[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

That’s why I’m annoyed. I never said the word “nerf”. I said the word change

I’m muting this thread.

Lol no hard feelings but Wild is a regular poster, even myself who have taken a break from the thread, had read your comments and gotten confused.

We’re just a bit over sensitive when it comes to Mercy lol. We want her fix lol, not broken even further.

Can’t we bring back mass ress now given that, Hammond’s ultimate completely counters it therefore, eliminating the issue of, “No coUNtErs To mAsS reS”.


OWL players play the best heroes. The “OG Mercy Mains” can’t play anything else, and aren’t even close to as good as OWL players.

That data is post-Mercy 2.0. None of those players even played very much Mercy (if at all) up until the rework.

Go look up any of those players’ time played on https://www.winstonslab.com/ before OWL. They all played Lucio.

And? I also want Widowmaker nerfed.

At least Widowmaker is map-dependent to an extent. She is only OP where she is actually ran (which explains her single-team winrate, if you don’t run Widowmaker on a Widowmaker map, you’re going to lose). Mercy doesn’t have that. She is just broken.

widowmaker is fine wdym

No she isn’t. She is an uncounterable hero that turns Overwatch into a widow duel simulator.

Overwatch is a 6v6 game. The winner shouldn’t be decided in a series of 1v1s between 2 players.

Also since this isn’t a place for Widow discussion, I might as well plug this instead: No, Widowmaker isn't balanced

Genji, D’va, Reaper, Winston, Reinhardt, Sombra, Lucio, Wrecking Ball, Briggite and Tracer counter her really well.

Oh yeah that is why she had a higher pickrate than Genji himself during the Dive meta.

That really doesn’t mean anything. D’va could have a higher pickrate than Zarya in this meta. Doesn’t mean she’s no longer countered by Zarya.

Actually if that was true that would be exactly what it means.

If D.Va is picked more than Zarya, Zarya is not an effective counter to D.Va

No, if they were good they can make any heroes good, they wouldn’t be specific mains or contracted players. The top x players of x heroes would have been selected… not popular streamers or popular e-sports players.

Hence why they are 1% of the 1% they were hand picked and therefore it is not an accurate representation of the ENTIRE playerbase.

And you forgot the point… Nobody played Mercy, because none of the Pro’s were Mercy main.

If they were going to Hire and contract a player or even recruit someone to play in the major league (World Cup 2016 and 2017, prior to the OWL release) they would have hired players like EeveeA.

Heck… even Muselk was captain of the Australian team… they could have threw the meme team into the World Cup… I mean Oasis is a pretty decent Mercy, she played in some regional tournaments.

I mean the only time Mercy was significant was when Ryujehong and other players, played Mercy as part of Phamercy to do it for s… and giggles. Mercy was considered insignificant despite being so ‘Strong’ with a Mass Res ability.



Made it bold and caps in case you couldn’t read and just skipped my comment to literally repeat the stuff i’ve said.

But welcome to the party, you are ten months too late, I’ve said the stuff you said over the last 10 months and a month or two ago, we even argue the legitimacy of OWL.

Ultimately OWL is not an accurate representation of the wider community and therefore their statistics cannot reflect 99.99% of us that aren’t in the Top 500 or OWL


Zarya is a counter to D.Va but Defense Matrix kept eating her ult…

funny fact… 14 months ago, D.Va was barely touching the top ten and just competed with Genji for 10th place across the ALL TIER’s/ENTIRE community prick rate.

Then came the D.Va Mercy changes, Mercy dominated 1st place and D.Va dominated 2nd place until Moira’s release.

But thanks to Brigitte and Moira… D.Va has finally lost her second place position. Zarya is more picked than D.Va right now because she, along with Moira and Brigitte can counter her.

However, nerfing Widowmaker will just make her a hated pick, right now she in an okay position if she can land her shots. Right now she semi viable in optional situations

As mentioned before and as shown by Blizzard… viewing monthly data range on Overbuff, you can actually get a good idea of what the pickrates are like for each season/month… and they are roughly accurate to what Blizzard can see…

