Extremely concerned about Ana changes

It’s an Ultimate. It’s supposed to be powerful. It’s no different than Winston popping his Ult.


Then you can easily play dive. Focus the Ana they lost almost all thier healing. Play a sombra. And wrecking ball is dead at the beginning of every fight. If it works use a bastion and drop them. Pharah and junkrat can also tear into it fairly easily. You have plenty of options. Mobility and high damage shuts down triple tank. Just prioritize your targets

Don’t buff the other supports, as a Doomfist player I just want to face a lot of Zens so I can punch them :frowning:

This is so far away from her actual issues i just had to face palm…just what is going on? is it impossible for blizzard to even consider what they implement into the game?

On the other hand its a mini lay on hands for tanks but at the same time so many better targets to nano…

lol no.

hammond is instantly countered by sombra/any cc.

brig/cree/mei would quickly ruin triple tank too.

well they did rework mercy into a monster when she only needed a tweak(no mroe god mode during ult) and fixes to prevent abuse of ult…so yeah my faith in devs is abotu NIL.

Might end up getting MHW on PC and wait a year to where they hopefully figure stuff out in OW.

This. The two recent Ana changes have been…nice. But don’t address core issues with Ana’s survivabilitt.

This is a very interesting take on the buff, however, we need to think of the ultimates as strong abilities that instantly change the pace of a fight, which isn’t that true with Ana’s ult now that there is plenty of CC to shutdown any squishy that is being nanoed. The nerf to brigette will allow for more space to be created with nano as there’s less stun uptime, making her (brig) less of a hardcounter to the ult (nano), while also making sure that if a tank is low on HP, the round can more easily be turned around. In consideration with all the support changes, there are plenty of options to choose from when creating a team composition of supports, which I’m all for (after seeing Mercy+Zen every game or the small variety of triple supp tripple tank comps there are on ladder).

This is fine. The hero who gets nanoboosted can still be stunned, pinned, sleep darted, etc. etc.

I find it fun too.
I don’t really care when combos do work, and that one works so why not.

I just want diversity. Be it Triple Tank, Beyblade, Bastionwatch or GravDragon, they can all live side by side and 4-5 different metas would shake the game a lot, bring a lot of possibilities and MUCH MORE FUN for everyone.

Ana’s biotic grenade used to heal her fully, on top of having a bigger range. there was her self sustain, ya dingus. something tells me you didnt play ana in that meta.

Agree, beside coming with mercy nerf this might bring ana back to tier 1 hero, and her ult will be more effective on main tank imo. What you can do is pocketing your reinhardt and leting him swing through enemy team, and when he lost more than 300 hp, nano boost him and surprise. And she might be able to keep a 200 survive through gravdragon, so yeah it is a sweet buff for her, maybe too sweet.

Lucio used to have a 30 metre aura

Ana’s primary range of effectiveness is 20-30 metres

Lucio used to be Ana’s passive self healing without taking away from Lucio’s team effectiveness

This. Lucio overshadowed Ana’s problems a lot when she was in the meta. A hell of a lot.

Right now, Ana’s problem is that she has two MAJOR weaknesses:

  1. Self-Sustain
  2. Lack of Movement

The problem is, that other heroes have one major weakness, and maybe a few other weaknesses, but Ana has both right now. Until one of those major weaknesses are toned down, she’s going to be able to be shut down easily and isolated by a wider variety of heroes.

I keep on seeing that Ana “NEEDS” this weakness from the Overwatch Dev team: and yes, heroes should have weaknesses in their kits. But compared to almost every other single hero, I don’t see 2 major weaknesses that shut them down like they do with Ana. Until that is addressed, Ana will never be a consistent pick.


You have to realize that in an actual match of Competitive that the chance of these things all happening at once is 1 in a million. It would take so much coordination to pull off giving a dive tank a bunch of health, especially since the dive tanks could be too far from a Brigitte Ult potentially, and considering not a lot of players have the ability to communicate and coordinate well with their teammates.

Yeah, even with the nerf to Mercy coupled with the change, I doubt people will be picking up Ana. Ana just has some fundamental design issues they refuse to address. One of them being she is the most unreliable healer, and I’m not just talking about aiming, she has the most impacted by being unable to heal through shields/enemies. Just doing something as basic as standing between the Ana and reinhardt means you now guarantee that Reinhardt isn’t getting healed. When I’m playing as Dva to boot, she might as well be tickling me through my armor.

How does this have 11k views and only 30 replies?

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All of those that regularly come here but never post anything I imagine.

But 11k? The Mercy fanclub one has 12k views and 4k replies.

35 replies on a post that has 11k views makes no sense.

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