Endorsement Level 4 rewards then vs now

My endorsement can’t even stay at 4 and I’m not even typing anything to either side to get reported unless they are upset that I defeated them. It seems like whenever you use reports on someone it drops down. Just remove this useless system if you can’t give us loot boxes anymore.

Endorsement level 5 for years. I used to get 4 loot boxes every 2-3 weeks…now it’s this.
Great new system

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The decay rate gets rough the higher you go. You might be on the cusp of 3 and 4 and that’s why you can’t maintain it.

There might’ve been some background tinkering for endorsements as well. As you can only endorse 2 instead of 3 players, can’t endorse enemy players and there’s no options of what type of endorsement to give.

Maybe that’s why the rewards are so screwy :thinking:

At this point I’d prefer if we got currency instead. It’s no good to those how’ve finished the battle pass to keep getting exp. That and the endorsement rewards aren’t as frequent so it’s not like there’s a way to farm coins via this method anyway.

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