Endorsement system bugs?

I have been playing with my boyfriend recently and his connection to has been fine, but lately with only overwatch he suddenly is having connection issues. Now I leave sometimes when he disconnects but he has gotten penalized numerous times for it when it is only overwatch with this issue. Along with with, recently I have not left games early (stayed even through cards), went up to rank 3, got the lootboxes, joined a game DIRECTLY AFTER and lost a rank?? I did aboslutely nothing except join a game? Fix your system blizz, it’s bad.

From what you describe, it’s working as intended. You leave or disconnect from a match you lose endorsement.

I’m not usually one to defend Blizzard but in this case you misunderstand.

This isn’t a bug.
You also have to maintain a certain amount to retain your level.
If you do not, it goes down.

Tldr: you get 1 or two extra loot boxes a week. Big whoop…i wouldn’t give the endorsement system much attention. Just play the game and have fun.

tbh just making sure, mainly cause i lost a level for doing nothing (i play everyday and get a steady 2 endorsements a game) so it just confused me as i just went into a game and lost a level lol

Your endorsement level can go down if you get reported for any reason as well.
Basically, try playing the game and not paying attention to it.