[Everlasting Hope šŸŒ²] Share a Positive Occurrence!


Hori makes some of the best sticks around. In fact, many other companies use their parts in their build.

Looks like you gonna be hooked on fighting games soon, buddy. =)

idkā€¦i wont lie, i usually just like wrestling games more than fighting games

Because the technology behind them is quite complex but more importantly, because the parts have to be tough and very durable + economy of scale, not many units are in demand so they would be more pricey to make a decent profit marginā€¦

But the joy and thrill of using a fightstick is pure ecstasy.

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i meanā€¦i probably could actually do that z movement without risk of snapping my thumbstick in half

You need some Tekken in your life, young blood!

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i played a free version on ps3 onceā€¦it was alrightā€¦still how do i do a Z motionā€¦gotta learn that.

Was playing Hanzo is 4v4 DM, and not doing my best. We were even, but it seemed like the enemy was about to get the best of us. Went McCree, and ended up going for 20 elims and winning the game! It was a good team and a lot of fun!


Yeah, exactly, mate. The sticks can take millions of hours of abuse but believe you, me. It is not the stick which one should worry about breaking, it is the buttons.

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ehā€¦until thenā€¦i guess the d-pad will doā€¦do i just gotta rock it basically?

Yeah, my buddy who tried Street Fighter 4 was learning. Gave up. Used Guile. XD

the key is think of it as Forward then quarter-circle.
or connect the dots between Forward, Down and Forward.

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damn, dude. Sounds awesome.

i wish my McCree was that goodā€¦

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oh okayā€¦though this is why i play robo fortuneā€¦she doesnā€™t use this motionā€¦like at all

with D pad, it would be actually easier. Play it like Connect the dots, Forward, down, forward but quickly.

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OMG! Iā€™m currently trying to level up all my Skull Girls to progress further, I have a few Valentines! I have a copy of Street Fighter 4 but always go back to Tekkenā€¦ Iā€™m a Lilith main.

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okay, ill give it a tryā€¦seriously though, you explained that much better than my friend did, he was talking like about diagonals and crap

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Yeah but she has nothing on ā€¦


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Never really got into Tekken as much as i would have liked but i am stoked for the Soul Calibur 6 release next month as is my friend who cannot do the forward-quarter circle on SF4 (I use Ryu). He is gonna take his revenge on me in SC6 XD

Just bought SF5 cheap so maybe when i have time, i would catch up on SF5.

Hope it helps, SSH. I guess that if the advice works, it would be because of my many years playing (but not well) of fighting games. So, veterans like us would have taught of ways to try to make things easier for new players to pick it up.


i guess in fight game circles, mortal kombat isnā€™t taking too seriously? as it is a rather simple fighting game?

I pocketed a Genji for about 40% of a Control point. He spent the rest of the round actively deflecting while standing in front of me.

It was a great time for both of us.


that is what a team should do

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