[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Was that so hard?

Couldn’t you have just stated;

“If you’re not enjoying Mercy then maybe try Moira.”

Could deal without that “minimal aiming” jab…that might be welcomed Thanks.


Being that your first contribution to this thread was an ad hominem remark, I find this gloriously ironic.

Someone didn’t read the thread…


Valks duration is long enough to use it whenever you want it is more like an overpimped e-ability than an ultimate. It is pretty much an easy mode of her base kit and thats it.

They could have nerfed mass-rez by raising ult charge, line of sight or a casttime. All these things would be little tweaks and had probably caused less damage than her rework.
She was a must-pick for way to long and is still super strong for every setup. Rez is her strongest ability and not her ult but an ability you get every 30 seconds. If you have the game of your life or stand in a corner doesnt matter you get the rez which is one of the strongest ability in the game.
Maybe you are fine with how Mercy is right now but many arent and we will voice our concerns regarding that.


I’m f**king sick and tired of people say that mercy was unfun to play against and that was why they reworked her, but the second someone says that they think its unfun to play mercy all you get is a bunch of people telling you to shut up and that it is balanced.


Everything you’ve said here had been addressed and debunked in the post.

Let’s fact check this using some of my very-old threads:
June 28th, 2017. Thread URL: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20757356425

"To factor in eliminations with ultimates, I will subtract 200 damage in charge per kill. All data is pulled from Overbuff, specifically the Competitive statistics. CR = conversion ratio.

520 damage = 520 charge.
11905 healing = 9524 charge (4/5 CR).
593 damage amplified = 2569.67 damage done by boosted target = 1927.25 charge (3/4 CR).
3000 passive gain.
Total charge: 14971.25.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.21 ultimates in 10 minutes.

16085 damage = 16085 charge.
1972 healing = 1972 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-1092 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 19965.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.62 ultimates in 10 minutes.

13545 damage = 13545 charge.
3000 passive gain.
_-1304 charge from ult kills. _
Total charge: 15241.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 10.16 ultimates in 10 minutes.

13135 damage = 13135 charge.
_3000 passive gain. _
-804 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 15331.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 13.63 ultimates in 10 minutes.

16523 damage = 16523 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-1140 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 18383.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.94 ultimates in 10 minutes.

9887 damage = 9887 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-604 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 12283
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 8.93 ultimates in 10 minutes.

12140 damage = 12140 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-1098 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 14042.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 7.49 ultimates in 10 minutes.

14842 damage = 14842 charge.
3823 healing = 3823 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-798 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 20867.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 10.43 ultimates in 10 minutes.

For !@#$s and giggles, let’s calculate the charge rate of the other support ultimates.

9621 damage = 9621 charge.
7350 healing - 2172.73 Transcendence healing = 5177.27 non-ult healing = 6834.00 charge (33/25 CR).
3000 passive gain.
Total charge: 19455.00.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.38 ultimates in 10 minutes.

7026 damage = 7026 charge.
10322 healing = 13074.43 charge (19/15 CR).
3000 passive charge.
Total charge: 23100.53.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 8.80 ultimates in 10 minutes.

3668 damage = 3668 charge.
8791 healing = 8791 charge (I am assuming the CR is 1/1, as it is not otherwise specified).
3000 passive charge.
Total charge: 15459.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.37 ultimates in 10 minutes."

August 12th, 2017. Thread URL: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20758647473

"All data is pulled from Overbuff, specifically the Competitive statistics. To factor in eliminations with ultimates, I will subtract 200 damage in charge per kill. Everything is measured in average/10 minutes, any damage factored in is hero damage, and CR = conversion ratio.

521 damage = 521 charge.
11912 healing = 9529.6 charge (4/5 CR).
542 damage amplified = 2348.67 damage done by boosted target = 1761.50 charge (3/4 CR).
3000 passive gain.
Total charge: 14812.1.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.12 ultimates in 10 minutes.

