Event Challenge: Thanks Emote doesn't complete

Played 4 games, and emoted Thanks a bunch to players on my team and it doesn’t register as success in the event challenges tab.


Yeah same for me, emoted thanks to everyone on my team in all games and been playing for an hour now.

Edit: someone said it doesn’t complete in arcade.

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Same here, no matter if you say it to a teammate or to no one specific. Maybe it works in normal game modes?

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Can’t complete this either. Tried @ other players and at no one specific as well.

It actually completed for me, don’t know how but I asked in chat if they completed say thanks to anyone. Maybe that’s what you gotta do, say thanks in chat lol

Ultimate fool:tank not counting anything. Ive done this challenge at least five times,maybe patch before the event ends?

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I tried that and it didn’t work : /

I just got it by saying thanks to everyone on my team (in the april fools mode)

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, while its not intended to be restricted, you’ll need to make sure to say “Thanks” to specifically a Support hero (just like the occasional Daily challenge) to get this Challenge completed. Sorry for the confusion.


So I just said thanks to a Lucio player and it didn’t count towards the challenge. This challenge and using the tank ultimate 3 times are the only two challenges not tracking.


Ahh I should had seen this first.

I just said Thanks to Lifeweaver and did not get the spray. I have also said thanks to a Tank and DPS which didn’t count.


Will try this! Edit: I spammed thanks to everyone as a DPS including 2 support and nothing(said Thanks at player).
New update: After logging back in, my Mei spray was completed. I guess the sign-in fixed the issue? Not 100% sure.

hey, i just used mercy’s applause emote during a normal QP game, though i was facing both a genji and a moira so i couldn’t tell you if it was at either one. the challenge completed after that game though.

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How it worked for me was emoting and saying thanks


I feel like this one is an April Fools troll. This simply won’t complete no matter what. I literally spammed thanks all game to everyone. Nothing.

I got it to work finally. But I really had to spam a Moira. I hope this is fixed for others before the event ends.