So across All Tiers/Entire Community.
1st Reinhardt (He has reclaimed his position over a year later)
2nd Mercy (Arguably the strongest base mode healer in the game)
3rd Zarya (Understandable since she synergises with Hanzo and with Brigitte and Moira, can counter D.Va)
4th Moira (Sub for Mercy, aggressive Offensive Support and D.Va counter)
5th Zenyatta (Sub Healer that can boost Damage dealt, always a good sub support)
6th Hanzo (Storm Arrow… enough said, also he was never in the top 10 since release until changes)
7th D.Va (dominated 2nd place for nearly a year, similar to Rein, Ana and Mercy. Blizzard have to find a way to directly or indirectly phase her out)
8th Ana (She dropped by about 4 places since I last saw her…)
9th Brigitte (CC Stuns and Melee abuse… we all find her annoying!)
10th Genji (Genji wannabe’s will play him whether or not they are good with him)

That poster was pretty adamant that the devs were changing MERCY because the devs think she’s too powerful. But they aren’t nerfing/tweaking/changing (whatever word that poster chooses to use) her. They are nerfing Hanzo. And that nerf is indirectly affecting THREE characters. Is Mercy part of the reason for the Hanzo nerf? Probably. But they aren’t directly making changes to Mercy’s kit. They aren’t. We have no idea how they feel about Mercy’s kit at this point. I mean, her pickrate and win rate are fine. That means she’s fine, right? Right?

Not to mention the poster was purposely ignoring huge chunks of my posts, and responding for reasons beyond me because they apparently had no desire to discuss anything.

When will people realize that balancing around the OWL is literally balancing around the top 1 percent?

The rulebook for rugby isn’t balanced around the top 3 teams in the world. NHL doesn’t revolve around who made playoffs.

That’s not how things work. You make decisions that will benefit almost everyone.


OG Mercy Mains aren’t good at other heroes. None of them can play Lucio at an OWL level, and that is assuming they can even play Mercy well enough.

Because Mercy was a bad hero.

Uhh no, EeveeA could never have preformed at the highest level, and the inflexibility of a Mercy one-trick is not at all a viable option.

The World Cup in 2016 was based on fan voting. There is a reason South Korea didn’t even drop a map. That tournament was a joke and proves literally nothing.

Uhh no she wasn’t strong. She was a garbage hero. The only time she was viable was with Pharah on koth.

Lmao Mass Resurrect Mercy was literally a trash can hero. You have no idea how the meta worked back then, because you obviously don’t know much about the pro scene from before OWL.

It isn’t helping you that all you’ve mentioned are basically two show tournaments (especially the first World Cup).

Actually, OWL is a perfect representation of an unbiased, optimal meta. All of your assumptions are based on the idea that Mercy 1.0 was good. She wasn’t. She was a D-Tier hero.

Wow, people in silver didn’t know how to play D.Va when they took away her braindead armor and the entire forum blew up over it?

Man that is just so unexpected.

D.Va was by far the #1 Off-Tank with 4s DM.

Yes, because they were broken.

This is very likely to change the second GMs watch the OWL playoffs and remember how to abuse high ground. There is a reason Zarya wasn’t played for so long.

She isn’t “semi-viable”, she is literally the only important hero in a game at the top level.

SBB said it himself, top level play is just decided by Widowmaker 1v1s.

Same here. I’m sure almost all of us would prefer her fun, but a trollpick. At least that way we can excel in our own way again.
I’m absolutely finished with Blizzard deciding they want to nerf one specific character over and over, midseason, and expect her players to just magically adjust without time to adjust. I mean, we did, sort of… but that’s not the point.
I’d take the old 1.0 Rez that forced you to stand still-
The old 3s regen that made her difficult to play-
The old 50 HPS that would invalidate her compared to Ana-
The beams that weren’t changed because of some League-
…Maybe not the voice actor, I kind of like this actor more.
I’d take THAT Mercy over this one. Maybe with some damage reduction on Rez and the Regen at 1.5-2 seconds instead of 3, but still that Mercy. Had counterplay in the sense that she had to stand absolutely statue-still, made an extremely loud noise, and shouted a phrase to the enemy, along with the bad regen.

I know that using those tools, even in their trash state, I can excel without having to wait 3/4s of the match to even get close to being on fire because of an incorrectly tuned system, and let’s not talk about receiving a compliment from my teammates.
If she needs buffs from there, go ahead. But not the same buffs that led to this must pick mess we have before us.

