Echo is now weaker now

It’s crazy visible and you can hear it. Turn down your game music and up sound effects.

He’s a tank buster. He needs it. Also, he has to be close range to be effective.

It’s easily disrupted. There is so many CC abilities in this game that it is amongst one of the hardest to pull off in a large amount. Getting 1 kill from it is MASSIVE in my books.

Or maybe they now have data from the PTR to make educated changes?

Compared to what? On what basis? She’s been out for a week and we have no idea how she would behave in ranked yet.

How is pushing one button from behind the enemy team a “MASSIVE” thing? If a good reaper ults then they can get an entire team kill from it.

Maybe in gold and below. :woman_shrugging:

Wait… you think Reaper is powerful… but Echo is not? How do you even come to that conclusion? You said damage numbers, but I have a feeling you do not know how they work if you genuinely believe what you allegedly believe.

seeing as to how she’s getting nerfed it won’t be long before she’s considered a throw pick in ranked.

That’s why I avoided playing PTR.

I knew people would overreact to whatever she has and she would just get nerfed before we find out if she’s actually op or just people overreacting to new things.

Have you gone up against GM Reapers?

Good news, Reaper IS a throw pick but people like you will always keep the opinion of him relatively positive. Echo will be JUUUUST fine.

Gm reapers scream “huge” if they even manage to kill one person with their ult.


You didn’t read what I mentioned.

By all means, pressing Q seems to be the only thing, but positioning really matters with his ult. If you want to say anything, say that he was 100% broken when they made him heal 50% for damage given.

and yet I’ve seen from certain scenarios Reapers outhealing the healers which should be considered impossible due to him being DPS. How is THAT possible then? Also, I’ll admit that positioning with his ult DOES take strategy but…that’s about it.

Probably getting resources from other healers, or these are gold and below matches.

There’s also Moira’s damage which is absolutely INSANE, if you do it right. But…her healing has gone down a bit, not as good as it used to be. Other than that, Echo’s focusing beam shouldn’t be nerfed by any means as it’s meant to be a finisher ability.

Okay, now I know we’re talking gold and below.

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If you think this is bad, wait until the devs start truly seeing what people do with her ultimate. It is a balancing nightmare waiting to happen IMO.

As it is, people are starting to realize Echo’s capability to make huge defensive/offensive plays without even touching the fast ult charge she gets while transformed.

Zarya/D.Va Grav Bomb combo thrown at you? Echo steals the enemy barrier tank and saves the team. A well placed Ana nade is largely seen nearly or just as powerful as an ultimate. Being able to nade from the sky makes finding the right angle obsolete. The list goes on.

Hell, even just replacing a near dead tank or support and doing his job for 15 seconds while the original tank/support recovers can be huge. Hell, replacing a DEAD tank/support for 15 seconds is long even for the tank/support to respawn and still have 5 seconds to get back into the fight (especially useful at the end of Escort/Hybrid/Assault maps where the point/payload is just outside spawn).

I don’t know what they will focus on. Maybe they’ll drastically reduce her ultimate range, how long it lasts or make it so we’d be lucky to even get an ultimate during a perfect Duplicate.

Whatever the balancing will be, I feel like the devs are going to end up carving her up so much even DPS players will wish she had been a Support or Tank.

I guess we’ll see.

She needed these nerfs, imo.

Sticky Bombs being 180 instead of 210 means you have to combo with Focusing Beam, which i might mention escaped nerfs and still has a 20m long range.

Sticky Bombs also keeps its ridiculously short cooldown of 6 seconds.

And the nerf to her ultimate charge isn’t exactly unfair, as they were balancing from the perspective of professional scrims.
If you didn’t see the friendly matches, they were getting ultimates very quick. Granted, they were shut down 80% of the time, but still.

Don’t let the test server jade you too much?