Exp Card Waiting Room (Possibly)

Well when theres not much content being put into the game, you can kinda see why the wait for exps are so huge.

I hope there are some reaper changes that actually helps him. Frankly I hope many of the bottom heroes get some buffs.

Tbhā€¦ Iā€™d trade the meka change for a faster D.Va projectile speed + a 10% ultimate reduction

Reaper Friday plz blizz

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i got my bingo card ready

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My predictions are a random torb buff because blizz balancing, orisa gets one more bullet, and mccree gets microscopic nerf or they butcher him entirely

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Iā€™m ready to see Cree not nerfed despite being dominant for months. Weird how any dps that isnā€™t hitscan is nerfed into irrelevance in a month at most, meanwhile Cree and Ashe can be meta for months.


I just want 76 to become garbage tier instead of unplayble. PLZ BIZZARD!

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gimme a sigma buff please.


I believe ashe and widow were not meta for months but for years.

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:confused: itā€™s never gonna happen

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Rapidly hitting that F5, waiting for the Tornado thread to come up.



Im ngl, i want a soldier meta. I wanna see how that would fare in gameā€¦

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Not Jasmine Masters :sob:

Hopefully the patch goes like this

D.va - Mech damage decreased to 150
Reinhardt - 50 additional armour, Shield increased to 1800, Rocket Hammer damage decreased to 75.

Some type of McCree nerf
Some type of Bap nerf


D.va mech is fine though

With a doomfist nerf revert yes

Why remove the Very thing that made Tanking fun :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :thinking: :thinking:

I wonder how you would react if doomfist got any sort of buff

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