Enough about "skill"!

Obviously there isn’t such a thing as a character that takes NO SKILL, what people mean is that they are LOW-SKILL. It’s disingenuous to say that low skill heroes don’t exist, Blizzard acknowledges that they do.

Please read some of the other replies I’ve made on here, because that is still a biased statement regardless of what Blizzard says.

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I’m agreeing with you and saying low skill heroes should exist and be viable. If you want me to say all heroes are equal in skill level then you’re dreaming.

You assume that some heroes are “training wheels”, when in reality, some people very much like playing them at high levels and find much success doing so. You have to acknowledge that other people love those heroes and don’t think the way you do.

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Because low skill characters actually perform better at lower ranks. That’s the point. You’ll actually get far more healing out of a Mercy in say Bronze than you would an Ana, purely because the mechanics are so much simpler. It’s not wasting resources at all, it’s actually catering to a player group of a certain skill range.

So the statement that “Mercy is strictly worse than Ana” isn’t a true claim whatsoever. In fact it’s the opposite, Mercy is actually better than Ana if you’re lower ranked, Ana only becomes better at higher ranks. So they’re actually both good, but it’s totally dependant on what part of the skill spectrum you’re on that determines that.

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I’m not asking you to say anything. You can form whatever opinion you want, but do not say that it is the right way to view things or in any way pure fact. Is it an opinion a lot of people have? Sure. Is it one everyone has? No.

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See, that’s bad design. Better design would have each successful in various capacities or comps or maps etc. Designing something just for low or high ladder is really silly. At that point you might as well make teo separate games.

Exactly. Not only that, if you want to play Mercy at higher ranks, you can! Is she the best hero in a lot of high level games? Of course not. Is she still a viable pick and strong in certain situations? Absolutely.


There are people who think vaccines cause autism. The fact a minority like to delude themselves does not mean the rest are wrong and merely an opinion. Factually ie demonstrably Genji is harder than Torbjiotrn. That’s not an opinion even if some want to pretend otherwise.

That’s your opinion. What “better game design” is, is up to Blizzard, not you.

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People who feel cheated about Brig are usually those that feel entitled that Aim>everything. They feel as they just want to run around and dive people without counters.

And lets not enter the whole “difficulty” in learning a hero into the mix. That is a subjective thing to each individual person.

The meta is determined by the easiest heroes to get value out of… Tracer wasn’t the hardest character to play… she got the most value because she had no counters pre-brig. All you had to do is have good blink management and decent aim and you could dominate solo with her. You didn’t really need teamwork (another skill a lot of people gloss over)… you just blinked in, no one could hit you cause you were so fast and tiny… and just sprayed bullets into defensless supports.

Once tracer actually got counters… people looked at the next easiest thing to get value out of… Zarya and Hanzo. Then built teams around that, because well, Brig enabled Rein to shatter really well… and prevented dive. Brig is not OP, she just fits into the easiest comps to play.

Then when Hanzo got nerfed and more people played Zarya/Rein… and Ana buffed and Mercy nerfed, the snipers became less powerful and the easiest comp to play then was deathball with brig. The support buffs to AoE healing has a LOT to do with how powerful Goats is…

NOT Brig.

Brig is just the long list of heroes, like Symm, Mercy and torb, that have been harassed by these Aim elitists that think that Aim = skill.

Personally, I have a hard time getting a lot of value out of Brig. Her fast reflex combo… the front line awareness… and understanding of the Rein shield dance… just doesn’t fit into my skillset as a backline support.

Can i stand there and swing and bash people? Sure, but I die quick and don’t give the value to my rein that even makes her a good pick.

Play brig away from a Rein, or as a duo support (not as an off tank) then you see that she is very weak. She needs her team to follow up on her bashes… and she needs her enemy to be dumb enough to get close to her.

She has a low skill floor… and a low skill ceiling. She also is very niche and only benefits because there are too many tanks that do just as much damage as the damage heroes and they benefit with the slow AoE healing.

Each hero takes a lot of time to get good at. Inexperienced Dooms and hammonds will just dive in and feed. Mercy’s will stand around and get dove on flankers and will be a sitting ducks as they keep their healing beam on a full hp target. Symms will throw their turrets around and hope that enemies don’t kill them and won’t hop around their TP. Brigs will stand in the middle of the enemy swinging their mace and randomly bash people.

Maybe a lot of people can get value out of Brig… but wait til the popular heroes shift back to a dive-like meta… or a hero is introduced to counter stuns and CC and you’ll see Brig no longer be an issue.

Right now her and Doom are running wild because no one wants to play their CC counters.


That is an opinion. I never said that wasn’t. But you’re* also replying to comments that have nothing to do with you so unsure what your goal is.

For some torb is harder to play than genji, so I don’t see your point here.

Everyone has a different perspective is what i mean and that makes statement likes “X hero is better than Y hero” biased and thus, not completely factual.

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Isn’t a good way to balance heroes at all, because the game is played completely differently at different ranks of the game. Team comps and things that work in Silver are completely different to what works in Diamond or Masters. Catering to a skill level makes far more sense that catering to certain compositions or maps.

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I don’t have goal or an axe to grind on a particular topic. I just want members of the community to stop saying that certain things are a given for all players. Every view on this forum has bias in it, which means we can’t treat anything here like it is gospel.

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How? I know they’re different. But what you’re proposing appears to be that they should treat games like different ranks with wildly different strategies working and heroes designed for each. If that’s the case why even allow Widow or Tracer in lower than Plat or Torb/Sym in above Plat? If you’re basjcaly saying each is designed for essentially another game as everything is already entirely different.

Did you ever think that maybe it’s ok for some hero’s to be better suited to certain elo’s?

I didn’t say unplayable, I said better suited.

Of course a widow can be played in bronze, but the value they can provide would be marginal at best. In GM a widow player can dominate and coordinated teams need to target them.

In bronze a mercy (or indeed a Brig) should dominate, as they take less mechanical skill, easy to pick up for new players, and also people who don’t take the game too seriously and just wanna have fun.
A mercy in GM should absolutely provide far less value than a skilled Ana, period.

As someone else said earlier in this thread, high skill/risk = high reward.

The second that statement becomes false, the community will kick off.
Brig was and still is the polar opposite of that statement, hence the current community backlash.

She is low “skill” (let’s not argue about skill, she just is, period) but the value she can provide in every single rank and every single comp is crazy.
Why pick a high “skill” hero? Just pick Brig and win.


It’s been a good convo dude. Thanks for actually being constructive. I’m going to leave this convo now because the people who want to just shout their opinion but have already made up their minds have showed up and i can’t be bothered with pointless arguments, might as well hit my head against a wall. Have a good one.

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^^^^^^This x10000000

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No, that would be the goal: to have a varied, balanced meta where high and low skill can interact. If we make it so that only high skilled heroes get high rewards then the game becomes limited in so many ways. That mantra should be the exact opposite of how the game works. Various characters should work roughly equally not having one dominate a place on the ladder and be useless elsewhere.

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