[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Never they’ll never admit defeat


The amount of disrespect shown by the devs is absolutely appalling. This clearly shows where their priorities are, and who they listen to.

Thanks, but this latest nerf proves otherwise.

Well, this is the final straw to me uninstalling the game. What a shame, I was looking forward to the summer games. I’ll be back if you guys fix her.


Yo, just came here to see the action and find out how everyone is feeling.

I’m guessing it’s about to get messy👌

Anyone need anything, I’m here🤗


Such a shame. It feels like we have been lied to. Literally lied to.

They listen to our feedback?? Absolute BS. And mark my words, this won’t be the last Mercy nerf.

So dissatisfied with the way Blizz is handling this. :rage:


This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Blizzard: Mercy is finally balanced.
Also Blizzard: We have buffed every healer and reduced Mercy’s healing by almost 20%

I give up. Ya’ll completely ruined mercy months ago, and somehow, you release a new patch that not only is a MAJOR nerf, but it also buffs every other support player thereby compounding the negative impact to Mercy.

Yes, almost 20% reduction in healing is a pretty major nerf when the only thing she does is heal.

Could we have tried buffing all the other healers WITHOUT nerfing Mercy even further maybe?

Her utlimate ability is useless thanks to the last great Mercy nerf.

Math: Mercy Math - Absolute Proof valk is Weak

More Math: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018 - #3529 by Direwolf20-1179

Now you’re killing her abilities OUTSIDE of Valk?

You realize that every other healer has the ability do do damage while healing except Mercy right? Mercy’s the only one who has to choose, damage or heal?


Nerfing Mercy is sacrosanct, it has to be done.

Doesn’t matter if the nerf actually changes anything, we just have to give her a nerf every patch. :rofl:


I’ll just use her as a mini Mcree with mobility.


Oh damn i accidentally liked this comment. Thankfully i took it back

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Don’t forget that this upcoming pathetic nerf also weakens Valkyrie even more, best not group up with a Winston around.


I hope you got what you asked for, just like any other crybaby on this forum not knowing what’s actually wrong with her.

Damage boost or Battle Mercy ^.^

Do tell me whats actually wrong with mercy then. I want to hear your opinion.

If you take the average healing of all healers, and reduce Mercy’s by 17%, it comes out to ~9950.
If the other averages stayed the same, Moira would be on top by about 200, maybe more with the new changes.

If you really can’t figure THAT out… :roll_eyes:

Balanced lol, being the most picked and played while also requiring 0 skill, it’s ok?
Again this mercy players complained even with the first nerfs, she’s still op and you guys complained about that changes 5 months ago.

Mercy, mercy mercy this forum it’s filled of this players, on 2 month we will have like 60303 post complaining about balancing that hero.

I won’t say anything more, bye forums start complaining about the most op and unskilled hero of the game, even at the 1% high of players a player with aim can’t heal more than a mercy, we have no skill on this game

It has been said so many times it’s unbelievable people still ask what’s wrong, go look up for info in the megathread. There are around 150k messages you can sift through if you are curious.

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What’s the problem? Mercy has been meta for a year and busted for 10 months after the rework.

Words from my favorite Blizzard character Tychus Findlay: “HELL, IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME.”


Brigitte got nerfed. /thread

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We heard the “She is balanced now” comments like 5 nerfs ago,but the Mercy is OP threads never gonna stop anyway.