Echo ult has no counter play

Ultimates counter ultimates, Echo is no different.

While Echo immediately gets an extra health boost when using her ultimate, she still has to farm the actual ultimate of the Duplicated hero, while other heroes can just use their ultimates instantly. For instance, if Echo Duplicates you as Roadhog, you can just instantly use your Whole Hog to push Echo off the point, before Echo gets a chance to save up her own Whole Hog.

Not to mention, Sombra is still in the game (Hack lasts 10 seconds, Echo’s ultimate lasts 15) and there’s a lot of CC that can stop Echo. So there’s plenty of counter play.

Some ults counter some ults. Sometimes they have no interaction at all. Support ults are unique and have very limited counterplay while charging ungodly fast.
Now take a hero with an almost unpreventable (though not unstoppable) ult, that takes like 30 seconds to charge, and make it charge 6.5x faster. Imagine 2, sometimes 3 nanos in a fight.

It isn’t rocket science. She may dominate merely due to the absolute chaos she’ll cause. Though this is partially just theory; her base ult charge requirement is important and can always be adjusted.

The bombs aren’t at the same time. I don’t know exactly the times, but the echo has to re-mech, taking around a second, then about 3 seconds getting the ult again. It isn’t 2 bombs, one immediately after the other, like you seem to be implying.

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At 650% 1 hit from firestrike will get roughly 45% ult charge, 2 hits is basically an ult counting passive gain. (not sure if she gets passive ult gain while transformed)

It’s going to be extremely obnoxious to play into in it’s current state. A DPS character shouldn’t have 600 health+100 armour and a 1600 point barrier, and can fly as an escape.


no i mean. ur dva, and the echo dva ult at the same time. it isnt hard to think that if there is certain meta tanks they will prob be in every game. like how rein is now. double shatter double anything. ehco isnt going to make you switch off whats meta just because of the ult. i dont see a world where u will switch off rein for an orisa or something just because an echo.

If they ult with two characters at the same time, while I do agree with you about the fact that a coordinated team can destroy a defence with that, the enemy team will have invested two ults in a single attack, that can, if the “defending” team is paying attention, can be avoided, as they will hear echo ult, and then see her frantically going for the ult charge that she needs to be able to pull of the combo, so if you pay attention to her, you can often know where the first ult is coming from, based on her location, and so you avoid that, and then you just have to be aware of where the other ult is coming from.

Even then, where does the matter of echo’s ult come into it? You could do the same thing without an echo on your team, and even though you couldn’t have two of the same ultimate, some combos can be more devastating than two of the same, like how a grav and nuke could easily be better than two nukes. What you seem to be against by being against echo’s double ults is just combining ultimates, which is a crucial part of overwatch.

Hack seems like a good way to counter Echo.

while i do agree that u can pay attention and defend. if u play tank your just gonna die to that kind of stuff. first bomb gets rid of the shield and then ur dead. cant really outplay it. while a grav bomb, u can actually shield it unless the bomb is in the right area. the 2 ults at the same time is just easy to do imo.
plus the other dva can just see where people are gonna hid and throw hers in that room. its on the other dva to do the smart bomb tho.
same with 2 genji ults at the same time. it just turns into a clown fiesta. plus u can just dump on tanks which i already think they are in a bad spot so it makes it worst imo.

How does it have no counterplay ?
If other heroes have counterplay so does her ult as she copies other heroes.

She actually stands still for a little under a second during the transformation effect, and is 100% vulernable during that period. The effect can make it difficult but with practice Widowmaker can probably know where to aim to hit a headshot every single time, ending her ult immediately if she becomes a 200 hp target.

If she does pull off the transformation, the counterplay is exactly the same as how you would counter Dragonblade or A Nanoboosted Reinhardt. It’s a transformation ultimate. Stun, sleep, grav, or focus fire. Not much to it.

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Doesn’t she still need to build up the ultimate within the ultimate? Though I’ve only tried her out on the practice range.

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Ana sleep , mcrightclick, widowmaker (because range) , shield bash, hog hook, sombra going no no no

I could’ve sworn Sombra’s ult cast time got nerfed to .5 sec

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Quite a while ago (Pre cast nerf) there was the huge Missinformation that Sombra’s cast was 0.5s which I then corrected with this post:

Where we also found out that the 0.5 actually refered to her Recovery time.

Not all to long later there was the Cast nerf where the devs named the nerf to go from 0.5 to 0.6.

I then made another post where I thought that they nerfed the cast from 0.2 all the way to 0.6 (Where I was wrong) and as soon as we got Workshop in the PTR at the time I found out it was actually now 0.35 which also later got corrected in the Live patchnotes.

So its 0.35s

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Ah okay. So what exactly is that Recovery time then? She casts EMP and stands around for half a second?

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Bascially how long you gun/other abilites is unusable.

From pressing the ult button till you can use your gun/other abilities again there is a 0.6s pause.

You could also call it the Animation time.

Its the timer that can be canlceled using Animation cancels on Genji for example

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And the time which you can cancel the ult through CC is .35 sec then?

Yep and the time ot takes to apply the hack effect.

But echo is somewhat special it seems because a normal stun doesn’t stop her just a hack, Freeze or a knockdown (and similar). Probably a bug tho.

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I have a better question, why are dps not complaining and getting her reworked like Mercy? Yeah remember that? I still do.


I have still yet to see a threas or post about her ult being op. I’ve seen threads of supports complaining that she is not support, not that her ult is op.

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