Experiments with Reaper changes show them to be a nerf

Thanks for finding that; it’s what my post was based on. :slight_smile:


I think what everyone is saying is: When someone fires at long range. The RNG aspect of the bullets allowed you to do more damage. With it now having less spread RNG. Your better aim will do less damage. So you’re forced to stay within close range. And not get lucky at long range.

It would be good if they actually tightened the spread instead of reducing the randomization on the spread.


Thx for the screen. Thats crazy…

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According to a ptr/live video comparison, hog is in a better place now.

From 3 shots (where every time, the amount of damage each did varied inmensely) to a clean 2.

I don’t know what went wrong with reaper, but I hope the fix it. I’m sure this wasnt intentional.


This is bad man, I guess it’s the same for Roadhog.

He got a spread pattern change along with randomization, Reaper just got randomization.

Maybe you need to adjust your aim and muscle memory or just do more tests.

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Those seem like amazing buffs to do more “consistent” damage and higher life steal. Unless there was a ninja nerf to reduce his damage…then obviously it would still be a bad trade. Not sure that’s what OP is suggesting. From what they tested.

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If this results in Reapers now intentionally shooting at an offset to their intended target… my words are going to be a lot less kind :slight_smile:

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Myself and many others in this thread have done plenty of tests. This is a nerf. Since we’re standing still aim isn’t an issue. Please educate yourself before jumping to conclusions.

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From the notes:

"Reaper’s specialty is fighting at a very close range. The more consistent spread pattern and increase in healing from his passive ability will make him more capable of standing toe-to-toe with his enemies."

Given the evidence provided above I can’t see where this is true at all. At “VERY CLOSE” range meaning, I suppose, right next to, the spread doesnt matter at all.

At ANY range, the spread is worse. So ummm… what were you doing again Bliz? lol

EDIT: BTW, great catch THEOVERLORD, I hope this gets some traction.


Like I edited my OP to state, this change was very obviously not tested internally, otherwise they wouldn’t have said this.

Are they even testing it before they put it into PTR? I don’t think that’s what they wanted, might get fixed

Clearly not. Sad to be honest, I hope they see it and it gets changed.

No question about it, they stated their intentions and missed the target lol



Out of context???
The part that was quoted doesn’t relate to anything else in the post.

If i said H did nothing wrong is what the Ns thought and you only quoted everything up to the word is - that would be taking something out of context.

There’s no need for me to backpedal when you can’t take a joke.

My narrative is that you don’t need to start venting your own frustration in a feedback post.
When you do that it only discredits what you’re trying to say.

No u. (This is a joke i am stating it here so that you don’t miss it)

Blizzard’s idea for more consistent damage always seems to make the damage lower.


This is pretty crazy.
I personally don’t see why they didn’t just finally buff shadowstep.

cyx had a couple posts that helped clarify it for me. Because I had the same reaction.

Here are a couple clickable links from those posts since I have the level 3 thing going on.