“OG Mercy Mains?” Is that supposed to be anyone in general who’s mained her since launch or so, OWL or not?
Cause I have, and I can play all the supports and tanks up to Master standards. I don’t like playing DPS, but when I have, I’ve done fairly well according to my teammates.
Does that sound like an “OG Mercy Main” you’ve seen in OWL, or are they not good at other heroes? No skill on Lucio and a shoddy Mercy?
I, and everyone else here, may not be OWL level, but to be fair, they represent under 1% of the Overwatch playerbase. We don’t have the be the BEST to be good at the game. And if one of those “OG Mercy Mains” got to OWL level, then they sure as hell deserve it, even with the Mercy we have now, cause it takes a lot to get there than just holding M1. The implication that we’re braindead is “appreciated.”

And trying to devalue EeveeA’s skill is funny. If she got to and maintained GM during that storm of nerfs in the middle of seasons, then she could’ve got to OWL. Who are you to decide who can and can’t play at x level?

By the way… if “Mass Resurrect Mercy was literally a trash can hero,” why’d she get reworked in the first place? Obviously there was something wrong with her beyond the normal game and into the pro scene (besides the SR exploit,) especially because a lot of things are balanced around League and its players these days, but…
I guess that slipped your mind. :confused:

Also, Widow takes a ridiculous amount of skill to consistently get reward out of, so… it’s pretty obvious why she would dominate the higher levels. Everyone up there has amazing aim, so of course they’re going to play someone who gives reward for said amazing aim. Introduce a clear counter to her besides dive/shields, and maybe then she won’t be as “OP” as you say.

But I don’t really care about Widowmaker cause she’s been fine. I doubt many of the people here care either, so if you’re going to just sit here and throw shade at Mercy mains- no matter what rank- while going on and on about Widowmaker being OP in a Mercy thread, I think you’re going to find yourself very unliked, very quickly.

Do and say what you want though, not my fault you came in here and started some kind of debate about how Mercy’s broken- which is a very old and finished argument in here, considering most of us all knew she was broken from the start- and her mains who got to OWL have no skill on anyone else and possibly her. :woman_shrugging: Whatever happens, happens.


Because no, EeveeA has never played at an OWL level. If EeveeA ever tried to get onto and OWL team, I can guarantee the answer would be “no”.

Regardless of whether EeveeA’s Mercy is even skilled enough for OWL (I would personally say it isn’t simply because Eevee has literally 0 professional experience) EeveeA is not flexible enough to play in OWL. One-tricks are generally not sought after.

Because the Devs didn’t want Mercy actively avoiding healing her team so she could get a big Resurrect. It is in the dev update.

And? Widowmaker hasn’t always been OP. She doesn’t have to be OP now either.

Well considering I didn’t start this at all, (my post got moved and then someone replied to it in here) I don’t know what your point is.

You say that, but for a period of time it was a good thing to have a Mercy main/one-trick on your team. It was called the Mercy meta. We remember that, don’t we? :wink:

I deliberately didn’t mention Hide-n-Rez because that’s an absolutely stupid reason. A minority of hiders caused the entirety of Mercy players to be affected, although it would’ve been as simple as adding a cast and some very strict LoS checks. But I’m reallllllly not willing to get the Hide-n-Rez debate started. No thank you.

Her kit has mostly stayed the same since launch. All she’s gotten are some tweaks to her gun, slightly reduced grapple cooldown, and the buff to mine which granted x-ray upon detonation.
Unless you want ANOTHER ult turned into an ability and vice versa, because they “tried all options and this was the only one that worked,” she’s most likely going to stay the same. They don’t revert changes, and the grapple cooldown buff falls under that.
If they did revert Widowmaker, then there would be a lot more pressure to finally have them listen to all of the people calling for a Mercy revert, and that would be a fiasco. Along with the Widow players getting aggravated because that hook is her only mobility, and having it on a 12s cooldown again won’t change much besides the fact that she’ll be dived easily. But with that, you’re also forgetting that the healers most likely won’t ignore a member of their team being attacked, especially Brigitte with her instant 150 health or 75 armor, so… yeah.
She hasn’t been OP since her base damage was 15, but we all have different definitions of OP, don’t we?

Your post got moved into here… and your post was replied to… It sounds like you started this.
Granted, it was five days ago or so, but did you have to continue it? Did you have to start talking about how “OG Mercy Mains” can’t play anyone else at their rank’s required skill level, and all this nonsense about “Widow is OP?”
Did you even have to reply at all? You do have your own thread open about it. Hell, you even posted the link to it here.
I don’t know what the point in continuing this debate here is, but I guess the same can apply for me, if you think about it. :eyes: