[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I wasn’t a diehard Mercy player and I think she’s fun.

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I’ve been playing her for four seasons.
I’m not a die hard that played her before the rework.

I find flight mechanics pretty fun :man_shrugging:t2:
Weird, I know, but being able to do something I can’t actually do in real life is enjoyable to me.

Moira won’t even be countered by barriers after this change, she will be able to send orbs through them to heal her allies.

Blizzard aren’t forcing you to play anyone.
If you can’t work around barriers as Moira, and you refuse to learn, you’re forcing yourself to play Mercy.

All the healers suck or are boring af, Bliz needs to buff Ana and leave Moira as is, then maybe give Lucio some love. (Then rework Mercy ;3)


I think it’s fair to make a case for Zen here, because he’s the dive specialist support.
But at the same time… He’s working perfectly fine in a TANK meta right now.
I think it would be fair not to let barriers completely disconnect his healing orb from it’s target when already applied, but they should prevent Zen from re-applying them when his allies are standing behind enemy barriers.

As for Mercy, i’m getting tired of her. Really, really tired.
She shouldn’t be the best support at the top of the ladder, ever.
She already dominates low and mid ranks. It’s okay for her not to be the best support at the highest skill tiers ON TOP of that.
That being said, it wouldn’t even affect her that much, but it would tighten the gap between the supports a little. Lucio, Ana and Moira cant do it and they’re all non meta supports.


RIP Mercy 2K17 :disappointed_relieved:


“moira can struggle to get her heals back in the middle of a fight!? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: let’s nerf how fast she gets her heals back- and better yet- not even put it in the patch notes!”

LOL??? I can’t even… it’s like Ana isn’t even a hero worth counting anymore.

This is 100% reasonable.


Another player speaking “for the mercy mains” like it’s the accepted truth when it’s far from it. Plenty of viable healers if “you” dont like mercy pick another one.

I like playing Mercy still, and find her a lot of fun. Not everyone feels the same way.

However, I do agree with the thread, blizzard needs to buff some of the other supports so they can be played more often, and I know not everyone enjoys playing Mercy like some players do. I wish there were many options in the support category, and none of them resulted in you throwing.

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Blizz really needs to tear apart Mercy and rework her again, once other heroes have been taken care of first though.

I mean yes it is good to have a hero that is flexible and synergizes with a good number of comps…but having a hero mesh with EVERY comp is just broken.

(And yes she now works surprisingly well in Triple Tank since Valk provides the AoE she lacked and is like the only comp I feel Valk’s chain heals/boost actually works.)

Add on top of that she’s relatively easy to pick up and you have a hero who is viable nearly 100% of the time.

I think THIS is what Mercy Mains were trying to warn Blizz about.

Blizzard made it so no matter what Mercy is never a bad pick.


It’s hilarious that they put another topic not regarding Mercy’s rework in here. Like, what are they thinking? They’re seriously alienating anyone who wants to speak about Mercy or healers in general.


So I’m not a mercy main, never really play her I’ve found her ult to be frustrating as well. But I have to question why is it unfair for her to rezz the team but fair that you could have 3+ players on the other team that could kill the entire team with one ult? Dva, Hanzo, junkrat are some of the easier ones to use going from easiest to pull off to hardest. I say junks is the hardest cause it gives alot of opportunities to avoid and destroy it vs dvas which can only be avoided in most cases.

So why are these ones fair but mercy team rezing was not. Personally I just killed her before she could team rez, and if I didn’t I never would have called for it’s removal cause I don’t think that losing to an ability a few times makes it OP.


Blame that to the DPS players that complained about their Grav,Dragonblade,Visor,EMP,Shatter and Sound Barrier combo being wasted.


You can do something to stop those ults, you couldn’t stop Mercy. If you killed her before she ulted, she would come back with it.

Wouldn’t the solution then be to make it so if she was ulting that she wouldn’t come back with it? I mean that’s how it works with other ults…

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Dude, this topic has been debated like a million times.
She’s fine in her current state. Accept it.

She had invulnerability while using it. The reason was that she was f tier without it.

You mean a cast time?

If only it were that simple! :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Ah so any questions about Mercy’s ult are getting merged into this feedback thread? But I wasn’t trying to give feedback to devs but to gain a better understanding of how people felt for myself?