Error 0xe00101b0 on launch

I’ve been experiencing this new error 0xe00101b0 on launch which crashes my game instantly. I’ve updated Windows and my GPU drivers to no avail. Tech support has not been helpful in resolving this issue. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

Hi Varga,

This error can be tricky to fix as it is a general error. While it tends to lean towards Windows or you GPU needing updating, other applications in the background can cause this.

You can try a selective startup to see if that helps Overwatch to launch.

Closing Background Applications: Blizzard Support - Closing Background Applications

If the error is still showing up, please post your MSInfo, DxDiag and, if present, your most recent Overwatch Error Log to and post the links here so we can look further into this for you.

Obtaining System Files: Blizzard Support - Obtaining System Files

Obtaining Game Error Logs: Blizzard Support - Obtaining Game Error Logs

Hey there,



Thank you Varga!

I do see you have Citrix installed and I’ve seen an uptick in issues with games, including Overwatch. Currently, solutions are user based so it is up to you if you’d like to try them.

Solutions that I have come across so far are to re-install Citrix or uninstalling it completely.

A more recent solution I have come across from a user named SquaL on Reddit is to disable the SentryBay service which eliminates the need to uninstall Citrix. You can check out their post here and it includes step by step instructions on how they did this.

Hopefully this helps to resolve your issue. If not let me know and I will dig further to try to figure this out for you.

You’re right, it was sentrybay. Strange how I never thought of this since this program gave me issues with Valorant last year. Thanks!!!

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The reddit thread you posted got deleted - could you please describe how to disable SentryBay as I am struggling with the same issue and I am alos using citrix.


Windows services can be seen by running “services.msc”.

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Hello Spinaker,

Thank you for letting me know that the reddit thread has been deleted.

The way this user disabled the SentryBay was by going to the search box on the Windows Task Bar and typing msconfig. Once the System Configuration window opens, select Services. Sort by Manufacturer, untick all SentryBay entries, Apply, and Restart your computer. Hope that helps!

Hello Catystol,

It works for me also - thank you. However I am still puzzled why this issue only affects Overwatch - no other blizzard game or any other game. I guess we’ll never know…


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