Entering Comp then freezes and disconnects

I tried playing 3 Comp games now. 1 worked completely fine. The other two games would start up put me on a team and freeze at the loading screen. Then the inactive countdown will start and kick me out while at loading screen before picking a hero. Now Im suspended for 30 minutes. But wait…theres more I cant even start the game up and log in now smh. Error (BC-101) On PS4 btw.

This is a generic connection error. It’s worth trying the connection troubleshooting for Consoles. Blizzard Support - Troubleshooting Overwatch 2 Connection Problems on Consoles

A post was merged into an existing topic: Unable to connect to Bnet North East US

What about the freezing screen amd getting kicked?

Those can happen as a result of connection problems, so please try the troubleshooting first.

I tried it. But i read its a third party from verizon tbats the cause of the issue. No more overwatch i guess until the issue is resolved

Ah, yep, people in Northeast on Verizon are still having issues.


I gave up. If i try anymore ill get banned