"Failed to connect to server"

same issue for me, hope they fix this soon. Makes it literally impossible to play with friends.


Same here. For some reason it happens mostly when I q with friends. When I solo q, it happens like 1 out of 5 games.


I’ve had this problem before the new season started and it’s annoying as hell. When this error occurs, I disappear from the list in the group for friends and that I would then be offline for them. I can’t start anything right now, not a normal unrated or underground mission…


This explains why I couldn’t even try Flashpoint, the game keeps cancelling because of the number of players that disconnect within the first 3 seconds…


I have the exact same issue since yesterday’s update. Sometimes I can queue for one game before the error happens but most of the time it happens right away. It’s really frustrating, especially considering I’ve done everything to try and fix it (reinstalling, repairing, etc). I hope this gets fixed soon, considering the game is basically unplayable for me right now.


Yup, same here. I can barely get into anything, sometimes I’m lucky but usually it either finds a game and kicks me out before I enter or keeps searching and stops then. Can’t even get into practice range to learn the new Support. It’s clearly on Blizz’s side so we just have to wait it out as usual.


Had this happen ever since the update came out, it was fixed for a bit until I came off the game and opened it again and it started to fail. Really hoping it gets fixed soon its made the game unplayable.


yep same here, thow i can join when i Q solo but when i Q with others it bugs


same issues here since the update to invasion. Quit the game and login again sometimes helps, but it’s such a waste of time and you get the leaver problem even if game does not start properly


In QP, Rank, Arcade, Mission doesn’t matter…
unplayable atm


Honestly, I am so tired of this. Can’t play the game. These moments are exactly when I think that OW1 should have never transformed into OW2. Queue times might be a bit better than in OW1 but at least matchmaking felt better back then and there were no issues like this one when I literally can’t queue any games NOT EVEN PRACTICE RANGE. I have to queue same thing literally 3 to 8 times to make it populate properly. This is really sad. I hope they fix it soon…

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Had this problem even before the update. But then only at the “Prophunt”-Gamemode.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: False Suspension And Ban. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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I have spotted a weird detail in the times this bug happens to me.

In my groups, always the group leader and me seem to have the bug at the same time at an increased rate. When I’m the group leader, the person I invited first into the group gets the bug alongside myself very often. When the group qs without me, no matter if I was initially the group leader or not, everybody’s game works fine.

Maybe that detail helps the devs, I don’t know.


Such a joke it’s not even acknowledged in their “Known Issues” list.



I don’t know guys but yesterday evening I got an update on Battle.net launcher and after that this weird issue seems to be gone for me. Have queued lots of matches today and it didn’t happen once.

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My wife is still having this issue with her PC, 100% failed to connect to the server when she queues QP with me. However, we have more luck with our laptops. If Blizzard could leave more information in the log file we can certainly help with this issue.

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It’s not exactly a bug, it’s because of OW2’s backfill system needing to be configured better. Basically what’s happening is the game ended before you could load into it. I’ve noticed this happening a lot and often times I will see the chat connect and see a bunch of “ggs” pop up. It’s usually because someone left before the “defeated” or “victory” screen to come up signaling that they had a leaver and triggering a backfill. They need to figure out a way to set it so that if someone leaves a game like 20 seconds before it’s going to end the game can’t be backfilled, but it’s hard bc you don’t always know how far away a game is from ending.

It also gets triggered if you load into a map or game mode that is not really liked and people tend to immediately leave once they see the map, so someone leaves immediately, it triggers you to get backfilled in, but just as it triggered, there was like a 4 stack that left, the game just resets bc there’s no one on the team, so it will have you just sitting there on the game found screen, trying to load in, then go back into queue. This happens a lot on the new flashpoint maps especially.

It really sucks that this affects endorsements though. I’m surprised they can’t figure out a way to preserve endorsements if you didn’t actually play a game, like in the way you can’t endorse people who haven’t been in a match long enough, but I’ve had my own endorsements go down bc of this so I know they are counting it as if you left the game instead of the game was over/never started.

Because it’s due to backfill, it wouldn’t be an issue in comp as it doesn’t have backfill, so you shouldn’t worry there, and there are no leavers penalties for leaving qp games except your endorsement level going down. If you are having this problem in comp then it is more than likely either something to do with your internet connection, or having a lower end pc (shouldn’t happen on consoles since they are built well, with good processors, to handle these games).

But yea, it’s annoying and it sucks.

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The fact this isn’t even being addressed is straight up depressing

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Literally happens in comp matches when you can’t join a match in progress. Not the problem

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