EMP is broken and needs a rework - her main kit needs buffs

How do you know that? I didn’t make any specific suggestion as to what her new ultimate could be.

I gold maybe.

Wasn’t that the reason why Mercy was reworked in the first place?


Sorry, but can you share the username of your account that’s in Masters? Because the things you’re saying Sombra is strong at and the wording you’re choosing is identical to the people who exaggerate Sombra, and have 0 playtime on her.

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You also grossly overstated how good it is to start with; if you want to balance around an over exaggeration, the end result is not going to be good.

You want to rank shame? Go ahead, but it seems to work pretty damn well in OWL as well.

I don’t know where you’re going with this? We need to rework all AoE effects because they promote hiding?

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And? Each of these metas requires teamwork.

I dont get it why its so hard to understand that you dont need to get rid of metas just cause of people are crying about it.
(People have complained about every friiking meta every year but this is just too silly what youre saying)

Its not end of the world if theyre playing it & other metas which has dps.

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Well hiding behind walls seems to be the counter to snipers primary fire according to the forums so why not emp? Zen does not need to be hugging his team. He can heal, discord and damage from almost infinite range

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it’s not an over exaggeration. Even Fitzy and Codey have stated multiple times that Sombra gets carried by EMP. Genji and Zarya have a similar issue.

It’s not rank shaming. Shatter has almost twice as much cast time, a smaller hitbox, and can be blocked by barriers. It requires the enemy team to either make a mistake or be distracted for it to work. With EMP you just press Q.

What? No. I meant the “hide and pop out to press Q” thing.

It’s a massive problem if “getting kills with bullets and projectiles” is rarely ever used.

And Doomfist/Sombra are largely part of that problem.


I watch both of them and have never encountered them saying this…


I will say that I do think Emp should get some better way to react to it. Tiny bit longer cast time.

Also this is unrelated but they really need to do something about AoE abilities like Emp and Blizzard clipping through walls and obstacles. It just makes things confusing.


No, its not actually.


decreasing the cooldown = even more frequent hacks

you gotta be joking at this point to think hack needs anymore buffs

you’re basically asking for emp to be nerfed so you can break the rest of her kit lol


You are not watching them hard enough then. Codey in particular has said so a gazillion times after he started streaming again.

I mean hack is now going to do what it does to Lucio, Doom, Hammond to a couple more characters (Brig and Mercy in particular). Wow, so broken. She barely maintains a positive winrate above masters btw.

I know her current state is awful but if you buff the EXACT part of her kit that is responsible for her being bad you’re pretty much asking for her to be gutted with nerfs few weeks later.

Well maybe you should be asking for those straight buffs instead of suggesting you nerf the one thing she’s supposedly good at (which on its own clearly isn’t enough to make her good).

No, lol he doesn’t say EMP carries her. How about you cite your sources?

While EMP is for sure the best ult in the game it is not broken and has a cast time of 0.5 exactly not 0.4 in which in theory it can be cancelled with anything that cancels a casttime.

And looking at most stats that are available to us even with the best ult in the game she is pretty much the worst Hero in the game even tho the meta is hardcountered by her.

And it seems the devs do agree that rework are a bad thing with there latest statements from them. The max you should expect is either an increased casttime or chargerate.

You say you want it health but well you shot into the complete opposite direction atleast for anywhere below masters:
Decreasing the duration of hack would nerf her more in lower tier where teamwork and the time to kill is worst so the excact opposite of what we should be doing.
The cooldown buff would lead to a massive outcry and would only be nerff d back again and the passive is simply to much for her already really strong hack.
Really hack is the one ability thats fine.

I mean i would revert that whole patch but thats just me.

Translocates is a no-brainer agreed too.

There is one small things I wanted to add to:
Movementspeed buff now activates as soon as Sombra activates the ability and deactivates as soon as stealth is completely disabeld (basically as long as she can’t shoot.

Disclamer: Everything that isn’t stated as a fact/statistic is purely my personal opinion.

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Even if this ability is broken, unfortunately even though a number of other heroes and/or abilities could do with a rework (or maybe even another rework in some cases), it’s apparently officially stated that they have no plans on reworking another hero any time soon, so I wouldn’t hold high hopes for one. This is understandable though, given how poorly some of the reworks have historically been executed and/or been left as. Reworking EMP or Sombra could end up making the hero worse, so you might actually be better off without having a rework for the moment. Just saying :slight_smile:.

Did you not read the post orrr…?

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You have to understand Blizzard’s mentality. They want heroes to have something strong and unique. That’s why they won’t remove Mercy’s rez in favor of a more evenly powerful kit. I know you want her to be better at killing and worse at hacking, but best case scenario they give her a minor ammo buff. Otherwise, she just turns into Tracer with Stealth.

This is mentality is exactly what leads to power-creep. I’m not gonna go full buffs and ignore the OP parts of her kit just because she’s not in a good spot right now. Balance is done holistically, you don’t just pump buffs into characters and hope for the best.

I have better things to do than look into a crap load of vods just to convince you. Besides, you are not gonna be convinced anyway, you are clearly here to argue.

I’m 99% sure it’s not 0.5s. The Wikis that say that are wrong. I don’t have a way to prove it, but neither do the Wikis. I’ve played enough fighting games in my life to know the approximate reaction time of 0.5s and EMP is definitely a bit lower.

The meta is not hard countered by her, that’s the saddest and most painful community misconception at the moment. She is BAD against GOATS, just not as bad as most other DPS. EMP is strong against it, but her gun is extremely weak against armor. This is Sombra’s worst meta since the spread decrease buff she received (in season 9 I think…?) imo.

The cooldown buff is just 1 second and it is balanced by the fact that hack last -1 sec.
The passive hack buff only cripples Brig (less than Lucio, since it will only prevent inspire from re-activating, not shut it down if it’s currently active) and maybe mercy a little bit. It would give GOATS a reasonable counter.