False accusations in pug groups against innocent players?

It’s not a mod job, you are also coming to the wrong place for it. Reporting players is done either in game or by contacting support.

I’m not trying to report it, I’m trying to bring light to a subject thats a grey area and hope a mod will eventually get out of under their cubical crawling space and shed light on the subject.

Well done you figured out why chat with the enemy team needs to go away.

it is getting out of hand with stacks. TO the point where the Blizzard Devs need to step in and DO THEIR JOB. That is, if there is any of them left there working…

Whatever it is with stacks. They are mostly CAUSTIC players.

  • buddy stack of 2 friends playing together. One of them gets ganked during battle and next thing you know. they are chasing around that person the entire time during the match.

  • stacks of 3, 4, 5, are flatout evil.

I am SICK and TIRED OF it. Where 90% of the matches I come across in Arcade quickplay classic are BUDDY STACKS, acting spoiled. They pout and cry that the random 1 or 2 pugs that fill in slots #5 and #6 wont tank or heal for them. Because they think they are special.

At this point it is more MATCH SURFING than it is actual playing. because of how gross match maker is at this point in time.

If blizzard had a spine they would have implemented a solo queue, but they dont.


Well it’s still not something the forum mods deal with. The people who handle that stuff don’t come here

Report the guys in your PUG and leave if that’s the case.

Name dropping players is against forum CoC

I’ve been supposedly mass reported too by stacks looking for someone to blame. I got worried the first time, but doesn’t seem to do anything. Your alt will be fine :wink:

People still think there are mods looking at reports? It’s all automated.

That’s why I hate this system, I’m flamed a ton when I play tank because I often go Hog or Ball, it’s so fun when a few people in the team start to put the blame on you in team chat then in general chat during a game, asking the enemy team to report you.
Just by virtue of being the majority they can do and say whatever they want, no matter how many people I report for abusive chat I barely see any notifiations that someone I reported was actionned against.

Multiple reports in a match only count as 1 report, it’s when you get reported for multiple matches that they start to stack. So as long as the falsely reported person avoids someone from the 5 stack, it should be fine.

Scummy behaviour though, I don’t get why so many people act like total ~expletive~ in games. Just play the game to have fun, if you don’t enjoy the game enough and need to troll for fun…just go play something else? Such a waste of time and energy.

Multiple reports from the same person don’t stack, multiple people reporting you once in a match definitely does count as multiple reports in my experience.

Multiple reports from the same person might also count if they are reports for different things too, gameplay sabotage, inactivity, etc., I’m not entirely sure about this part but I’m 90% sure it’s the case.

No it doesn’t. Here’s a quote from WyomingMyst who keeps a document of things the devs have said about how stuff like this works:

You would have to repeat a behaviour that consistently gets you reported match after match for action to be taken against you. So a player won’t be banned for a one-off outburst, but someone that repeatedly acts in an unacceptable way every match will be punished.

In the context of false reporting, you’d probably only have action taken from false reports if you’re an OTP of a ‘throw pick’ like Symm, or if you’re a streamer being trolled.

Yes I’ve done my research too when I got falsely suspended and it seems like Wyoming forgot to mention it’s per player, I can’t remember exactly where I read that, maybe it was a screenshot of a GM answer for a ticket but reports from multiple players in one game do stack if they all are for the same thing, a single player can’t report someone else for the same thing multiple times in the same match tho.

And yes I’m a ball player mostly, people put the blame on you the moment you start losing even if you’re the one doing the most, I’ve finished games with 4 gold medals, sweating super hard to win and still losing only to get flamed by my teammates. Weird part is that it’s mostly in plat and lower.

Either way even if it’s only one report per game or multiple reports per game counting towards the threshold before an action against your account is taken only means the threshold is not high enough to avoid false suspensions from happening way too often.

The automated report feature is flawed and we all know it but Blizzard won’t spend money to hire more CS ppl anyway, they fired a bunch of them a couple of years ago.

Stop worrying about medals and you may climb more

Weird, I’m the exact same!
Constantly being hit with “Ball switch to Rein” even though we’re playing dive, or “Ball, you’re feeding” because people in the metal ranks don’t understand that WB shields don’t give ult charge.

So many games where our dps can’t aim at all and it’s costing us the game. I consistently get 2-3 picks at the start of the fight, but no one else can kill anything once I’m dead.

:poop: DPS: “Ball you’re ****, switch”

Me: “But I’m getting 2-3 picks at the start of the fight, I have mines every fight, and I have gold damage”

:poop: DPS: “I don’t care, you’re feeding”

Me: " No I’m not, shields don’t give ult charge"

:poop: DPS (now in all chat) : “Everyone report our ball, they’re deliberately throwing”

…which is why I looked into how the report system works :rofl:


Because bans are activated by the amount people get. Their idea is, get 5 or 11 people to submit complaint about toxic or racist – The system counts this and you could be up for a possible ban. Some say they don’t stack, but I am not sure I would 100% trust that advice. I have found that Blizzard’s departments are not always in sync w/policies, procedures or software code.

I have seen teams on my side do it and I’ve seen opposing side do it and I’ve been dragged into it and I’ve been reported for behavior I never did. Why? Cause I would not tank, heal, good enough, was not in the “click”, or whatever else the reason.

I know you said you don’t think it is a big deal or should be actionable but it actually is and should be. It is the equivalent of bullying in electronic format, plain and simple.

I have seen people upset that an entire gang of electronic bullies are “pushing them around”. I’ve heard their voices in voice chat and they are upset, I’ve seen them leave or even worse, I’ve seen the same crap go on again in the next game w/someone new.

So yea, it actually should be actionable in my opinion. I personally could care less if someone tries it with me (I lost my I-don’t-give-two-poops-meter when I turned 18) but I do care when I see someone get bullied in game. I’d personally stop in in real life and it should be stopped here.

I mentionned gold medals to give perspective and show I’m not throwing, yes they are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

The only people I report for racism are smurfs every time. Get quite a few report messages too.

Who asked? It’s also code of conduct to cubical crawl and harrass women… Here we are.