[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I disagree and think the system promoted such behavior and removing it only served to keep a broken system in the game because fixing the system would be significantly more difficult to justify to average players across the board


I like the blush emoticon. Im more in favor of hands emoticon personally :hugs:

N7, I assure you that I saw this happen - many, many times, exactly as I have described it

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Yes another one.

Now the problem is that not only is Mercy as boring as ever, she’s not impactful. The fun part of her is the mobility of bouncing around juggling you healing and damage boost.

However, right now her best use comes in pocketing a hero. Being a side-kick isnt fun particularly when pocketing requires you to gasp hide and stay behind cover to stay connected to your pocket.

Not only that, current Resurrect not only incentivizes hiding, more often than not, it forces you to go out of combat and gasp force a main healer to stop healing so they can bring someone back.

Attempting one in combat would have similar result to using Shadow Step in combat. In my opinion both should be removed and replaced with something else, particularly in Mercy’s case where it eats up so much of her power budget and in fact doesnt accomplish what the rework video said the point of the rework was, which was to make Mercy more engaging and participate in fights. Sure she does that more, but her “core” ability now requires the use of cover in much the same way.

Now when I play competitive, I get Moiras who are DPSing all the time, or Ana’s that can’t aim as the main healers. Lucio’s and Zen’s kinda do too but they arent main healers and their healing kinda just requires them to exist (and Brig HAS to dps to even bring constant healing).

Overall, no Mass Rez should not come back because we all know how even after 3 buffs to it it was bad and the only way to make it useable was to give it outright invulnerability and thus no counterplay. The rework has only made that ability less impactful.

However, just as the people behind the scenes are not going to revert her, they are just as opposed to removing Resurrect altogether. Its iconic, its cute but it doesnt work.

Now, Mercy is perfectly balanced but at what cost? SO much of the playerbase has left starting with a lot of Mercy mains and then eventually the rest due to the incapable Anas or DPS Moira’s.

Yes this was just a rant, but it could lead to some thoughtful discussion.

Either raise Mercy’s skill floor to make room for some buffs (like idk making her healing decrease the farther she is away from someone or if they are offscreen, make it like Moiras’s secondary where its kinda lockon-y) or just remove resurrect altogether which I would prefer the latter.

Come on bruh, not another completely biased agenda-thread.
You’ve stretched it already too far in the third paragraph.

Absolute nonsense.

I want to keep the advanced movement of current Mercy.
If you want to keep getting flamed for simple mistakes with 1.0 Mercy due to the entire game revolving around you, that’s gucci, you’re entitled to your opinion, but I’m not gonna go back to playing Overrez.

Hide and rez existed and so did “die on point.”
It was garbage gameplay. :blush:

We don’t need any more of rez-nonsense.
It’s gone for good, because it was a hopeless case.


So many things here but the first comment summed stuff up well. Just a few things to add, this will not lead to thoughtful discussion, the million past mercy threads didnt, and neither will this, all the ideas have been suggested in the past and people just yell about it and at eachother. Secondly i dont like the “SO much of the playerbase has left…” stuff, you have no numbers to suppot this, and yes while some players have left (that happens with every game over three years) its not always because of incapable anas or dps moiras. I think mercy exists for new players to come in, play something fairly simple so they can grasp the game, then move on to other heroes, in some specific situations her pocket can be quite good, but most of the time other healers will do more, i like where shes at.

That clip still gets me LUL

So, mechanically. What sort of activity should Mercy be doing more?

The only logical solution is to delete mercy and develop heroes that don’t suck.

I feel like we’re a couple weeks out before devs might start considering Mercy buffs, and this one seemed intriguing.



  • Can store multiple charges of Resurrection (up to 5).
  • All charges are used whenever using Resurrection.
  • To begin Resurrection you have the standard stats of 5m range, 75% slow, 1.75sec cast time.
  • If this Resurrection is successful, then for as many teammates as you have stored resurrection charges, they are resurrected as well. (15m range, line-of-sight required).

Why are you buffing her heavily when her stats say she’s fine?
All this does would buff goats


because some people think that feelings outweigh statistics when concerning balancing.

What stats would those be?

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I would call this idea pretty ludicrous, but I said the same thing about nerfing her healing back to 50 and woops.


This is effectively the same thing as the usual revert request, except she gets two ultimates (keeps Valkyrie).

I have to admit, I love the fact that it rewards not rezzing if you don’t have to.

Yeah; The devs. That was the entire reason she was reworked to begin with, despite her stats saying she was fine.

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Stats on overbuff 20