Either let brig be bad or embrace the brig rework

Devs will probably rework Brig.

But maybe not until like June 2021.

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It’s almost 2021 and people are still complaining about Brig lulz

I think there is nothing the devs could do to make the playerbase satisfied with this character.

They should consider changing Rally to something less effective in high rank. Rally isn’t an essential part of her playstyle.

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That’s why they nerfed her durability.
If she’s a durable character, she would have to heal less and try to support her team by chasing down enemies.
Since they want her to have more impactful healing, they are nerfing her durability, so you don’t need to save a teammate by W+M1 his/her opponent, you just send a pack to save them.

God I hope not. I am all for waiting and imo ow2 is being unnecessarily rushed…but if they wanna rework a hero, pull off the band-aid. Every day not reworked is a day a new player likes one version, that you make mad with a rework

Stares at the camera in Symmetra

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Don’t think devs see gonna risk rocking that boat with another Brig meta until after OW2 launch.

Smart on them, imho.

Here is a rebalance for you.

No in-combat self heals, she can keep 250 total hp and 300 barrier for that, out of combat self heals, and single target team heals.

I don’t see why they can’t just launch her underpowered if it’s a rework they want.

Plenty of heroes launch fine. Brig was an outlier that came because* people were annoyed with strong hero launches.

She already launched. She doesn’t need to be strong if a rework is what they want

what you said was beautiful and right to the point.

I know brig is not a front line support but I would like her to be. As a back line anti- flanker with heal packs is boring to be honest. Plenty of people made suggestions where she can be front line support again with low healing but I guess you think these are not good ideas

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I for one would prefer this style.

It is possible for what they want to do with her mechanically they need to update the engine.

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That would be understandable (essentially, a symm 1.0 issue) but I would rather they stop mechanic changes tbh :joy:

I successfully use her as a frontline Paladin with 65 win ratio so far sooo…idk. I still have yet to see when this supposedly stops becoming effective because I’ve confirmed frontline Brig has been viable up to Plat (since I queue with a friend who’s about 100SR from Diamond frequently).

Brig is boring and takes no skill, If you think skill=aim. Sure Brigs playstyle looks easy because her heals are auto lock aund automatic (which most supports haven these) and her weapons are very forgiving when it comes to aim. However that’s half the story, the half that makes ranged heros as the more skilled players and is probably talked about more because there are only 3 melee heros. Yet the other side of the coin from the Aim advantage is to is to other players what the range advantage is to Brig players. “Range” becomes the skill ceiling, and it’s dependent on choosing your engagements wisely figuring out how to close that range and not get yourself killed in it because you’re literally throwing yourself in front of the enemy every time you do that whereas arranged hero can just sit back from a distance and shoot a gun from a position that’s not so obvious or dangerous.just like you may see Brig has having easy combat because the lack of aim I see other characters having easy/boring combat because they have range. why else would I be a brick man if this was not the case who in the right mind would choose the most boring character to play when there are funner characters available, obviously what is boring and what is not boring and what requires skill and doesn’t require skill is subjective/perspective.

The higher you go the more front lining can be harder. Because people will punish you for it more. Not that it can’t be done at all. I mean I’m only mid-high diamond (between 3300-3400) mark atm. But you do find you have to look for openings to whipshot more to proc inspire rather than just somewhat W’ing into the enemy team to do so. Although I guess it just depends the comp both teams are running and other factors. I don’t know what it’s like higher up than that though

Well I’ve always been one to use whip pretty often anyway, I have seen some gameplay videos of Brig where they just use her main attack primarily and don’t really use whip which just seems strange to me. It does scale a bit in terms of survivability, one thing I have noticed playing higher ranks is that it’s not as forgiving for me to drop my shields, even for the slightest moments sometimes. some hanzo’s and widows are very accurate and seem to know the exact timing on and when to shoot if I decided to go for a whip shot on them, and I end up catching their arrow/bullet with my face somewhere between the shield dropping down and the whip winding up. That, and the success rates of my yolo plays decrease as players are more quick to focus fire lol

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I too play a frontline brig in low diamond and find incredible success, however on my tank and DPS (low masters) I find brig to get absolutely trucked if they play on the frontline.

People begin to understand that she essentially loses an ability without her shield, and has an incredibly low melee range (ignoring whipshot). Game knowledge and cooldown management will take you far, but eventually you will meet players just as good as you, and you won’t be able to abuse these discrepancies in skill – and that is where brig loses her identity.

Brig is still a good character, but takes an incredible amount of skill to get sub-par value out of UNLESS she is playing in the back. Personally, I hate the backline brig playstyle. I would like to see repair pack go back to one charge and them give brig a better frontlining mechanic, like more healing for better pressure, or a discord-esque effect for whipshots.

I’d also like to say that I play on console, where aiming is harder. I’m a good Cree on PC, but I only play Cree and Zarya on PC. I don’t feel I can make a fair analysis on Brig for PC, but in my experience she is MUCH weaker than on console, where she is already incredibly weak.

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Ah well thats interesting. I play on Xbox so there shouldn’t be much of a discrepancy. Well I’m a long way from Masters, so unfortunately I can’t see for myself. It would be cool to try front lining in masters though, theirs still that little part of me that refuses to believe I wouldn’t be able to.

Yeah Brig without a sheild is like a fish out of water, I always felt like if she did deserve a buff it should have been to her sheild. Keeps her squishy and tanky at the same time.

I too am not a massive fan of the backline play style she currently favours. I still love playing her and still pick her more than I do the other supports. I agree that she loses her identity because of that - in my opinion.

I’d like her to be that support/tank hybrid that she was described at on release. But to compensate her heals need to be nerfed significantly so her being alive longer isn’t so oppressive, due to her outputting main healer level heals like she currently can do.

Make her strictly an “off support” in that sense. Her value is in her higher tankiness and being able to CC (although I can understand how that can be annoying) and not in healing output. Sort of similar to Lucio. You tend to use him more for the utility he provides with speed boost and his ult. But he does have a little bit of healing to help his other support with that and a long cool down on his amp it up to give that extra small boost in healing in critical moments (but it still not being anything ridiculous)

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