"Failure to Connect" error at beginning of Competitive games

While I was in a group with friends, about every three to five games, I would not be able to join the match.

After waiting to find a game, I would receive the notification that a game was found, but I would never see the character select screen, and my screen would remain on the menu, with the only change being the offer to “rejoin match” rather than “play” and after about 10 seconds I would see an error that said “failed to connect to server” on the lower left part of the screen. I could still talk to the group I was with, and they would successfully join the match, which would soon be canceled.

I am receiving bans due to this failure to connect.

This issue started for me the same night the 2023 April fools update appeared.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.