Even best SB - Fitzyhere says ''Sombra sucks'' after nerfs

The last post i did I got bombarded with people telling me she is still viable that i just suck (ignoring the idiots who straight up want her removed or dumpstered comments - 0 IQ thought process) with the character even tho i have around 700hrs on Sombra and had a 70% winrate with her before nerf, dropped to 61% after nerf and i will probably end up with 30% or less winrate if i continue to play this joke of a hero. Now lets just say i do suck with the hero, does that mean even Fitzyhere one of the best Sombra players in the world also sucks? Since even he is not able to get value with the character anymore whether that’s damage or providing utility for his team. This just proves my point from my last post that people who think this character is still viable doesn’t or haven’t put any decent time into the hero to understand why these three nerfs going through together straight up demolished the hero. People say shes hard to balance
NO SHE IS NOT. If Blizzard wants to lean more into her hack and keep her damage low then they need to go back to OW1 Sombra, if they want to lean towards MORE DAMAGE then you nerf her hack and emp more aggressively. With this current nerf they have nerfed her damage aggressively and with the transition from Sombra OW1 to 2 her hack is already not as effective which was the trade off to getting the high damage. MUST READ PART!!! Now i 100% think Sombra needed her hack to be nerfed further so that she would become less oppressive which the changes to hack with current patch was good and Blizzard could probably look at her invis, trans and hacking from stealth further HOWEVER, to add the damage nerf on top you literally didn’t lean towards anything with this hero thus her viability thrown out the window completely no argument. Now you can say this hero is unfun to play against but same thing can be said about Widow/Hanzo, Hog hook, pre nerf Zarya, getting dived by Winston, getting nano bladed, getting shattered, getting junked, getting fluxed the list go on and on and on so no this isn’t a valid point i hate seeing this crap since by using this logic every hero in the game needs nerfs.

My last post: Its offical sombra is dead again - see yall in ow3

Here’s a link to Fitzyhere vod: Twitch /// Skip to 02:22:31 for his first thoughts of the nerf and watch the game he played before the time. If he’s streaming please be nice to him since hes going through some stuff atm so hop in and show him so love.

Ima quote him after the match just in case people are too lazy to watch the vod.
—’‘Ooof Sombra sucks’’
—’‘She doesn’t do any damage, she can’t cancel abilities (which i think he didn’t mean this) or keep someone vulnerable
what is she supposed to do? Anybody who is hacked, the amount of damage done onto them either gets cleansed or you just run out of bullets.’’
—’‘You can cancel abilities but the problem is Hog doesn’t give a BLEEP, neither does Winston. Those are the two tanks being played.’’
—Someone asks how this nerf compares to OW1 Sombra - Fitzyhere says ‘‘I’d say worse than OW1. OW1 you could actually team fight with EMP. EMP feels like it gets cleansed right away since Lucio or Kiriko are hiding so you can never really get a good EMP.’’
—’‘I think they need to either make hack cast time faster, idk why its still 0.85. If they are gonna get rid of the damage they need to make hack faster.’’ (Just to clarify what he means by this since people are gonna be like she still gets 25%? - Well hacking a target puts your damage back to where OW1 Sombra damage was since Sombra unhacked damage was reduced by 1 before OW2 launch - so you are actually doing less damage while also providing less utility which is why i would also rather play OW1 Sombra over this dumped on hero).

Now this was only some of what he said and i can’t be bothered to quote all of his points since my time is limited and you can just watch yourself but i feel like i outlined my points. Now before you call him and me biased go watch his 1 game before he gave his thoughts and after and look at how terrible the hero has become. Even if you hate the hero you CANNOT justify this nerf since it makes her utterly useless. Not to mention even me and most likely Fitzyhere knew the character needed nerfs so no the biasness doesn’t make sense here. All i am saying is if Fitzyhere can’t make this hero work then imagine when you get someone on your team that locks this character in, a instant lose since yall be fighting a 5v4 at this point. Now yes you can play and do well in a match but that doesn’t mean the character is good, she is terrible whether you agree or not. Go play her for yourself after reading this post and watching Fitzyhere vod.

