Expirimental changes

they leave symm in the garbage bin with terrible damage and give reaper this?
you can kill people from 14-12 meters away now.

sym deals less dmg out of everyone for like 3 seconds but this guy gets all the tools for free? get outta here, hes not even in a bad position

Body blocking is still very much possible, and most of the time, the moment the shield drops, everyone would aim the most obvious target which is Orisa.

Hanzo in particularly, even with Fortify, still does regularly about 125 on headshots and 63-62 on body. Widow does 150 and 60 on body as well.

It also allow Orisa for aggresive plays to actually give suppressing fire to a sniper or pull them out without the fear of blowing up immediately or taking critical damage.

This is particularly important in offense as well which was what Orisa suffered the most since she’s so reliant on barrier. At least with fortify having no headshot, she can afford to peek and check the situation before making the call to either push or retreat, something that she won’t be able to do with current fortify.

Any suggestion to make her barrier stronger will simply bring back double barrier, and that’s why they chose to buff her fortify instead.

I have almost 40 hours on him I havent really touched him since he got the damage buff

it buffs her survivability so you dont need to constantly pay attention to her
Orisa provides allot of team utility
a cooldown shield
constant damage pressure
and supercharger is insanely good

Reaper feels good to me.

All of the changes make good sense imo.

yea but in my opinion 25% for knockback reduction is too much now its like everyone is a rein

Maybe they could pull it back to 20%. But something has to give.

I think ball is fine rn honestly I dont know why everyone is complaining about him
his pickrate will drop if mcree echo and tracer are nerfed because those 3 heroes screw over tanks in my opinion also the tank buffs should help them be viable

No, his pickrate will not drop if the only dps that actually give him any trouble are nerfed. What are you even thinking making such an irrelevant comment?

Because the reason ball is played is those dps role tanks ball himself is balanced he is just played because he can barely survive the damage those heroes bring out and no other tank can