Exp Card ideas to Fix Tanks

Changing D.va won’t really change much.
However these D.va changes allow for a lot more Orisa/Sigma/Winston usage in Plat and below.

No, they make her uncounterable if she has a brain. Tf. Tanks are fine rn anyways


You know what’s a bad joke? Acting like high ELO strategies are a huge concern for mid/low tier players.

Uh yeah, they do. D.va beinc uncounterable affects every rank. Do you think low ranks just don’t have D.va as a character? Smh

This is probably another out of 1 million d.va buff threads.


The thread is 80% “nerf all d.va counters lel”

Didn’t OP want dva buffs?

Yeah, and they also nerfed all her counters. That’s double the buffs

Wow. Seems like you really don’t care about Tanks, or Queue Times.

The Mei one sounds really bad. She already struggles in my opinion keeping up with other dps for example mcree or Ashe. If you make freeze a projectile it really hurts a lot of her match ups, and a 10 second wall isn’t going to compensate for it


Dvas right in the middle, higher than she belongs.


Yeah and? That’s still ok. Buffing D.va and nerfing her counters won’t make all tanks magically good. Also GM? Irrelevant. The only tanks not doing well are Orisa and Sig

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So by that virtue, you don’t care about the overall health of the game.
Because you are weighing “Let’s not fix the issue that could cause 5-20% of the playerbase to quit, because 0.01 to 0.1% of players in High ELO support players might get upset”.

Making any character OP affects all ranks, not just high ones. D.va doesn’t need dive to function rn, and that’s the point. Dva would be op within dive, imagined with dive. Uncounterable dive would be a worse meta than DS. I’d rather have Rein/Zarya than “enemy ran D.va so you can’t play Bap, Brig, Zen or Ana anymore lel” also 5% is a good enough pickrate so

Dive being dominant at high tier is the only composition that would have

  1. Good Tank usage variety potential for mid/low ELOs
  2. Proactively deal with snipers
  3. Isn’t a no-barriers meta, with free-range to snipers
  4. Isn’t a high durability meta, that’s dominated by MOBA mechanics

So Dva, Ham and Win only, and Win wouldn’t get play really

Not a problem rn

Not a problem rn

That’s not a bad thing. Also we’re in Rein/Zarya meta, not GOATS, durability is fine rn

You’re acting like Dive was dominant in Plat and below during the original Dive meta.

It wasn’t then. It wouldn’t be now.

Or as if Zarya, Roadhog, Hammond, and D.va do not have any anti-Dive capabilities.

I played during then in Plat/Diamond and I can tell you, it was. Also, Dva would be op without Dive if you nerf all her counters. Making a character OP affects all ranks

Not the point, the point is you nerfed ALL DIVE/DVA COUNTERS ffs

Also this makes Bap, Brig, Zen and Ana basically unplayable against Dva


Your changes make it such that you either play Dva or lose… I don’t see a scenario where Orisa, Sigma or Hog can be played…

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The idea that D.va, Roadhog, Hammond, and Zarya can’t provide AntiDive Peel.

And only Brig, Mei, Bap can provide AntiDive Peel.

Is dishonest.

Here’s a simple example for Hog.
Step 1. Hook the D.va
Step 2. Use whatever AntiDive capabilities you would have used normally, while the DM is down. (I.e. Hook into sleep dart)

Put your matrix up too, now it’s a stalemate

Use a bubble

CC almost the entire Dive away from the dive target like bowling pins