Favor the shooter and Meis Iceblock

So can this not be a thing? Countless times have I’ve popped my iceblock only to be pulled back out and killed by Roadhogs hook. Another example is using the iceblock right before Doomfist onetaps you with his punch, only to have the iceblock broken, knocked back and then automatically have it re-enabled, then broken again, wasting the iceblock all with in less than a second. It happens every game. Every gosh darn game.

And no, its not lag.


In PTR Mei is currently sniping them all down

Oh, favor the shooter, isn’t it wonderful? :upside_down_face:

It is not just mei. It is every ability.

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I know that feel. You press shift to save yourself but you get denied, even if you’re inside the cryofreeze. This happens with every stun or when you get a deadly shot.
This is pretty unfair and makes thia ability pretty unreliable, like press shift to die

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Honestly I don’t know why it works like that. Similar abilities like deflect don’t work like Mei’s ice block. I honestly don’t care which way they go with it, but it should be consistent.


If I remember correctly, this is a result of her cast time that was stealth nerfed to her over a year ago. I agree it should be removed because there are multiple similar abilities without a cast time.


The games form of lag compensation / shot+skill prediction is imbalanced.

I have died behind so many walls and had so many life saving skills canceled by an enemies skill even though I was mid animation…

Its a common problem in gaming though, not just Overwatch. Games all have bugs and are evolving still, from collision detection to shot prediction. We are many years from perfecting a gaming engine that is flawless in this sense.

Overwatch has been and always will be one of the buggiest games. If you look at all the patch notes over time you’d probably be able to weed through 1000’s of fixed bugs. Its not blizzards fault though its inherent in gaming engines due to where we are with the technology.

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I’ve had occasions where my Iceblock has gone on cooldown despite being pulled out of it.


It’s not just that, it’s how frequent it happens, obviously this affect more than just Mei but it’s very apparent when you are playing her.


And any of the escape abilities as well.


If you try to hook a Tracer when she starts blinking, the hook will break. Same goes with Genji’s deflect/dash and Reaper’s wraith form. Hell, it even happens with McCree’s roll sometimes

But if you try to hook a Mei when she starts Iceblocking, the hook will pull her out of it and the ability will go on cooldown.

And by the way, it has been confirmed to be a bug.


Ok, meibe it is something more mei specific but I am 100% sure that shooting is prioritized over abilities since so many times I have died even after I have pressed the key on time and even have heard the sound effect of it.

It also happens to tracer all the time on blink and recall, but what can ya do. With latency and server tick rate involved, its always going to happen. Feels crappy when it happens to you, but youre doing it to the enemy a bunch too without realizing it.

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