Experimental - Triple Damage Feedback Thread

I’ve played a fair bit more of 1-3-2 and my opinion hasn’t really changed. It’s still feels chaotic and unbalanced, with the match outcome dictated too much by hero picks. Also, queue times still seem to be fluctuating day-to-day, probably because of the new car smell on some of the Tanks. You might have to leave it up for another week or two to get reliable queue time data if it hasn’t hit an equilibrium.

I think the loss of main and off-tank synergies is a bigger downside than might be apparent. Teamwork is a difficult skill, but it feels good when you get into a groove with your teammates. And it’s a lot easier to get into a groove with a role buddy than a random team of six. So, it’s not just the gameplay dynamics you’re losing here, you’re also losing that interpersonal interaction and the social rewards that come with it.

Anyway, I still think some sort of 1-1-2-2 (Tank, Support, Damage, Healer) Experiment would be better, because you’ll create another pseudo-damage role without screwing up the existing teamwork dynamics. I’ll not clutter this thread with copy-paste. You can find my very long opinion on the matter here:

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