Endorsement Level went down

Your endorsement being 0 implies you got your account suspended or silenced by breaking the code of conduct.


Just leaved OW for 2 weeks without ban or something, i was playing The Division 2, and just paused OW

I already know bans resets the counter, so pls, stop trolling with this answers, ty

Stop it dude. I was just giving you the reason as to why your endorsement is 0. It is clear that based on how you decided to be snappy you likely did get reprimanded.

Sorry to hear about this.

I was under the impression that endorsement level reflects how often you get endorsed and how often you endorse other players.

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This kind of thing happens all the time. The endorsement system is absolutely worthless. I appreciate the idea behind it, but it doesn’t work at all–and it’s clear that a lot of people have just given up on it at this point.

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I just had the same problem. WTF

I just logged in today and my level went from 5 to 4… I played yesterday and received a decent amount of endorsements so I find this really ridiculous I really hope this is a bug because I’m really mad almost 2 months trying to get my lvl 5 to lose it on a day… :confused:

It is extremely hard to maintain endorsement level 5. You likely didn’t get enough endorsements.

Me too, I was level four endorsement for about a week now. I’ve gotten about three to four endorsements from each game, playing about five hours at the least a day and today I went down from four to three. It didn’t specify why or how, either. I spent so long trying to get to level four endorsement and I just lost it for no absolute reason! I’ve always been kind when I have my mic on and when I do at the end of the game I always say “good game, guys”in a cheerful tone, even if we lost. The only time I’ve ever asked someone to do someone was today and it was because this kid was screaming into his mic and I politely asked “please stop screaming into the mic, I’m sure that the rest of the team doesn’t appreciate it” But NEVER have I been toxic. I always give and receive endorsements, I’ve never been banned or suspended etc., so I don’t understand why I went down a level.

It just happened again, I had gotten back up to four last nights got, and just because I didn’t play overnight, I’m a level three endorsement again.

Why would you ? :wink:

I just recently had this happen. I went from a 4 to a 3. I left maybe 2 games, but that was after they ended and I didn’t want to stay with group. I gave endorcements and I received endorcements, but it went down. I don’t completely understand. If it’s a bug, I hope it can be fixed. I’m never rude when I play. I never get on mic honestly, so it bugs me that after just a few hours of play I loose my endorcements.

You need to receive a certain amount of endorsements to maintain a level depending on the level. You probably didn’t get enough.


Having a higher endorsement level in no way changes how many duplicates you will get in your loot boxes. I don’t believe it even should. You lucked out getting level 5 as fast as you did but for most people it is extremely hard to even achieve. So I don’t believe a level 5 should get rewarded even more for something which is completely impossible to get for the vast majority of people who are just as deserving but simply can’t get higher than level 4.

Level 4 is easy to maintain, but level 5 is much more difficult

It is simple don’t leave games.

its not that easy if your a competitive player

I have a very similar problem.
I went down from 4 to 3 two times now, wthout even being notified…
I never left a match, I always endorse and get endorsements.
I really don’t get it and can find no explanation for it…

Then you don’t get enough, you will need a lot of them,
there were timers where getting 7+ was normal :stuck_out_tongue:

For the past week or 2 I’ve been leveling my endorsement level up and losing it. I endorse players every single game and most games (about 95%) ill get at least 1 or 2 endorsements myself. yet i keep losing my endorsement level. I’m a nice player and always endorse. I’m fairly sure I’ve never been reported either. Also its worth noting that i play basically every day so i know it isn’t due to decay. What gives???

I recently just came back from a 6 month break from Overwatch

I still had my Rank 3 endorsement soooo…