on what had to be done that is). What annoys me the most is how they continue to silence Mercy discussion on the main forum and try to ignore us all.


I think they will get to her though, I do. They have a history of eventually addressing heroes that need to be addressed.

MY problem is the whining from the OWL players who couldn’t stand her rez CD reset and her ULTIE.


In regards to this point, I dropped her for an entire season and I’ve kept off her in all modes unless it is desperately required for us to go Mercy.

Also an underlining fundamental issue with this game. THERE IS NO BETTER HEALER THAN MERCY. The only thing close to replacing her is Moira and she has limited healing.

Mercy is the strongest healer in every sense of the word and thankfully Blizzard left her base kit alone because it is the one thing that made her a popular choice.

Ana died when the meta shifted over to Dive since she couldn’t keep up with her team or shoot through barriers.

Lucio and Zen works on occasions but they don’t have reliable HPS. Therefore Mercy remains as the sole primary choice for Support.

I don’t like her anymore but I have no choice but to play her at times because Teams sucks… DPS fail to make their kills, Tanks aren’t pushing in and as a Moira, I burn up my supply of Healing juice… so its either lose or try and win it with Mercy.

Now here a quick lesson for you… This time last year, Mercy was 3rd in the pick rate only beaten by Ana in 2nd and Reinhardt in 1st. Mercy pick rate and win rate are no different from what it is right now…

The changes were aimed to make Passive more Active the the Aggressive Players became triple to quadruple times better.

Tanks are designed to create the space for the team to push in, you are suppose to be the front line with the DPS acting as damage dealers securing the kills. I’m a flex that goes onto tank and I hate DPS because some of them lock in and just don’t care they can’t kill jack … and then it cost us the lives of the tanks and supports.

Someone hasn’t been paying attention…

This time last year: Mercy 3rd in pick rate with 8~9%
After Rework for the course of 8 months: Pick rate shot up to a peak of 14.5~14.8% before the current changes
After rework with our initial boycott: Pick rate settled to 7%
Current Pick Rates as we choose Mercy to cover up the … up of Tanks and DPS: 9% and Blizzard argues that this means Mercy is ‘Fixed’

There is no other options besides Mercy when it comes to reliable supports in terms of main supports…

Because as Moira do you know what I do very often in the team chat…

Push in, Tanks you need to push in… make the space… DPS make your kills… heals at 50… heals at 25… orbs is gone… Heals now dry… PUSH IN!!! P.U.S.H I.N!!! Fine … it I’ll do it my self, (fades and starts making the elimnations) COME ON!

^That is my Moira…

As Ana… guys don’t get too far ahead I won’t be able to heal you if you dive too far… damn miss… miss again… barrier… body block… come on group up… GROUP UP… (only able to pocket a few)

And then if not playing Mercy, then I will tell them… guys if I was going to heal bot you, I would have selected Mercy. Now do your jobs and push in and make your kills.

And when I do select her I tell them I absolutely hate Mercy and if they asked why I selected her I flat out tell them it is because they locked a role and they suck so don’t let me down and do their jobs.

The can’t deny my base mode level play is strong but Res doesn’t work and Valkyrie does jack all so I make it clear and if they try to argue I let them know why Mercy sucks and then usually people agree.

But ultimately… it is because people fill in as Tanks or DPS and don’t do their jobs properly.


Yeah, true.

That reminds me, I haven’t seen Cascadia around on the forum today. Actually I haven’t seen them since their thread got deleted yesterday, I can only assume they got banned for mentioning Blizzard in the thread title (a thread about Mercy) :frowning:.

So, this pretty much means all you Mercy players/mains (which I admit I am not) have no resolution to the issue. Because I agree with you all that her Ultie is really REALLY redundant and is done better by other heroes I am on your side about this issue, because I actually like Mercy as a hero and want to to be a hero people can think about without sighing with annoyance and resentment.

Because of what Jeff has said here means the ONLY option is to change the reasons why he feels she is fine, her pick rate in competitive and her win rates…

BOYCOTT her. STOP playing her, not because I want you to play something else and stop whining, no. Because I want you to show them how much she sucks through the method in which THEY understand the most. And who knows, you may find you enjoy another hero instead and then it will be easy to avoid her. If there is enough negative stigma on Mercy and enough people avoid her there will HAVE to be a change.

Heck, treat her like Symetra or Torb when you see her in game, LOL.

I believe some of us have already stopped playing her. I personnaly had uninstalled the game a few days after the last nerf.
Now I have reinstalled because I love Overwatch so much, but I promised myself to never play Mercy until I am satisfied with how she is.
I was initially saving my comp points to buy the golden staff, but I didn’t have enough to buy it before the rework, so I chose to buy Ana’s because I am not satisfied with Mercy’s state (and because I started maining Ana).
And that hurts me because I’d like to play the hero I have always enjoyed, flying from teammate to teammate, giving heals and boosts, ect.
But I promised myself. I want to show I am not satisfied at all with this rework.