15804 damage = 15804 charge.
2018 healing = 2018 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-1094 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 19728.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.51 ultimates in 10 minutes.

13316 damage = 13316 charge.
3000 passive gain.
_-1290 charge from ult kills. _
Total charge: 15026.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 10.02 ultimates in 10 minutes.

12875 damage = 12875 charge.
_3000 passive gain. _
-756 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 15119.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 13.44 ultimates in 10 minutes.

16241 damage = 16241 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-1106 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 18135.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.80 ultimates in 10 minutes.

9915 damage = 9915 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-598 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 12317
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 8.96 ultimates in 10 minutes.

11973 damage = 11973 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-1082 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 13891.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 7.41 ultimates in 10 minutes.

14041 damage = 14041 charge.
3942 healing = 3942 charge.
3000 passive gain.
-780 charge from ult kills.
Total charge: 20203.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 10.10 ultimates in 10 minutes.

For [redacted]s and giggles, let’s calculate the charge rate of the other healer ultimates.

9379 damage = 9379 charge.
7390 healing - 2158.60 Transcendence healing = 5231.40 non-ult healing = 6905.45 charge (33/25 CR).
3000 passive gain.
Total charge: 19284.45.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.29 ultimates in 10 minutes.

6988 damage = 6988 charge.
10519 healing = 13324.07 charge (19/15 CR).
3000 passive charge.
Total charge: 23312.07.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 8.88 ultimates in 10 minutes.

3629 damage = 3629 charge.
8789 healing = 8789 charge (I am assuming the CR is 1/1, as it is not otherwise specified).
3000 passive charge.
Total charge: 15418.
Ignoring usage delay, that’s 9.34 ultimates in 10 minutes."

In actuality, many team-wiping ultimates charged faster than Resurrect. Not only that, but the only healer at the time with an ultimate that had a slower charge rate than Resurrect was Lucio.


Too late :frowning:

Usually I’m against TLDRs, but in this case I think you really, really need one.

That, and I disagree with your thoughts on Resurrect. 1.x mercy’s rez was too powerful. And not only that it encouraged a first order optimal gameplay that not only went against the core game loop, but also subverted mercy’s core game loop as a hero (where you flit around the battlefield as an angel of mercy, a.k.a. a guardian angel.)

…yes, I’m talking about Hide & Seek.

It’s unfortunate that Mercy 1.x didn’t work out, but it’s all because she didn’t actually have to make a choice about weather or not to rez, but rather solely about “how many people do I want to rez?”

“Please die in a pile!”

I’m sure you’ve heard a mercy say that.

Guardian Angel is why Rez 1.0 didn’t work out. If she didn’t have that level of mobility, things would have been fine. IMO, they could totally reintroduce Mercy 1.0’s Rez onto a new hero as long as that hero isn’t highly mobile. As long as the hero in question was based around anchoring their team as they all died around them, then an AoE rez ult makes perfect sense and is easily balanced.

I honestly think that Mercy won’t be balance-able/fixable until after rez gets some mechanical competition simply because the need for teams to have access to a rez mechanic is simply going to overshadow any problems her kit might otherwise have.

I agree tbh, I hope they remove rez entirely someday, or perhaps make it more of a skillshot ability somehow, although I don’t know in what direction they would go with that.

Rez is like an anchor dragging Mercy down, forcing the Devs to keep other parts of her kit (like her ult) weak to compensate.

Removing rez entirely would be so freeing for Mercy, they could easily buff/change Valkyrie to be more directly impactful/gamechanging (Shortening the time/vastly increasing the healing during valk, making the main beam stronger, etc.) and also give her a new fluid and skillful E ability.

I do have some hope that they will remove rez in the future, after hearing Jeff say:

"We want the top two things you notice about Mercy to be, “Oh my God, she’s an amazing throughput healer,” and “Wow, look at that mobility, she’s just flowing back and forth through the map.” And we don’t want her to be the resurrect bot that’s just erasing kills.

