[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I dont get how people think the ult is effective. They immediately think mercy heals 5 people at a time no matter what for 15 seconds.


Valk is very good for when you need extra insurance to win the fight, or when you can see your team is slowly losing you can pop valk and turn the tide in your favour

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They NEVER should have reworked Mercy. But oh well, nothing we can do about it now.


Statistically, it really isn’t that powerful.

But yeah, extra insurance! The ult isn’t worth that much anyways, so I guess I’ll just pop it for fun!


When did I say that AoE healing was exclusive to Mercy?

It’ll only take him 20 seconds of non-stop attacking to kill someone being healed…

It’s sad that posts like this are so heavily liked.

If you think 10 HPS will put Mercy from the best (or easily top 2) support to being useless, then your judgement is more accurate for your sense of rationale.

Wouldn’t be the general forums without the angry Mercy main mob, though. :weary:

The sad thing is that Mercy will still be a must pick but slowly she is becoming less and less fun and less and less engaging to play. Until that revive on a cooldown is reworked or Mercy as a whole is reworked or reverted to her old form she will be a must pick.

We just slowly inch closer towards the “Dreaded 3 support meta”.

All this because of the stupid rework mess that we said was a stupid rework mess about a year ago.

What the heck does it take to make blizzard admit their mistakes and just revert, it is madness at this point.


I never said that Mercy would stop being the top support, she will be the top support as long as she has resurrect on a cooldown.
I was just pointing out how bad Valkyrie is now and how it will be worse.

Winston doesn’t need to kill the person to be useful. Canceling out the healing is enough for his teammates to come in and do their damage.


yeahh!!! let’s make OVERWATCH of DUTY or OVERWATCH: Global Offensive…


A quick reminder that Whole Hog pushes everyone away from its damage, Pulse Bomb does 300 damage, and pros use Dead Eye for nothing but the reload. Enjoy unrestricted flight, btw.

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low appreciation to Support efforts. tht’s the problem

'Cept it’s not bad, and she’s not good just because of rez. It’s definitely a huge factor, but Valk’s strength comes from its duration rather than burst potential. Watching Overwatch League has proven that it’s a completely viable ult.

As you say, he only needs to cancel the healing…as he does currently.

In the end, until they change her rez to be less effective, Valk is appropriately balanced.

OOF, my bad, I forgot everyone plays in pro games.

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That requires these peeps to git gud at Mercy’s entire kit, instead of whining about it every single day on the forums.

So basically, you’re bent on looking for excuses.

Got it.

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Hey hey hold on for just a moment.

So apparently the most powerful healer, with the highest pickrate and winrate across Wood and OWL divisions has had a “trash” ultimate?


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Mercy is so bad with her godlike mobility and only revive in the game on a cooldown.

Why should any heal under any conditions outheal anything other than the most basic, bottom barrel, weak primary DPS sources in the game?

Valk a trash ult? It is one of the best support ults at this moment.


They should keep Valk at 60hps.

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