The problem is that on the forums here we are a minority of the playerbase. I’m pretty sure some Mercy mains don’t like her so much but still play her for various reasons.
Even if tomorrow we say we stop playing Mercy, there will always be people who like Mercy as she is now, or people who play her even if they don’t like her.

#boycottMercy will only lead us to an impasse I think.

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I think the biggest problem with “boycotting” mercy as you guys say is that we would need MASS amounts of players to do so for blizzard to ever take notice. i play on a team from my gaming clan and i play support role. there is no support like a mercy support. i main mercy. i cannot just stop playing her because i dont like her changes because blizard wont care unless a signifigant amount of people stop. i am not willing to crash my team because i have a problem with it UNLESS i see a drastic amount of people being part of the movement. I guess what im saying is, yes im a mercy main who feels like shes been hit a little hard with the nerf train, but im also a mercy main who keeps my team alive on a daily basis.(or atleast do my best to)


I recently completely quit DPS/Pro Watch, along with ALL OTHER BLIZZARD GAMES, due to the treatment of people who play Mercy (myself among them). I still hit this forum, reading every post, an up-voting posts I like, because I still hope that Jeff and the developers will fix Mercy an get their heads back in the game instead of listening to Streamers…

ANYWAY, way back when we were on the 7th Mega-Thread I suggested the same thing, just stop playing Mercy. But the problem is that:

  1. Mercy is 1 of 3 main healers (with the introduction of Moria)
  2. Ana is more broken than Mercy, making her unable to compete really.
  3. Moria is more DPS oriented, like Zenyatta, but does a fair amount of healing.
  4. Mercy is the ONLY Main healer that is viable, due to her Base Kit not being Nerfed, but with the 8 Nerfs to the failed Rework she has no “Hero” Moments anymore. She is dull, but she is viable on every map. Unlike the other Main and Off healers.

Of course, that makes her Pick Rate and Win Rate high, but a rather boring Hero to play. So, even with me and other Mercy players NOT playing Mercy anymore, flex and people who want to win at competitive are gonna choose her even though she IS boring in the Ultimate and suicidal IF she tries to Rez anyone. So they do what the Pro Mercy players do, plays Mercy SELFISHLY so they survive so they can continue healing their teammates.


I think that Mercy’s skill cap has been raised. That’s why it’s not fun anymore: you don’t use the hero in a fun way and you expect it to do things that it doesn’t do anymore.

  1. There is no support ult in the game that absolutely saves your allies: Trans does not, sound barrier does not. They just work that way most of the time. Mercy’s ult used to absolutely save the teammates, in a time window ages wider than what Zen has or Lucio when using ultimate. (burst damage >200 for Zen and EMP for Lucio’s barrier)

Someone named Titanium wrote many suggestions, and I read them all. I actually think those suggestions would raise the skill floor for Mercy a lot higher than it is now as well as the skill cap. I expect average players would complain even more with those changes.

He also argued that team rez was a high skill cap ultimate. Problem is, the difference in actual result between 1000 ultimates done by a bad Mercy vs 1000 (or any big number, really) done by a god tier Mercy was not so much. On average, the skill it took Mercy to turn back a fight was far less than the skill it took her enemies to take down her teammates or even her on 2cp for instance.

  1. Res as an ability no longer requires enemies to counter it with ultimates (unless you’re Tracer and your ultimate is nerfed anyway). Instead, they have to counter it with positioning and good use of abilities/aim. That’s exactly what Mercy has to do if she wants to res (timing and positioning); this skill shouldn’t be used brainlessly as many of you suggest: if you use it, will it be useful? That’s what any hero has to think before using their cooldowns. That’s the cooldown mechanic: it allows for skillful decisions on when and how to use it (Mercys have taken advantage of high ground or Valk a lot now to pull of some in your face rezes) and it also allows enemies to precisely know what you can and cannot use.
    Also, @Titanium: I think the rez skill should not be used every time Mercy thinks she can safely use it: I see countless such examples every day and they are ambushed, as most people expect Mercy to try to rez: there are times when it works against her enemies as a bait, but it’s mere coincidence 90% of the time. The rest of the time, rez does or does not trigger and Mercy is dead. Notwithstanding if the rez was a good idea in a broader sense of the teamfight and only from the safety perspective, judging this safety is already an important skill that most Mercy players now lack. Intentionally using it as bait is higher level, raising the skill ceiling of this skill. Combined with Valk, it also raises the skill ceiling further as Valk allows different positions to use it and timings due to the traits of Valk.

  2. Valk is replacing an ultimate that absolutely saved teammates with something that is not purposed to do that anymore. You may absolutely save 1 guy every 30 seconds, but that power from before is gone. No wonder it feels less fun. To have fun using Valk, you can’t just use it and instantly gain at least the reward of reviving teammates, with high hopes of turning back the fight.

