- You already picked up in how Rein/D.va would be a Brawl/Rush comp, not a Dive comp. So I could easily see the meta bounce between those.
- High tier has been wanting Full Dive back, ever since 3 years ago. They were pretty ecstatic when they got it for about a month in October.
- You’re right, solving high tier such it naturally has multiple metas isn’t going to happen with balance. You’d need something like a ban system or a Pick system. Balance changes like this would probably buy them about 6 months before they need to make a system to mix things up at high ELO.
Pick system, instead of Bans - This post is not really about solving high tier for the sake of high tier though. It’s about removing the roadblocks to high tier, to allow for a much higher degree of Tank variety for the other 95% of the playerbase.
- Devs need to solve queue times, and that ties in heavily with Tank design. And you can’t have two good SingleBarrier Tanks at mid/low ELOs without causing DoubleBarrier at high ELO. Unless you disarm the “AntiDive bodyguards” that DoubleBarrier could use.
- Even the BlizzCon changes with Rein having an 800hp barrier would likely cause DoubleBarrier. Because of it’s flat-out advantage in barrier breaking, raw barrier hp, and barrier regen.
- So it’s pretty unavoidable, if they want to fix Tank variety and queue times for 95% of their playerbase, that they will need a way to keep DoubleBarrier in check.