Since I am beating a dead horse and i am probably gonna regret posting this, i will not be replying to any comments no matter how tempting it’ll be to do so
so this will be my last post.

Thanks for reading adios.


only those who had the opportunity to fight against good sombras think she is viable without trying the hero themselves rather than just the player being good. The same player can get way more value with less investment on other dps now.

sombra was annoying but not OP

have you ever seen sombra dropping 40 elimination bombs consistently?

sombra is now on par with brigitte in being trashy


I like Fitzy - but surely you can see the argument that a take as biased as his is likely to be is not an accurate indicator of balance.

You should not have a 70% win rate on this hero - that is absolutely absurd.

What rank was Fitzy before and after the nerf? Still GM1?


He was complaining in that stream about not being able to chain hack - honestly, it was just whining.


He also thought Sombra was trash because she wasn’t being played in OWL. She is fine, and if anything more balanced


Fitzy is the last person I’d trust to have an unbiased opinion on Sombra’s balance.


Best sombra player, u mean doha?

Fitzy doesnt like sombra nerf, water is wet, more at 11.


Sombra is a terrible hero and she should not be in the game.


Don’t take a one tricks word too seriously. They are often biased and irrational because they only use one of the 30 plus characters. I like the guy but I’m not sorry that the only character you play is not to your liking anymore.


i’m sure she will get buffed again eventually depending on statistics. probably will be a while tho depending on her performance

in the meantime if your not good with her just move on lol

she still is good at disruption but you have to very creative. had a game where in echinwielde where we were stalled for a while so i went sombra to backcap. actually worked out and my team was good enough to capitalize. as for her being an awesome assassin and leet hacker
 cant really anymore or you have to have good timing on hacks. a lot harder than before but possible. still it does drop her to like C or worse tier imo

game is BZE9K0 
 had fun disrupting the enemy to lose 1st point lol


and yea sombra is kinda bad rn. Completely outshined by tracer rn

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Ooooooo I m so sorry you dropped from 70 to 60%. Yes there must be every hero a win pick aka 100%.
But wait
 how? :thinking: I know. Buff every season 1 hero in every way so he can even win 1v5 situation.

That’s probably why she got nerfed.

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She was shutdown by basic teamwork lol


Oh poor guy canÂŽt camp in stealth forever and get free kills anymore.

If Sombra is low damage, what is Tracer then? Factually no damage?

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You’re right, I’ve seen sombra in my games, I duo with one in fact, unless you coordinate to take advantage of the lockout and 2v1, there’s little to no value. I’ve been doing a lot of cases, and I have had many time where we roll because we synergize and are able to combo down a support or dps. The character does suck alone, they should have increased hack lockout, not reduced it for the dmg multiplier being nerfed. If you’re having trouble, keep making post like these, hopefully blizz sees them. My second best suggestion to you is to find a dps duo, like a genji or smthn to combo and take 2v1s for free value. Hope it helps. Wtih Love, Eviscerated

I agree. With such a short lockout with low dmg, why should they care? Support easily outheals this, and the low lockout is laughable.

Now that Beat is “overshield” and emp doesn’t negate shields, the character is for worse off.

not just faster, last longer.

LOL You shouldn’t have to say this- I main Genji and now cass, and as a genji player even I think she’s terrible.

NO! don’t give up, the forum needs opinions like yours, please don’t leave like this :cry:


Did not read, but yes sombra sucks now.

Ok, I’m prepared to change my mind on this, I respect Fitzy.

majority of the community hates sombra, myself included, but i think it’s fair to admit the damage debuff nerf was definitely overkill. that should be the first thing they look at because she has too much pressure to kill while not being able to do so.

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