No support can damage boost. She can. Even AOE in the teamfight. Very powerful. Indirect, cause that’s the kind of hero she is. She can also AOE heal, but Zen can’t damage boost, so he has the healing advantage. Her ulti is much longer than Trans too, which is nothing to laugh at.

Mercy is the only dedicated healer so she is also the most reliable. Games are won more often when allies are reliable, rather than saving some fights by a quick Trans or Sound Barrier. Both of these will run out before Valk does, so, if the team is smart, they should avoid fighting the enemy while they have their short bursty support ultimates and re-engage immediately. All the while, they have chain healing. so it’s fine if they take some damage. When they re-engage, they are all damage boosted. The enemies can also try to avoid the fight at this point, but they have to do so without team-wide healing and against damage boosted opponents. Some of them are usually screwed at this point and the teamfight is won. Valk is not skillful, you say? Also, because of the CD, red, as it is a mere skill, is reliable. Your widow could be more aggressive because of it, stalling the enemies. Your junkrat would actually be back in the fight if needed after getting killed while using Rip tire. So many team cooperation plays can be achieved now vs when it was a ulti. Overwatch doesn’t have to be 6v6 fights every x seconds. Variety through such plays that tip the scale in between fights not only wins games but it makes everything more fun. Since Valk is in the game, Mercy can actually turn the tides on unsuspecting fragile DPS. Happens all the time in ladder. Happened in OWL. That shows Mercy skill. You could never do that in mercy v1, where she was always the 100% fail safe if alive for the entire team and only that. If you’re a Mercy player, you know how people used to act toward you expecting to cleanup after them instead of working together with you. There was also “die on point” and “Mercy freaking hide so you can rez us, don’t damage boost me!”. A mercy with a gun was basically called out for throwing, unless snapping for ult charge. Do you really miss all that? With Valk, she can actually support her team with that little gun sometimes, like a mean, flying baby dva.

Btw, just after their ulti, any support is more or less around the same area where they used it. Mercy can instantly fly to any allies in a much safer maner. Just saying.

That’s terrible. What a sham of a hero. I truly believe Mercy is done, now that you’ve enlightened me.

That doesn’t answer what I asked though. What actual numbers/statistics/whatever do you have to assert that there’s a minority?

Because again, people can have complaints about something they participate in. Participation does not imply satisfaction.

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By what measurement?

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People state there’s a minority… that only 5-10 people are talking about this, and no-one else actually cares/is satisfied.

I’ve had plenty of games where people have been upset about the rework, where we’ve discussed alternatives because current Mercy just isn’t fun.

Youtubers and streamers think she’s not too enjoyable. When her Valkyrie nerf was announced, OWL players said the flaw here was her rez on E (Custa and xQc come to mind here…)

SMH my head.


IF they would make ANOTHER dedicated Healer that was even close to what Mercy can do, then her Pick Rate would drop off. But of the Healers you have:

  • Three Off Healers (Lucio, Zenyatta, Brigitte) which do more DPS than Healing.
  • Three MAIN Healers, of those Ana is not good at Dive, and Moria is half DPS half Healer Hybrid, leaving only Mercy as the SOL dedicated Healer and the ONLY one you can use to Solo Heal your team reliably.

Right. When EeveeA, the most prolific Mercy main there is, says that he’d like some changes to make her fun to play again, I think there’s more to it than just “oh it’s just a vocal minority”.

The “vocal minority” argument is always a cop-out argument unless you have actual statistics. And even then, it’s not like a minority can’t be an important demographic.


Retrospective. Do a poll. I said that based on about 900 levels of experience gained only from competitive play, and people have been saying forever: team res is not fun, cause you gain more than any other 1 ultimate in the game for the same or less effort. There were somr bad uses of rez and some excellent ones. Mostly though, if they happened, they were good. If not, “Mercy you does with rez, you’re trash”. By luck or teammate skill of where and when to die, even a bad Mercy could get ultimates similar to a good one that relied less on her team to tell her what to do and more on herself to guide and help the team and rez them when she knew they are about to be screwed.

None, but you seem perfectly happy with personal anecdote and vocal online personalities as long as they agree with you.

We are in the feedback thread, another discussion merged into the graveyard. Between the two we’ve managed to exceed 24k replies over the source of a few months. Nothing has changed.

My personal anectdote is the D.Va army who slammed through 36k replies across multiple capped out threads in a mere month, maybe two at most. This was no small circle of constant replies, this was real supporting numbers. No changes occurred until the dust had settled and even the most vigorous had abandoned the fight. And the next set of changes only alienated her dedicated players further.

I expect a repeat for Mercy, I am watching a war of attrition and Blizzard has been the heavyweight champion so far.