ExC goes live.... fully updated

Literally every tank is getting the damage dealt by primary fire reduced by 50%.

5v5 might also be a thing, that would explain the buff

As a tank main this breaks my heart :frowning: , makes me a little upset , I havenā€™t seen any of the changes but thats just ā€¦ I dont even know what to say about that nerf

I think you got it reversed, thats a buff (unless I missed something)

Almost time for pseudo-content!!!


it means tanks take 50% less damage (from primary fire only?)

honestly ngl its still pretty fun to play these modes (sure this is the second one but still)

ohh I understand now !!! I miss read I thought the Tank primary weapon fire was getting nerfed now I realize its a 50 percent damage reduction when someone shoots them I understand now sorry read it to fast

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Its okay we are all juggling alot

Honestly, some of the changes actually look fun, SPEED BOOST ZARYA, but that damage reduction thoā€¦ maybe 50% is a little too muchā€¦

my main is monkey zar and sig

Mission accomplished.
My job here is done.

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Interesting. Wonder how this affects Moira? Her primary fire is healing. Wonder if that means she does full damage versus tanksā€¦

This is where we are right now, countdowns for an experimental card, damn.

i have the feeling its not going to be on time, might be delayed for 30 minutes or more. im expecting nearer to an hour later

itā€™s better then radio silence

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Not a buff, sheā€™s clear in the video that in exchange for multiple buffs to survivability, crowd control reduction, and improved utility, tanks are having their damage reduced so teammates can more easily deal damage. Tanks are going to be low-damage but control the flow of battle with their utility.

This is all we have to look forward to for the next two weeks at the bare minimum and itā€™s so sad

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Wow. Iā€™m just likeā€¦
WHY ON EARTH did she think it was a good idea to nerf all tank damage by 50%?

Like, none of the buffs even come close to that egregious nerf that will absolutely make the role irrelevant.

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Jodie will be to blame if itā€™s wrong

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If itā€™s not here at 11am on the dot, you need to add -1 min, -2 min etc. to your title :stuck_out_tongue: