Extended ban for no reason

I literally left one quick play match so I could queue ranked with my mates and I got a 4 hour ban? that’s just not fair at all let me play the game this cant be right


Aaron please unban this man!


That’s not a ban.

You are suspended temporary.

Ban is forever. And living one QP match doesn’t grant suspension, you have left multiple times

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Either you’re… mistaken about the percentage of games you leave, or this is a catastrophic bug.

If you leave 4 out of your last 20 games, you get a ten minute suspension, if you continue to leave more games this becomes 30 mins… and this keeps being reapplied every time you leave a game after reaching that threshold. This takes place of the ineffectual -75% XP

To get rid of it, you need to basically stop leaving games.

If you think this is a bug, contact CS. Otherwise: stop leaving games and you won’t get slapped with a huge leavers penalty.

They are mistaken. Some people log in after weeks of not playing, leave a single game, and then complain about suspension; all while not realizing they left tons of games in the past month or so.

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I asked this in another thread. What is the threshold until the leaves begin to decay?

I don’t leave games, I just haven’t seen any information regarding the new penalty.

That is a good question about the decay factor lol since ill probably be surprised myself one of these days and i barely ever leave games

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I imagine this is the case. But I like to give people the option to assess the situation for themselves. :+1:

There is no known decay at all. It’s your last 20 games, period.

aaron wont do anything he doesnt care

Unranked Leaver Penalty Updates

In a further effort to discourage players from repeatedly leaving games and impacting the experience for others, we are increasing the suspension times for leaving too many matches from Unranked modes.

Leaving 4 out of your last 20 games played will result in a 20-minute suspension from being able to queue for most game modes, including Unranked and Competitive.
Leaving 6 out of your last 20 games played will result in a 4-hour suspension from being able to queue for most game modes, including Unranked and Competitive.

These suspension thresholds only occur when you leave multiple games among your most recent games played. We know this may impact those who are having issues with their connection when playing Overwatch 2, and would encourage testing your connection in custom games or the Practice Range as you troubleshoot your connection prior to playing modes that involve other players.

So, there is no decay. Sucks for people who leave I guess.


Yeah, there should be a decay. But they dont have anyone in-studio anymore that knows how to Code. (more than likely fired them) So the only thing they could do is open up Database and change the value on a baseline level.


Windows (Microsoft) has no hope either. Its just the same re-hashed operating system kernel with a Facelift. its still the same junk under the hood, with a few “door stops” in the way so you have to “upgrade” (ha ha) the operating system.

So dont count on Microsoft to tackle the issue either.