[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Because is one of the best options to use Valkyrie now I would say, since Mercy itself gains huge regen and infinite ammo us being able to fly. Only the chained beams actually do something to her allies lol

Mercy 1.0 was not a good pick, if we put the cast on it with the restoration it becomes rubbish.


Well it’s sad that it’s come to that really. Before the nerf bat hit, Mercys attacked each other less. Now it’s like valk just to kill the enemy one then fly away, don’t forget to crouch spam on them and spray them too before flying back to spawn.

Because its actually fun going for kills instead of standing there doing more of the same?

But she would have Valkyrie as an E. Mercy surely wasn’t OP. Rez clearly works better as an ult. But it really couldn’t be countered while ressing. It doesn’t have to be as clunky as it is now, no slow movement, but people should be able to counter. Also a cast time would incentivate people to tempo rez more instead of hiding, because ressing an entire dead team surely attracts lot of attention.
Anyway, It might be the perfect idea but I’m sure it’s better than Valkyrie as an ult

they will revert her voice lines for valk mode… let me find the post and link it to you… so yeah basicaly u will pop out valk with the line heros never dies…


Well is a better choice and more exciting than only healing I guess. Blizzard is making us do that, we dont want Valkyrie as an ult lol


I’m glad at least this will be back. Heroes Never Die is like OW’s anthem

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It could be countered before the rework, as well as possible revert. Team work, kill mercy, do not make too many ultimate. If you put the rez cast it becomes trash even with valkyria in E.
The problem of mercy 1.0 was an exploit of the sr that many, rightly, bothered. There are other ways to counter the “hide and rez”.


I’m glad. I missed that voice line so much.

Thanks for that Information. Glad to hear that. Atlough it is still not the same with valk as an ult

We hope it’s the beginning of a return to the mercy with rez in ultimate


They definitely need to revert the re-work and return the character to her original form with resurrect as her ultimate. They don’t need to add a cast time but they should remove the invulnerability, replace it with a damage reduction, this would help her survive being focused.


If your Reinhardt is dead than the answer is neither, with no tank to protect you, you will die before completing the resurrection. The only thought that goes into resurrect now is will I and the other player survive or not.
Before the re-work there was a different thought process, something like this.
Should I pick up these two now or wait for the rest to go? How many ultimate abilities do my opponents have? Did the two that went down have their ultimate abilities ready? Will they survive being resurrected in a mass group? Etc… a lot more thought went into when to use her old resurrect versus her new resurrect.


I love that voiceline, too, but….really? Those wonderfull words for „Valkyrie“?
Sorry, but it rather feels like:

Heroes die like flies!

Or maybe:

I take off, bye bye
I‘ll hide up in the sky
Sorry, you will die
even if i try…

Blizzard, tell me why?
Why ignore our outcry?
Guess i myself will die
before we get a reply…

Sorry, i guess i had my bad 5 minutes again. It‘s time for tea and aspirin…or maybe some chocolate. A LOT of chocolate.


At least let Mercy rez insta when ulting.:cry:


Using the old ultline is a step towards reverting Mercy, and I wholeheartedly support that direction. #RevertMercy


You’re reaching and i refuse to let you create false hope with that optimism,
This is just an appeasement method. Either that or a bit of a bone thrown to us by a team not connected to the balance team who are feeling a bit bad for us.

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i had the same reactions… u can read my answers … :)…
“Heros never dies” - graviton surge- genji or reaper bammmm …if i ever live that moment with that voice line seriously ill start cursing dev’s

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Let’s try to stay optimistic guys, if we are positive and constructive with our feed-back I think they will be more inclined to listen to us! They obviously did this as it was something many of us have asked for, and I think we should give them credit for that.

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