Expoentail Ramp is acting like dual zone

The new patch has for some reason made expo ramp feel exactly like dual zone, as far as i can tell this is only happening on PS4 please fix it its made playing overwatch really uncomfortable because i cant aim


Yeah what the hell happened. Does not work at all. Games unplayable for me. Haven’t played since this 20gb release.
I swear my first couple game were normal then my controls got all wonky, and I noticed in later and I couldn’t aim worth a crap and ended up having to throw to trying to figure out my settings.

Tech support! Please acknowledge that you’ve seen this. Theres a group of users all complaining about this bug! This is why console should have access to PTR. Y’all release something and completely screw us because it hasn’t been tested.

Hot fix and revert aiming back to normal! What ever you changed to compensate aiming for the Nintendo switch, buggered up exponential ramp, it feels like dual zone.

see i know what happened they released switch and then wanted to make expo ramp that normal settings for new ow players, so somewhere along that change they rimmed us on ps4 but to make even better there isnt anything wrong on the switch

Xbox apparently has the same issue!