Every game that takes place in the ladder should be public knowledge

Similar situations have happened in the NFL. For example, the Colts and “S**k for Luck”. (Not sure if that is against ToS)

Also, I don’t think that is a fitting comparison. However, to answer the question, the fans care. They are buying tickets to see the best product on the field. Not to see a team throwing away a season. Sponsors care. They are paying to advertise to people watching the game. When there’s a sub-par lineup, for reasons such as intentionally losing, people aren’t watching. This means the advertisers aren’t getting the exposure they paid for. My opinion is that the fans and the advertisers should get a refund because the pretenses for accepting the money was not met.

I think the same should go for game publishers when boosters, smurfs, and other forms of cheating are allowed. The product isn’t what the customer intended to purchase.

The problem with this argument is that no one can definitively say what is contributed toward SR because of performance.

Meanwhile there’s been evidence that proves otherwise… It’s a lot harder to prove now, because of hidden profiles, but before then many people did so. Multiple people, myself included, showed their stats being in the top percentile of the player base, and video evidence of their team’s average SR being significantly worse.

The players showed that they were being put onto teams were the average SR was 200+ below their current SR. If Joe Schmo is a 3000 SR player, but the team’s average is 2750, there’s something going on.

If that were true, all of these “Bronze to GM” runs would have ended with no losses until high masters. However, that wasn’t the case with any that I am aware of. Games in bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond could be lost as well.

Now, going back to an issue that I have already pointed out… If Player A is 250 SR above their team’s average, that means the rest of the team (in some way) has to be 250 below the average. If the opposing team is made up of players that are closely ranked around their team’s average, they have an advantage. The 5 players on Player A’s team are not as skilled as the players on team B. Once Player A dies, even if that requires focus by 2 players, the rest of Player A’s team dies too.

Be happy that it was only 3 SR. Many people could have easily been down 30-40 SR.

The biggest issue is the mindset of a large percentage of the people playing games. Many have little to no experience in anything competitive. It’s why you sometimes see the flawed argument of “people just aren’t competitive. If they were, they’d welcome the chance to play against smurfs and rise to the challenge.”

Think of how flawed that concept actually is. These people are cheating in order to play against lesser skilled people, but then want to turn it on the people who call them out. Some how, their “competitive nature” makes them not want to play against people of equal or higher skill. Meanwhile, they want to say someone else isn’t competitive because they want a fair and balanced match.

Take a look at any real competitive sport, and you don’t see those types of things going on constantly. Why don’t you see LeBron James dunking on high school kids, and then telling them that they suck because they aren’t doing the same to him? There’s no competition there. Also, there’d be repercussions from the NBA and team owners because of the negative impact that it would cause. Another reason is that he doesn’t feel a need or desire to do so. It’s not as if this game, or whatever game, will likely be his only chance to be successful.

We don’t need to know the way the system works. We simply need a dev, team that takes action and holds cheaters accountable.

With the number of cheaters playing in the incorrect ranks, what do you think has happened with performance based SR?

The problem isn’t performance based stats, hidden MMR, or not knowing how every single game played out. The issue with this game, and all other games, is people.

I never said that hard carrying = instawin. Hard carrying simply means well outperforming your team, which Bronze to GM runs quite evidently show.

What have you carried your team to, if not a win? Doing better or worse than your team, in a game that isn’t close, isn’t carrying or being carried.

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Abuse…is bad. It would hurt the game if players could smurf with precision.

A smurf would chain losses and stagger wins in order to deflate their SR.


Yes, that’s why they removed it for Diamond+. I still think they should remove it for all ranks.

this is most likely the reason

I don’t know what words to use to explain that forfeiting a game is the optimal strategy when you can’t make it to the playoffs. And if they don’t want teams forfeiting to get 1st round draft pick, then decide it another way. You’re not letting the teams make optimal decisions, and this is doo doo imho

I don’t care about all of that. What would be blizzard’s motive to do this. It’s just ludicrous to think something nefarious is going on. That’s my 2 cents anyway.

I think everyone should start at zero SR and you should be able to shed SR with the click of a button. The better you are, the more integrity your games have. That’s what I would do if I was the devs :slight_smile:

fine, then let me hold interviews… QoL for the LFG

I’m glad you aren’t the devs. You would make competitive dismal for casual players because you don’t realize what the purpose of lower ranks is. The playerbase would be a lot smaller if new and low skill players were easily stomped by smurfs. The current situation is bad enough.


if you’re an “average” overwatch player 2200sr-2500sr. you are burdened with facing off against all newly created accounts. I think this burden should fall on the worst of Overwatch players.

In absolute stomps it’s much harder to determine that but a loss does not mean you didn’t carry. I’ve lost games on my plat smurf, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t outperform my team during that game, and did the bulk of the heavy lifting.

Why do you want this stuff?

You cant abuse pbsr.

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you can if you’re smurfing ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))

lmao but yeah the only way to abuse it is by just, outperforming consistently, which means you’d climb regardless from being better than your rank

No you cant, you are not abusing it. You simply play good and you are rewarded by pbsr. Its not abusing.

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There are a lot of players that barely play to win and just play like it’s deathmatch, going for numbers over win conditions. They may lose more games, but they lose less SR because they don’t have as much down time as someone who’s trying to wait for their team, not spamming abilities the moment they go off-cooldown, etc.

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But thats not abusing system. Thats being dumb. Farming stats is useless if you dont win. There is basicly no difference in playing good to win vs abusing pbsr.

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That’s why I say it’s not intentional. It’s the game rewarding bad habits and encouraging them.

What bad habits do you think PSBR encourages ? Low deaths high kills are most likely the main triggers for psbr awards. They are also important win conditions for most if not all classes.

You get a lot of players in low elo investing ultimates in lost fights. They might get a 4k and die, but they still die and get staggered. This is probably the most common example.

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But its not. System will reward you only if you win. Losing even only 15 sr is not reward.

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I feel like this is mainly a gamesense problem, they would still do that if they removed psbr :]

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