I think it would be unfortunate if we got to that place, where we just gave up on the ability. I do think it’s really cool."

Implying that he would be sad to remove it, but possibly would?

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I haven’t in fact I’ve heard my teammates tell me to go hide whenever I got rez


Got one. You just need to scroll down a bit. :wink:

Which is why Mercy’s pickrate fell off from 12-14% in Bronze-Platinum down to 4% in GM. This is also why she was exclusively used in a PharMercy combo in the pro scene on the rare occasion that she was used at all.

If Mercy truly was OP prior to the rework, we would have seen that across the board, similar to the 6-month Moth Meta post-rework. Instead, we were given similar statistics to what we were given in season 3, when Ana dominated the meta: Mercy was popular and surpassed the pickrates of other healers in low-mid ranks because people enjoyed playing as her. The other healers overtook her at higher ranks because they tended to be better choices when it came down to sheer viability.

As an ultimate that creates the same result as Transcendence/Sound Barrier, but with a twist? How does it go against the “core game loop”?

Actually, Resurrect helped to make exactly that, because it was chargeable (see “Cooldown vs. Charged” under “Resurrect”). The new version of Resurrect and Valkyrie on the other hand…

Resurrect: “What’s mobility?”
Valkyrie: “What’s a battlefield?”

Which I have already addressed in the “Developer Comments” section, and explained why this statement…

…is false.

Being that A) I typically was the Mercy of the team, B) I played with/against players who knew how to absolutely destroy “Hide and rez” strategies, no; I have never heard a Mercy say that. As already explained in the “Developer Comments” section, hiding prematurely cut the fight to a 5v6, allowing the enemy to walk through the allied team easily, not only handing the first fight to them on a silver platter, but also loading their ultimates for the post-rez fight. Five kills is a lot of ultimate charge.

Combine this with the fact that “Please die in a pile!” often conveys the subliminal message, “Die”, and the teammates hardly put up a fight at all. Not only is this worse than a normal attempted “Hide and rez” execution, but it further leaned everything on the Mercy: the weakest hero in the game in regards to offensive capability. Oh, and what do you know? She’s also isolated and practically flanker food.

If you heard a Mercy say that, you were probably dealing with a bad Mercy. Or maybe they were just memeing with you.


I’ve read… Most of your works and honestly i don’t know how you haven’t established a Mercy government and become a developer at Blizzard who works specifically around balance changes to Mercy.

“Um… President Titanium of Mercy Balance & Changes Inc… We’re mauling over adding a special interaction to Reaper where if he kills an enemy they can’t be ressure-”

Titanium cocks custom made Mercy pistol and lays it on their desk

“How silly of us! We’ll leave you be!” ^_^;;




Welcome back, Titanium. It’s nice to see this up again - no clue why this got 404’d and netted you a suspension. It’s one of the most thought out, constructive posts on this hellsite.


Just an idea that came to my mind but what about a rez-mechanic for all the healers in the game? I did read complaints about Mercy being the only one able to get dead people back. So what if we allow all the healers some kind of rez-ability to balance them out a bit more?
If we give Mercy an ultimate version of rez and the other healers get some form of single rez like in the pve missions it should be a bit fairer maybe. Just an idea I had regarding overall healer balance. Anyway I am out for today good night and keep up the thread! :slight_smile:

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sorry I didn’t make this clickable at first I was used to you having level 3 until something that will not be spoken of happened

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Yeah… I miss being able to post links.

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its ok I’ll post your links for you! :slight_smile:

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I got you titanium!!!


As always, thank you for the beautifully written thread. Hopefully this one doesn’t get deleted. >.>;


Non-Mercy mains.

Simply saying “It’s not Mercy/Sym/insert hero anymore” is such hyperbole.

That’s on you. There’s 26 other perfectly fine heroes waiting for you to play. See ya.