Elo Hell Probably Exists (Long Text)

The thing is though, even if half your team didn’t do anything, the opposite can be true for the enemy team. The difference is they capitalised on your mistakes and you couldn’t on theirs.

It’s not an ideal situation, but you still could deal with him on your own. As rein, simply charge him. If you were playing d.va, you could matrix (and rocket) him and he could swing. Considering you were duo queueing the both of you could’ve taken him out together without relying on the DPS.

You have a higher chance of winning by playing one main tank and two healers.

In which case you go with him. A bad solo play is a throw, a (bad?) team play is a strat.

Not necessarily. The difference between gold and silver really isn’t all that high in terms of skill. You were also queueing with a high bronze player so that brought your team average down. I tend to win less queueing in a group than solo.

I find the same sort of teams in diamond. The answer is, you identify what you can either do to make up for the failings of your team or punish the failings of theirs.

I will sorta agree with this. Improvement takes time, but the variable nature of teams does make it harder. That being said, the matchmaker does do a good job of getting you out of an elo if it determines you don’t belong there. I experienced it myself recently.

Nope. If you deserve gold you’ll get there. If you don’t, you’ll stay bronze/silver. Even if you make a new account you’ll gravitate to that same point. I’ve done this with 4 different accounts.

You win because you know how to play at gold. You know what to expect from your team and adjust your playstyle accordingly. You have no clue how to play at silver, and you probably use gold strats in that elo which don’t work. If I tried to play in gold as I do in master I’ll lose a lot of games.


I’ve been in your situation op, twice.

I tried to play support in silver. Won 60% of my games, but broken Pbsr kept me down. Switched to dps and blasted up with 65% win rate and far more generous Pbsr.

2nd time I realised that tanking in silver impossible. If you have a barrier up, your team will just waltz through it, rendering it useless.

I realised that silver is full of players that have zero concept of teamwork. I therefore changed to mobile heroes that could work with my team. I no longer used heroes that required teamwork (or any kind of intelligence) from team mates to do well with.

Shot back up to gold, from 1700, with 80% win rate with Lucio and Moira.

You have to change how you play. If you play tank and nobody uses your barrier, it’s on you to switch to a more suitable hero.

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You could probably bump that SR up a bit. Even masters games don’t feel like overwatch sometimes. 4 dps, mercy and hog or zarya happens sometimes. 5 dps 1 tank and 0 healers happens and I’ve even won games with that at 3800 average.

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you are talking compositions, but at least with those compositions people still cooperate a bit and do not run into bullets every now and then, below 1700 they do exactly that - absolutely uncooperative and bullet-eating mess, by 2200 they start to understand the concept of “taking cover” and “mmm, team dead, i’ll hide and wait for them”

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ELO Hell exists but even more so for Supports. Anyone who says ELO Hell doesn’t exist is just being a complete idiot contrarian and can be ignored.

Internet arguing 101!

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It’s just true at this point though. Like if you say that then you aren’t going to be able to discuss anything intelligently.

Other than in the depths of Bronze (500-800 SR), due to extremely small population, and thrower trolls, ELO Hell does not exist.

Once you make it above 1000 SR, (based on my experience), if you think you’re in ELO Hell, it’s probably time for VOD reviews from a coach that is very good at playing the heroes you like to play.

For me, it doesn’t actually take a very experienced coach to see what I’m doing wrong, but I think a better coach can filter out the huge number of mistakes I’m making and help me focus on the one or two things I should fix first.

Increasing SR is about playing consistently, improving, and playing a bunch of games. If you’re stuck at an SR you don’t believe you belong in, it’s time to bring in some outside opinions.

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Elo hell does not exist.

I have fallen 1000 sr below my natural rank due to hardware problems twice, and I climbed back in a matter of days.

Bad games will happen even if you’re 1000 below your real rank.

Bad games won’t happen forever though. Sooner or later you’ll win more if you deserve to climb.


Ugh, no. You can be a great player but since the broken matchmaker wants to try and make “Even” games you will be matched with lesser players to compensate. Like 1-10 you can be an 8 and you will always be matched with 2s because the matchmaker is broken.

I took a 900 SR account to mid gold doing DPS only Ana. No healing for the team. Not only is this not viable, it takes one of the best hero’s in the game right now away from the team and often meant we had zero healers or were solo healing with a brig/lucio/zen.

If I was playing widow or Ashe and doing way more damage and not denying heals from the team I would have gotten way higher way faster. But if I can get to mid gold dps’ing with a healer, nobody is “stuck” in bronze or silver unless their mechanics are really bad

Just repeating a myth doesn’t make it true. I have a 61.6% win rate this season, and out of the last 19 games I’ve won 78.9%.

The matchmaker isn’t out to get you.

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Wrecking ball can.

He can get his own heals, and has shields.

He is META in games with uncoopwrative teammates…aka 98% of games in solo q.

He is also very hard to play well.

You lose as a gold playing with silvers because you feel entitled when playing with them lol.

Lol you can literally play Sym and kill the whole team with no thought in silver. If you send a TP into their backline and send your turrets through, it will kill 3 before they even notice what is happening. I’m surprised how many people at low ranks complain about being stuck in ELO hell, when in reality they are just sitting there like a potato waiting for someone else to carry them.

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I can carry about 80 percent of my games with no heals as orissa and with wrecking ball on some maps mega usage.

Reinhardt is not possible without healing so i swap

As off tank i can carry without shields if i have a main tank or without a main tank if i have heals. If there is no healing i have to micro the main tank so I get good shield value. Otherwise they let it break for no reason.

Personally out of my 8 char pool i can carry the worst teams with orissa followed by rooadhog followed by soldier then lucio.

Self sufficiency is valuable in low tiers

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You must have had one game surely where your whole team has run past your barrier to all be butchered?

I assume that you’d swap off Orisa then?

ELO Hell is real as Supports in lower ranks. You simply cannot climb with dogcrap teammates, you have to spend more time trying to keep yourself alive then them because of poor game sense.

But you always have to keep yourself alive as support no matter what the Elo?

It isn’t going to get much easier as the enemy DPS are going to be that much more skilful so if anything you will need to be getting better at it.

Nothing like getting farmed as Zen by a skilled Genji or Sombra. There isn’t always going to be someone to save you, so make sure you position yourself in such a way you can get help or get out easily.

Bro, that doesnt matter if teammates are crap.