F2P will kill Overwatch

So, almost nothing will change for Console, then. Cool. Because, while it isnt F2P, its close enough. That price tag gets you unlimited accounts on Console.

Honestly, i dont care if OW goes F2P, as long as people who already paid for the game are compensated fairly. You do that, put Comp behind a pay wall, and im all for it.

Honestly, i would rather see a F2P OW than a Forced 2-2-2 one. At least F2P might increase the playerbase a bit, instead of fracture it.

Whenever Overwatch does go F2P, my guess either some time later this year or next. They’ll probably increase the level required level to play ranked to like 50 or maybe even higher and maybe do some sort of phone verification thing? IDK… :man_shrugging:

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