Experimental Mode – More Hero Balance January 2021

Really? Only 3 changes?
We need big changes to make the game playable. What’s the point of doing experimental then? It’s 99,99 % confirmed that these changes will go live. Where are the agressive changes you promised last year?


The tyranny of pinball rodent meta continues.


Next experimental hopefully are tank buffs.


THANK YOU for finally giving decent nerfs to heavily power crept heroes instead of the slap on the wrist we saw with ball and Ashe. More adjustments like this please


Well at least the zen and echo nerfs are coming first so main tank will be more playable.

This Experimental mode is anticipated to be available until the morning (PST) of Monday, January 25.


Main tanks suck because mercy zen brig is meta, lucio Ana Moira sucks, so tanks lack sustain and utility from supports

The tank buster buffs don’t help but they aren’t the cause

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Tracer waited those nerfs a long time ago. Echo kinda lame but thats the start. Zen is oof.
Where are the tank changes tho???

Hmm I thought it was zens discord destroying main tank guess I was wrong

It’s part of the reason, but ultimately it’s just the support balance and meta that just screws up the tank role. The dps tank buster buffs like Hanzo storm arrow is just the cherry on top

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Finally, Tracer gets her fall-off buff rever-…



While I don’t think Zen needed these specific nerfs, this is the style of balance changes I prefer to see: several smaller changes at a time rather than big ones that can ruin or overpower a hero. I’d rather see more heroes at a time adjusted like this, but the power levels of these adjustments are good.


Don’t think Zen needed these nerfs


Just revert Tracer fully…


not sure about you but all the 3 changes are the ones the game NEEDED the MOST currently and it is getting it.

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Very good changes! I was very skeptic on whether the 5% reduction would make a big enough change for the tanks to not explode to Discord+Burst combos, but at the same time tuning Zen’s primary/secondary fires might be too much for the hero. This way we can preserve those while giving tanks more leeway with their animations so that a Rein dropping his shield down for a Firestrike/swing or Hog midst his Hook animation won’t explode as fast as they currently are exploding. Very good and shift answers to the Zen meta!

As for the Tracer change, I’m sure you’re being cautious because the current Ball/Zen meta basically begs her to dash around the meta which might change once the meta shifts towards something else, which is why it wasn’t reverted to the 10m distance it used to be down at, and instead is going to be looked at one step at a time. A very fair change for her overall

As for the Echo change, I don’t see the ammo changes doing much to her nor the beam change for that matter, but they are relevant exactly against barriers and tanks in general. It’s very rare that you spend all her ammo without blasting them into a barrier/tank and same goes for the beam. It’s very rare to use the whole duration of the beam unless you’re targeting a barrier and the tank behind it, with probably the only exception being when you try to chase down someone that’s escaping from you and it takes a while to catch them. These changes are very good too

I’m very certain that all these changes will make it to live servers, as they’re subtle and address almost entirely those areas in which these heroes are being a bit problematic :slight_smile:


Echo: Feels reasonable, although weird that she once again is one which gets the fastest slap in the face.

Tracer: Excuse me, that sounds like a literal version of, oh look we nerfed her, but actually it wont change anything at all!!! … like seriously, why not straight reverting it, rather then … hell, this cant be even called a nerf!

Zen: Oh well, we saw it all coming. 2 QoL nerfs, weird one but okay, and the projectile speed nerf is gonna pretty much make him way less lethal i think.

Once again, Tracer makes it out with barely a scratch with being S-tier pickrate since months. In comparison, Echo had never suceeded till this week a pickrate over 2.5% in GM…but she gets 2 nerfs while postergirl gets off with a little buzz once again.

Im pissed.


You guys need to consider the tanks for a bit.

Also Zen Nerfs was unnecessary… you needed to just buff his counter


Only 25% as a Nerf for discord orb? The fact that he can easily place an orb, no cooldowns, no aim needed, only shields (which are non existant) to block it… That discord orb is like a Mercy Valk/Orisa Ult, where you got 6 people making damage over 30% all the time, with not way to counter it, except for looking for natural cover for 3 secs or a Zarya placing a bubble, which again the Zen can place it on you bc there’s no cooldown or just killing the Zen. The orb didn’t need a speed reduction, neither harmony one. What you need to do is reduced its damage amp from 30% to 15-10% for everyone, except for Zen since it’s fine that he could keep doing the 30%+ damage amp since he has no ability to survive but doing damage.

Zen has the same problem as Bap. Having abilities that act like an ultimate is really a problem and the only reason why Zen now has become a little bit problematic, is bc shields does not exist anymore.

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The only thing that I want to know is they should be buffing character in need that isn’t being played by anyone. Like Sombra, Bastion, Mei those people need a buff. The person that I think needs a buff the most is Sombra her gun and her ult needs a change.