F2P will kill Overwatch

them lowering the price defiantly doesn’t help, but I don’t think its going F2P.

If they go F2P, I’d still make it so that Competitive requires a purchase of the game.

However allow free play in QuickPlay and Arcade.

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You have been


It doesn’t have to kill the game if they do it right. For Comp, there are a couple measures you could take. One I like is phone verification.

I was against it too at first but honestly, I don’t think it would neccesarily kill the game. OW’s biggest competitors right now are f2p. I really wouldn’t be surprised if it happened at some point.

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Didn’t Jeff say they had no current plans to do so? What is the point of this post now?

From WyomingMyst’s initial post about the livestream. Link to video in post.

In a recent streamer’s interview, it has been mentioned that permanent “Free-to-play” is not in the foreseeable future.


Name a game that became unpopular when it went f2p

A lot of F2P games commonly either require you to purchase a “competitive pass” (which is essentially purchasing the game) and/or also require SMS validation for any account that plays competitive.

It would kill the game for us lot, the people still here after almost 3 years but it would open it up for many other players, without f2p owl will probably kill ow anyway.

It won’t kill it… it will be just an official confirmation that it is already dead.

I can see the game spike in player count if it hits F2P since some people would check it out. As well the increase in smurf, troll, boost and cheat accounts since it’s possible to have multiple accounts to a F2P game. Only issue is seeing that raise of player numbers decreasing overtime since they probably wouldn’t be interested with the game as the whole. Furthermore, any veteran players that purchase the game would mostly complain about the increase of trolls or smurfs in certain games causing issues in competitive mode. Plus it can be easy for a banned player to switch over to another account and not have to buy another copy of the game (or online subscription service if they’re console). F2P has some benefits of getting friends who haven’t owned the game yet or those who don’t spend much on games, but it has some cons to consider about.


yeah, all those dead f2p games like forknife, dopa2, lift of ledges

You cant mention them here or what? Dont get it

What, my post was automatically edited by system? Why?

Whats up with these ‘‘everything’’ will kill Overwatch threads recently?

Theyre not gonna make it f2p like Jeff already said in his recent interview.

We already have f2p weekends so that should be enough for people…

I can think of a couple, but they weren’t popular when they were paid, and remained unpopular.

not gonna happen anytime soon, (if it actually does) so you can relax …

So, almost nothing will change for Console, then. Cool. Because, while it isnt F2P, its close enough. That price tag gets you unlimited accounts on Console.

Honestly, i dont care if OW goes F2P, as long as people who already paid for the game are compensated fairly. You do that, put Comp behind a pay wall, and im all for it.

Honestly, i would rather see a F2P OW than a Forced 2-2-2 one. At least F2P might increase the playerbase a bit, instead of fracture it.

Whenever Overwatch does go F2P, my guess either some time later this year or next. They’ll probably increase the level required level to play ranked to like 50 or maybe even higher and maybe do some sort of phone verification thing? IDK… :man_shrugging:

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